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1、精品文档北京市小学义务教育课程改革实验教材英语学科语言综合运用能力目标及知识体系(框架)年级教材内容教学目标单元知识系统分析教学建议一年 级 (上)本册内容 分为八,个单 元,每个单元 包括四课书, 前二课为新课 内容,斤-课 为复习内容。1.能听懂、 会说关于打 招呼、问候、 询问对方姓 名、/、同时段 的问候语、道 别、感谢及有 关新年、圣诞 节的祝贺及 其应答语,并 能在情景中 运用。Unit 1Hello语音:a e: cake gate lake1.2.1oa: boat coat1.2.2oo: foot wood1.2.2b: boat c: coat cake d:wood f

2、: foot g: gate k: cakelakel: lake t: boat coat gate foot w: wood 1.2.3词汇:a boat, a coat, a cake, a gate, a lake, a foot , wood. 2.1Come here. Go back. by the lakeat the gate 2.1boy-boys girl-girls he-his 2.2boy-girl on-under come-go 2.3语法、功能与话题:What's your name?My name is Maomao.I am Lingling.3.

3、1.4 3.1.5 3.2.1;4.1.2Good morning , Maomao!Good morning ,Lingling !3.2.1;4.1.11.日常交际用语:在 日常交际语言的处理 上每课只需要10分钟 讲授,要把重点放在每 课的日常用语的应用 上,注意提高复现率。各新课由2.能听懂、语音:i e: kite bike like 1.2.12.课堂指令用语:教师Listen and会说并能初a: cat bag fat black 1.2.1在课堂上应从始至终say, Look and步整体认读ey: key 1.2.2将其运用到课堂教学say 及 Let's所学的41

4、个ee: knee bee see 1.2.2中,从课堂渗透过渡到say等三部分单词。b: bike bee bag c: cat学生能够发出指令并组成。g: bag k: kite bike key能够做出正确的反应。Unitkn: knee t: kite cat 1.2.3(1)Comehere,2词汇:please. Please goGood afternoa kite, a bike, a key , a knee, a bee,a cat, a bag.Sit down. Stand up. 2.12.1back.(2)Sit down, please.onI-my you-yo

5、ur 2.2Please stand up.3.能读准所down-up sit-stand fat十hin black-white语法、功能与话题:2.3(3)Please open your books.学词语中的Hi, boys and girls! Good afternoon, Miss Wang!3.2.1; 4.1.1Close your books,复习课由Play, Point,苜素。Good evening, Yangyang! Good evening , Mom and Dad!3.2.1; 4.1.1please.(4)Be quiet, please.Match 及

6、Act 等Good night , Lingling! Good night , Dad!3.2.1;Listen to me.四部分组成4.1.1(5) Putup yourhands, please.Pleaseput downyour hands.(6) Please read after me. Again, please.Unit3Goodb语音:UFO 1.1u: cup nut hut 1.2.1o: yo-yo UFO 1.2.1oo: cook book 1.2.2b: book c: cook cup f: UFO4.能模仿录 音中的语音、yeh: hut k: book

7、cook n: nutp: cup t: nut hut y: yo-yo1.2.3词汇:3.语音:主要内容1 .话题:6个 (打招呼、问 候、询问姓名、 /、同时段的问 候语、道别、 感谢、新年、 圣诞节)2.对话:18个 3 .单词:41 个4 .语音:16 个5 .韵文:18 首6.歌曲:6首 7.课堂用语:6组语调,背诵、 表演小韵文。5.能根据指 令开展活动, 做事情。a cook,a book, a cup,a nut, a hut , a yo-yo, a UFO. 2.1Open your books. Close your books. 2.1cook,book-cookbo

8、ok 2.2open-close 2.3语法、功能与话题:Goodbye,Yangyang!Goodbye, Guoguo!3.2.1; 4.1.3Bye-bye, Guoguo!Come,Kate. Let 's go.Bye-bye, Yangyang!Bye-bye, Kate!3.2.1; 4.1.3Goodbye, boys and girls!See you, Kate!3.2.1; 4.1.3(1)能读准所学词汇 中的元音和字母组合 的读音,并能建立起词 汇的拼读意识。(2)词汇、韵文都是 为语音线服务的,我们 可以安排在一课时处 理。对于词汇除了让学 生整体认读外,要将

9、词 汇中的音素及组合重 点处理,使学生能够看 到单词中所学过的元 音和字母组合能发出 正确的读音。韵文的学 习要配合着语音的训 练,使韵文和词汇启机 的结合起来。4.韵文:对于教材中朗Unit4How are you?语音:ar: car star1.2.2ou: mouse house1.2.2ir: bird skirt girl1.2.2b: bird c: car d: bird g:girl h: house k/g/:skirtl: girlm: mouse s: house mouse star skirt t: skirt t/d/: star 1.2.3词汇:a car,a

10、star,a mouse, a house, a bird, a skirt, a girl. 2.1Be quiet. Listen to me. come out 2.1I-me2.2big-little fine-good2.3语法、功能与话题:How are you, Guoguo? I'm fine. Thank you. 3.1.1 3.2.1; 4.1.1Howare you, Lala? Fine.And you? 3.1.1 3.2.1;4.1.1How are you, Big Bird? Fine.Thank you. Howare you? 3.1.1 3.2.

