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1、短暂性动词和延续性动词可以从字面上理解, 持续的动作就是延续动词, 反之就是瞬间 动词(短暂动词),这个有这种感觉还是很好理解的,你看看下面的 浅谈吧 延续性动词 : live,run,stay,clean,play,hold,watch,teach,read,study,teach ,eat,drink,write,dance, sing,smoke瞬间性动词 :open,stop,like,love,die,win,close,shot,begin,startenter,finish1、终止性动词:表示不能延续的动作,即动作发生后立即结束。如: begin,arrive,borrow,bu

2、y,break,close,come,fall,dic,finish,go ,leave,lend,mary,reach,receive,open,sell,start,stop 等。 终止性动词的肯定式是不能持续的, 所以不能和表示一段时间的状语 连用,而终止性的否定式就可以和表一段时间的状语连用, 因为否定 本身就是可以延续的。如:have a cold 是持续性动词,表示 状态”可与表延续性的时间 状语连用,不定冠词不能省略。I ' ve had a cold si nee my arrival(至U达 n.).I didn ' t go to school becaus

3、e I had had a bad cold for days.catch a cold 是短暂性动作,表 “动态”:它不能和延续性时间状语 连用,不定冠词“a可有可无,catch可用take,get代替。Put on your coat,or you' II catch/take/get a cold.Take care not to get cold.但是,若 coId 前有形容词修饰时,则不定冠词不能省。如: Brown has taken a sIight coId.注意下列句子:I have caught a cold for over a week.() x1 have h

4、ad a coId for over a week.( )2 、延续性动词:表示可以延续一段时间的动作或状态。如:be,drink,fIy,eat,keep,Iie,Iive,rain等。延续性动词常不能和表示一个短暂具体的时间状语连用; 这类动词如 用于进行时态,则可以和表示一个短暂具体的时刻连用。He worked at eight yesterday afternoon.() xHe was working at eight yesterday afternoon.( )3、代替终止性动词的方法a) 用延续性动词代替终止性动词1、用 have 代替 buyMy brother has h

5、ad( 不能用 has bought) this bike for aImostfour years.2、用 keep 或 have 代替 borrowI have kept( 不能用 have borrowed) the book for quite a few days.3 、用 be 替代 becomeHow long has your sister been a teacher?4 、用 have a cold 代替 catch a coldTom has had a cold since the day before yesterday.5 、用 wear 代替 put onb) 用

6、“ ba形容词”代终止性动词1、be + married 代 marry 2 、be + ill 代 fall (get) ill3、be + dead 代 die 4、be + asleep 代 fall (get) asleep5 、 be + awake 代 wake/wake up 6、 be + gone 代lose,die,sell,leave7、 be + open 代 open 8 、 be closed 代 close/shut9、 be + missing(gone,lost) 代 losec) 用“ b+副词”代终止性动词1 “ be+ on ”代 start,begin

7、2 “ be+ up ”代 get up或 go3“ be+ back(to)”代 return to,come back to,go back to4“ be here (there)代 c”ome(arrive,reach,get) here(arrive,reach,get) there 等等d) 用“ be+介词短语”代终止性动词1. “be in/at + 地点”代替 go to /come to2. 用 be in the army 代替 join the army3. “ be in/at + 地点 ”代替 move to巩固练习:(同义转换,每空一词)1 Li Lei join

8、ed the Party three years ago.Li Lei the Party three years ago.Li Lei the Party three years.three years Li Lei joined the Party.Three years Li Lei joined the Party.2. My father left Gucheng last week.My fatherGucheng last week.My fatherGucheng a week.3. The factory opened in 佃96.The factory ten years

9、.The factorysince 佃96.4. His grandfather died five years ago.His grandfather since.His grandfather five years.five years his grandfather died.Five yearshis grandfather died.5. Mr. Wang reached Beijing five days ago.Mr. WangBeijing five days ago.Mr. Wang Beijing five days.6. The film began ten minute

10、s ago The film forThe film since 7. My father bought a new car two years ago My fathera new cartwo years.My fathera new cartwo years ago.8. Tom borrowed this book four days ago.Tomthis bookfour days.Tomthis bookfour days ago.9. Jim joined the League last yeas.Jima League membera year.Jimthe Leaguela

11、st year.10. They came to China ten years ago.TheyChinaten years.TheyChinaten years ago.11. My son fell asleep half an hour ago.My sonfor.My son since 1 has been in sincehas been in forIt 's since has passed since2 has been away from sincehas been away from for3 has been open forhas been open4 ha

12、s been dead five years agohas been dead forIt's since has passed since5 has been in sincehas been in for6 has been on ten minutes has been on ten minutes ago7 has hadforHas had since8 has kept forHas kept since9has been forHas been in since10 have been in for have been in since11 has been asleep half an hourhas been asleep half an hour ago


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