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1、百度文库-让每个人平等地提升自我比较级、最高级专项练习及答案写出以下各形容词的比较级和最高级:1. nice2. fat3.,slow4. dry5. happy6. wet/ 7.much8. ill9. little10. bad11.thin12. far13. early18. green14. careful19. few15.二.根据句意,用所括号内所级形容词的比较等级形式填空:1. mr. smith is man in this office. (rich)2. Winter is season of the years. (cold)3. This radio is not

2、so as that one. (cheap)4. It is much today than yesterday. (hot)5. She is a little than her classmates. (careful)6. people came to the meeting than last time. (many)7. which book is, this one or that one? (easy)8. my room is than yours. (small)9. hainan is from beijing than hunan. (far)10. skating i

3、s than swimming. (exciting)is than all the others. (honest)12. Things are getting and. (bad)13. The higher you climb, the it will be. (cold)14. Now our lives are becoming and. (good)are boys than girls in our class. (few)(hard) you work, the(happy) your parents will be.is(tall) of the two.all the su

4、bjects, he likes english(well).runs(fast) of the three. got(good) grades in his class. 三、用适当形式填空:1. Bob is ( young ) than fred, but (tall) than fred.2. Jim is not as (tall) as jack.3. Almost all the students' faces are the same but Li Deming looks(fat) than before after the summer holidays./is (

5、heavy), the hen or the chicken?How (tall)、is sally? - she' s metres (tall). what about xiaoling? - she' s only metres (tall). she is much (short) than sally. she is also the(short) girl in the class.6. He is(bad) at learning maths. He is much (bad) at chinese and he is the (bad) at english.7

6、. annie says sally is the(kind) person in the world.8. He is one of the(friendly) people in the class,I think.9. A dictionary is much (expensive) than a story-book.(small) than a10. an orange is a little (big) than an apple, but much watermelon.11. the changjiang river is the(long) river in china.12

7、. Sue is a little(beautiful) than her sister.13. my room is not as(big) as my brother' s. difficult is physics? -I' m not sure.-is it(difficult) than maths? - I don ' t think so. annie plays the piano very(well).-Sue plays it(well) than annie. and Sally plays it the(well).is my(busy) day

8、 in a week.17. her mother is getting(fat) and(fat).18. I thi nk it ' s too expensive. i' d like a(cheap) one.19. He comes to school much(early) than I20. This book is not as(interesting) as that one.21. Your classroom is(wide) and(bright) than ours.22. Practise as(much) as you can.(much), th

9、e(good).24. nowadays(现在)English is( important )than any other subject, 1 think.25. Most of the students think a lion is much (dangerous) than a bear and it is the (dangerous) animal in the world26. My brother is two years(old) than me.27. Tom is as(fat) as Jim.28. Is your sister(young) than you? Yes

10、,she is.29. Who is(thin),you or helen? helen is.30. Whose pencil-box is(big),yours or hers? hers is.31. Mary' s hair is as(long) as lucy' s.(jump)(high) than some of the boys in his class.Nancy sing(well) than helen? yes, she.is not as(tall) as the other girls.eyes are(big) than(she).is(heav

11、y),the elephant or the pig?gets up (early),Tim orTom?girls get up (early) than the boys?no,they.39. Jim runs(slow). but ben runs(slow).child doesn ' t(write) as(fast) as the students.is as(careful) as me, but mary doesn ' t do her homework asas me.四.用 of, than, in, as 填空。/1. this table is as

12、 big that . the yellow book is bigger the blue one.3. tom is the best student the . this lesson is more interesting / that one.5. this apple is the largest all the is the most popular the three.all the students, he studues the is the most athletic all.9. he lives much farther do carefully as me.五.单选

13、。()1. john is my friend of all the classmates.a. good b. betterc. bestd. the best()2. e-mailing is much than long-distance calling.a. cheap b. cheaper c. cheapest d. the cheapest()3. beijing is one of cities in china.a. very beautiful b. much beautiful c. more beautiful d. the most beautiful()4. the

14、 yellow river isn' t so as the changjiang river.a. long b. longest c. longer d. the longest()5. the coat i bought last week is too big for me. i' d like to changeriefor aa. small b. larger c. nicer d. smaller()6. who is the, jim, li lei or ling feng?a. tall b. taller c. tallest d. much talle

15、r()7. of all the students, wu dong runs.a. fast b. faster c. fastest d. most fast()8. he has grown to take care of himself.a. tall enough b. enough tall c. old enough d. enough old()9. tom draws better than his brother.a. more b. most c. many d. much()10. who does homework in your class?a. carefully

16、 b. most carefully c. more carefully d. as carefully as三)、翻译句子:/1、谁比jim年纪大?是你。is than jim ? are2、谁比david更强壮?是gao shan. than david? gao shan .3、谁的铅笔更长,他的还是她的?我想是她的。pencil is,or ? is,i think.4、谁的苹果更重,你的姐姐的还是你的弟弟的?我的弟弟的。apples ,your or your?my .5、你和你的叔叔一样高吗?是的。as as your uncle?yes,i am.6、他和他的朋友jim 一样年轻

17、。he as as jim.7、她和她的双胞胎哥哥一样胖吗?不,她比他瘦。as as twin?no,than him.ling每天睡得比 suyang晚。yang ling to than su yang every day.9.我跳得和mike 一样远。/i as as mike.比你跑得快吗?不是的,他和我跑得一样快。tom than you?no,he . he as as11 .多做运动,你会更强壮。more exercise,you ll soon.12 .我的科学很好,但是语文不好。i at i don' t well in Chinese.13 .你放风筝比王兵放得高吗

18、?不,我比他放得低。you the kite than wang bing?no,i it than.14 .我喜欢游泳。我所有的朋友都游得比我慢。i my than me.15 .我的姐姐起得比我早。my up than me.16 .女孩比男孩唱得好吗?是的。the girls the boys? yes,they.17 .她不擅长体育。但我跳得没有她高。she doesn ' t in pe. but i don ,t than18 .你足球踢得比你的同班同学好吗?不,他们踢得和我一样好。you football than your classmates?no,they as as me.19 .我母亲比我父亲年纪小。my than my.20 .她的毛衣和我的一样重。sweater as as.5


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