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1、B凝血酶原的激活 E凝血功能异常Starter Unit 1 Good morning. 字母书写A) 默写字母A至H的大小写形式(共20分) B) 按字母顺序写出下列字母(每小题2分,共 10分)1. F D E 2. b a c 3. H F G E 4. d c b e 5. F G D E C . 词汇A) 根据提示选择正确的缩略词(每小题2分,共 10分)1. 电视机 A. CD2. 硬黑笔B. BC3. 英国广播电台C. TV4. 唱片 D. BBC5. 公元前 E. HBB) 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词(每小题2分,共 10分)6. Good e_, Dale! Good ev

2、ening, Alice!7. H_, Grace! Hello, Frank.8. H_ are you? Im fine, thanks.9. My n_ is Helen.10. G_ afternoon, Mr Zhao. Good afternoon, Bob!. 单项选择(每小题1分,共 15分)1. 英语中共有_个字母,其中_个是元音字母,其余_个是辅音字母。A. 26, 21, 5B. 26, 5, 21C. 48, 21, 5D. 48, 5, 212. 字母Cc和Ff是_。A. 元音B. 辅音 C. 元音字母D. 辅音字母3. 下列字母按其在字母表中的顺序排列,错误的是_。

3、A. DEF B. ABC C. ADH D. CFD4. 下列字母与字母C含有相同音素的是_。A. e B. f C. h D. l5. 下列选项与字母F含有相同音素的是_。A. a B. Helen C. d D. b6. 大写字母A、E、F、H的笔划都是_笔。A. 2B. 3C. 4 D. 57. 字母Aa和字母_含有相同的读音。A. Bb B. Cc C. Gg D. Hh8. 表示铅笔笔芯“硬黑”的字母是“_”。A. H B. BH C. IB D. HB9. “Bob” is a _.A. girl B. boy C. pen D. CD10. 与单词sea同音的字母是_。A. B

4、b B. Cc C. Dd D. Ee11. 早上,熟人相见可以说“_”A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening. D. Goodbye.12. 下午,遇见他人可以说“_”。A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening. D. How are you?13. 晚上八点,遇见熟人说“_”,对方回答“_”。A. Good morning; Good morning. B. Good afternoon ;Good afternoon. C. Good evening ;Good

5、evening. D. Good afternoon; Good evening.14. 当Ann问你“How are you?”时,你应回答:_ A. Fine, thank you. B. How are you? C. Thank you. D. Hello. 15.当你的同学Frank向你说“Hello, Bob!”时,你应回答:_A. Fine, thank you. B. Hello, Frank. C. Good morning. D. Good afternoon. . 从B栏中找出能回答A栏中的答语(每小题2分,共 10分)1. Good afternoon! A. Im f

6、ine, thanks.2. Hi, Frank! B. Good evening. 3. Good morning! C. Good afternoon.4. How are you? D. Hi, Cindy.5. Good evening! E. Good morning! . 完型填空(每小题3分,共 15分)A: Good morning, Bob.B: Good 1 , Alice.A: How 2 you?B: Fine, 3 . 4 are you?A: Im 5 .1. A. afternoonB. helloC. morning2. A. isB. areC. am3. A

7、. thankB. thanks C. a thank4. A. HowB. WhatC. Who5. A. AliceB. BobC. fine. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共 10分)A: Hello, Li Ming. B: Hi, Zhang Xin. A: How are you? B: Im fine, thank you. And you? A: Im fine, too. How are your parents? B: They are very well, thank you. A: Which(哪个) school are you in, Li Ming? B: Im in

8、No.12 Middle School(中学). And you? A: Im in No.2 Middle School. B: Whats your mothers name? A: Her name is Liu Li. She works at No.12 Middle School. B: Oh, I know her. She is my Chinese(语文) teacher. I like her a lot. A: Its nice of you to say that. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 1. Li Ming and Zhang Xin go to the

9、 same(同样的) school. 2. Li Mings parents are in good health(健康). 3. Liu Li is Li Mings mother. 4. Liu Li is Zhang Xins English teacher. 5. Li Ming likes his Chinese teacher. 看图片完成对话(每小题2分,共 10分)A: B: Fine, thanks. A: Good morning, Mr Wang!B: A: Good afternoon!B: A: Hello, Jim!B: A: Sit down, please.B:

10、 Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English. 字母书写1在“四线三格”中,写出相应字母的大小写。(共5分) 2在“四线三格”中写出AaRr中含元音Ei:的大小写字母。(共5分) 3在四线格上写出下面字母的“左邻右舍”(大写和小写)。(共5分) . 根据句意和图画或首字母提示完成单词拼写(每小题2分,共20分)(9)支付在建工程人员工资300万元。Its a .7. Whats this in E_?8. Can you s_ it, please?9. And w_ this?10. Spell it, p_. 单项选择(每小题2分,共30分)1. “I”和“O