11、1;4.1.1朗上口的韵文,要求学 生会读、会背;饶口的 韵文不要求学生背诵, 只要求学生会读,例 如:Dave, Dave at the gate.建议教师将本册 的所有韵文录制在一 盘磁带上,让学生经常 听,感知所学韵文。对 于韵文中的常用句型, 我们可以通过词汇学 习反复运用、反复呈 现,达到熟练应用的目 的。例如:I have a Ilike It's What do you see?I see 5.词汇:建议学生在句 中学,做到词/、离句。Unit 5Nice to meet you语音:i: fish dish 1.2.1oo: moon spoon 1.2.2igh: n

12、ight tight 1.2.2d: dish f: fish m: moon n: moon spoon night p /b/:spoons: spoon eyes sh: fish dish t: night th: the 1.2.3词汇:the moon, a spoon, eyes, night, a fish, a dish. 2.1Put up your hands. Put down your hands. 2.1put-take see-meet 2.3语法、功能与话题:Good afternoon, Aunt Liu!Hi! What 's your name?

13、I'm Lingling.3.1.4 3.2.1; 4.1.1;4.1.2Nice to meet you, Lingling. Niceto meet you, too. 3.2.1; 4.1.2Hi, What 's your name? My name is Kate. Nice to meet you. 3.2.1; 4.1.2Unit 6Happy NewYear语音:e: bed pen pet get 1.2.1o: box dog hot 1.2.1eer: deer1.2.2ear: ears beard 1.2.2b: bed box

14、beard d: bed dog deer beard g: dog n:penp: pen s: ears x: box 1.2.3词汇:a bed, a pen, a box, a dog, a deer, ears, a beard. 2.1Read after me. Again. get off on my bed 2.1have-has ear-ears eye-eyes 2.2merry-happy-nice have-has 2.3语法、功能与话题:Merry Christmas to you! Merry Christmas, Santa! 3.2.1; 4.1.8Happy

15、 New Year, Uncle Bob! Happy New year, Guoguo! 3.2.1; 4.1.8Happy New Year, Lingling! The same to you. 3.2.1; 4.1.8例如:bagI have a bag. I like my bag.What do you see? I see a bag.一年 级(下)本册内容 分为八,个单 元,每个单元 包括四课书, 前二课为新课 内容,斤-课 为复习内容。1.能听懂、会 说寒暄语,介 绍杲人、某处 所,询问他人 在各时段做什么",询问 物品颜色”、 物品数量”、 某人是谁"、

16、 '谁缺席”等Unit1Glad to see you again语音:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee 1.1a: face apple bag have 1.2.1e: desk egg elephant 1.2.1o: Coke1.2.1u: duck1.2.1ea: eagle 1.2.2b: banana ball c: cow Coke d: duck desk 1.2.3词汇:a face, an apple, a banana, a ball, a cow, a Coke , a duck.a desk,an egg, an elephant, an eagle, go b

17、ack 2.11.字母:能够正确地 听、说、读、写26 个英义字母。各新课均由 Listen and say, Let 's learn, Look and say 及 Let 's say 等四 部分组成。复习课由 Play, Point, Link, Match 及 Act等五部分 组成。日常交际用 语及其应答 语,并能在实 际情景中运 用。2 .能听、说、 读、写26个 英义字母,初 步感悟字母 在单词中的 X。3 .能听说、 认读、理解所 学单词,并能 用英语进行 描述。4 .能背诵、 演唱所学韵 文,能根据指 令做事情及 做游戏。5 .能听懂、classroom 2.