11、”是_。A. 元音B. 辅音C. 元音字母D. 辅音字母2. 字母“I”的笔划是_笔。A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 53. Is it a key?_.A. K-E-Y B. No, that isntC. Yes, it is D. No, it is4. Your jacket is nice._. A. Thank you B. Yes, its nice C. Thats OK D. No, it isnt5. 与单词“eye”同音的字母是_。A. Rr B. Ii C. Tt D. Aa6. Whats this _ English?A. on B. in C. to D. for7

12、. 如果你想问一个美国朋友手中所拿物件的英文名称,你应该说_A. How do you do?B. How do you spell it?C. Whats this in English?D. How are you?8. 听见对方说了“Fine, Thank you. And you?”后,你应该说_A. Thank you. B. Im fine, too.C. And you? D. Are you OK?9. 下列字母都是元音的一组是_。A. a, e, i, k B. e, i, o, n C. a, i, o, j D. a, e, i, o10. My name _ Tom.A

13、. am B. is C. are D. be11. _? Its a Q.A. Whats this B. What color is it C. How are you D. This is what12. Good morning. _.A. Fine B. Thank you C. Good morning D. Good afternoon13. _ are you, Helen? Im OK, thanks.A. How B. how C. What D. what14. Good evening, _. Good evening.A. cindy B. to Cindy C. C

14、indy D. to cindy 15. Whats this in English? _ a bike.A. This is B. Its C. Its D. Is. 完形填空(每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面对话,从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。W: Good morning, Frank. M: Good 1 , Cindy.W: How 2 you?M: Fine, thank you. 3 are you?W: 4 OK, thanks.W: Whats this?M: 5 “W”.1. A. morning B. afternoonC. evening2. A.

15、 is B. are C. am3. A. What B. Who C. How4. A. Its B. I C. Im5. A. It B. Its C. Its . 从方框内选出合适的单词填空(每小题2分,共10分) A: Whats this 1 English?B: Its a ruler.A: And whats this?B: Its 2 orange.A: And whats this?B: Its 3 quilt.A: Spell 4 , please.B: 5 . . 补全对话(每小题2分,共10分)从方框中选择句子完成对话。A: Hi, Alice! How are you

16、?B: Im fine. 1 A: Im OK.B: Whats this in English?A: 2 B: Good. 3 A: R-U-L-E-R.B: 4 A: Its an orange.B: Can you spell it?A: Yes. 5 资料(1)甲公司的会计处理不正确。9严重酮症酸中毒患者,可存在单核吞噬细胞系统功能封闭。( )贷:资本公积 500. 根据汉语提示,写出相应的英语句子(每小题1分,共10分)1. 早上遇到老师时你应说: 2. 下午遇到朋友时,你应说: 3. 晚上同他人道别时你应说: 4. 当你做错了事或说错了话时,你应说: 5. 当别人对你说“Sorry

17、”时,你应说: 6. 当别人对你说“Sit down, please.”时,你应说: 7. 当你想打扰某人或者有求于人时,你应说: 8. 当别人高度赞扬你书法非常好时,你应说: 9. 当你想询问某物用英语怎样说时,你应说: 10. 当别人对你说“How do you do?”时,你应说: 题解 肝脏不具备生成血小板的功能。【答案】:BB凝血因子的接触激活 E肝素作用于凝血因子Starter Unit 3 What color is it?. 字母书写1. 默写出二十六个字母的大小写(共26分) 2. 默写出五个元音字母的大小写(共10分) . 词汇(每小题2分,满分24分)A) 根据句意和汉语

18、提示填空,每空一词。1. _ _ is it(什么颜色)?2. Im _(好), _(多谢).3. Its _ _(一幅地图).4. Lets _ _(拼写“尺子”).5. My key _ _(白色的).B)从方框中选出正确的词完成句子。(1)2、MIS系统设计的内容和方法。A: 6 this in English? B: Its a 7 .A: 8 it, please.B: R-U-L-E-R.A: What 9 is it? B: Its 10 .A: Red? Its nice. 11 whats this?B: A pen. A: What color is it?B: Its 1

19、2 . . 单项选择(每小题1分,满分10分)1. The first(第一) and the last(最后的) letter in the alphabet(字母表) are _.A. a, b B. a, z C. a, y D. a, q2. 英语中的五个元音字母分别是: _A. a, q, r, i, o B. a, e, i, o, u C. o, e, u, r, s D. q, s, o, e, a 3. Its _ black. Its _ black ruler.A. / ; / Ba ; / C/ ;a Da;a4. _ is that quilt? Its black.A. How BHow color CWhat color DWhats color5. What color is it? Its _.A. H B. yellow C. Grace D. jacket 6. _ is my mother.A. John B. Helen C. Frank D. Carl


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