18、2语法、功能与话题:This is my friend , Baobao. 3.1.5; 4.1.2This is our classroom. 3.1.5; 4.1.2I like our classroom. 4.2.12 .语音:(1)初步感悟26个字 母在单词中的读音。适 时渗透26个英文字母 在单词中的发音以及 学过的字母组合在单 词中的发音,让学生在 反复认读练习中记住 并掌握正确的语音。(2)韵文也是为字母 学习和语音渗透服务 的,我们可以安排在一 课时处理。韵文的学习 配合着字母和语音的 训练,使韵文和词汇后 机的结合起来。3 .日常交际用语:注重 在日常生活中的应用,Unit

19、2What do you do?语音:Ff Gg Hh li Jj PE 1.1a: flag grapes jam 1.2.1o: fox1.2.1i: gift ice 1.2.1e: jello1.2.1ea: head ice-cream 1.2.2f: flag fox g: gift grapes h: head hand hair j: jamjello 1.2.3词汇:a flag, a fox, a gift, grapes, a head, a hand, hair, ice, ice cream,Jam, jello, play games, Let me try. 2.

20、1P.E. 2.2语法、功能与话题:What do you do in the morning, Maomao?I go to school. I like school. 3.2.1; 4.1.2What do you do in the afternoon, Lingling? I have PE. do you do in the evening, Yangyang? I watch cartoon.主要内容1 .话题:6个(寒暄语,介绍杲人,某处 所、询问他人在各时段做什 么"、询问物品 颜色”、询问物 品数量”、询问某人是

21、谁”、询 问谁缺席”。)2 .对话:18 个3 .单词:56 个4 .字母:26 个5 .韵文:18 首6 .歌曲:6首7 .课堂用语:会说所学课 堂用语。Unit3What color is it?语音:Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo1.1i: king kitten lion 1.2.1o: nose net1.2.1ee: green 1.2.2ea: leaf1.2.1k:king kitten l: lion leaf m: monkey milk n: nose net1.2.3词汇:a king, a kitten, a lion, a green leaf, a monkey,

22、white milk, a rednose, a yellow net, an orange, an onion, oil, in English. 2.1black-white big-small 2.3语法、功能与话题:What color is your yo-yo? My yo-yo_js green.3.1.5 color is your ball? It's black and white. 3.1.5 this a blue car? Yes, it is. 3.1.4 3.1.6 4.7.1提高复现率。4.课堂指令

23、用语:教师 在课堂上应从始至终 将其运用到课堂教学 中,从课堂渗透过渡到 学生能够发出指令并 能够做出正确的反应。(1) Go back to your seat, please. Next, please.(2) Whowill try? Let me try.(3) Whocan say it in English? I can 't./ I can. It 's a rabbit.(4) Say it again, please. Do it again, please.Read itagain, please.(5) Well done! Good job! Good

24、for you!(6) Class is over. See you tomorrow.Unit4Let's count语音:Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt1.11: river ship tiger1.2.1a: rabbit snake table 1.2.1ee: queen 1.2.2ea: peach each 1.2.2p: panda peach park q: queen r: river rabbit s: snake t: tiger table T-shirt 1.2.3词汇:6组a panda, a peach, a queen, a park, a river,

25、 a rabbit, a ship, a snake, a tiger, a table, a T-shirt, 2.1queen-king 2.3语法、功能与话题:How many apples do you have?One, two, three. I have three apples. 3.1.4 3.3.1 4.8How many stars do you have? I have six stars.3.1.4 are many ducks in the lake.韵文:要求学生将以 A-Z开头的韵文做到会 读、会背。建议教师将

26、 本册的所有韵文录制 在一盘磁带上,让学生 经常听,感知所学韵 文,体会字母在单词中 的读音。教师也可以鼓 励学生自己创编新的 韵文。例如:Cfor cow, D for duck, Cows and ducks, Both are animals.Unit 5 Who is that man?语音:Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1.1u: uniform U-turn 1.2.1a: van1.2.1e: vest1.2.1o: box ox1.2.1oo: zoo 1.2.2v: van vestw: window wall x: box ox y: yogurt yard1.2.3

27、z: zipper zoo词汇:a uniform, a U-turn, a van, a vest, a window, a wall, a box, an ox,yogurt, a yard, a zipper, a zoo, well done. 2.1she-her he-him 2.2father-mothermom-dad man-woman grandpa-grandma 2.3语法、功能与话题:Who is that man? He _'s my father. 4.1.2Who is that woman? She is my mother. 3

28、. 4.1.2WhO s he? He_'s my grandpa.Whd s she? She 's my grandma. 3.1.3't be late again语音:词汇:an apple, a box, a cow, a desk, an elephant, a flag, a gift,a head, ice, jello, a king, a red leaf, a monkey, a net, an onion, a panda,a queen, a river, a ship , a tiger, a U-turn, a van, a window,an ox, yogurt. a zipper(本单元所有单词均为复现 )2.1boys-girls 2.3语法、功能与话题:What's her name? Her name is Wang Ping. 3.1.4 s not here today? Baobao is not here. 3.1.4 4.1.211欢迎下载欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求


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