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1、Unit 4 I Used to be afraid of the dark 1 Im on the swim team (Section A 2b) 我是游泳队成员。 类似的说法还有:Im on the soccer team 或I play on the soccer team 2 People sure change (Section A 2b) 人们的确是要变的。 sure在这里为副词。 如:It sure was cold 天气确实很冷。 3 Are you still afraid of the dark? Im terrified of the dark (Section A 3

2、b) afraid的词组有be afraid of sth 害怕某物 如:Shes afraid of dogs Hes afraid of seeing strangers 在口语中也说Im afraid hes out at the moment 我想他现在出去了。 be terrified of doing sth 是个同义词组。 如:Im terrified of being alone 我害怕独自一人呆着。 4 I go to sleep with my bedroom light on (Section A 3b) 我把卧室的灯开着睡觉。 with的短语表方式 5 课文Sectio

3、n B 3a 难点 5 these days “but these days I get up early and stay in school all day” these days是个词组,意思是“现在,这几天” Your sons trouble is very common these days 你儿子的毛病现在是极常见的。 6 right Then I go right home and eat dinner right在这里是副词,意为“直接地”。 如:The wind blew right in our faces 风迎面吹来。 7 have to but now I have

4、to study have to意为“必须”侧重于客观上的必要。 其句型为have (has) to+动词原形 如:We have to leave now He has to work on Sunday I had to do my homework last Sunday 8 hardly ever These days, I hardly ever have time for concerts hardly ever = very seldom很少 He hardly ever goes to bed before midnight 他很少在午夜以前就寝。 9 missA.1个表 B.

5、2个表 C.3个表 D.4个表 I really miss the old days miss在这里为“怀念”的意思。 How he misses his mother while she is away in London!B血管内皮细胞广泛受损 E肝素的抗凝活性减弱 他妈妈在伦敦期间,他多么想念她啊! 此外miss还有“缺”的意思。 Im afraid that Jim will miss a lot of his lessonsB4 740万元 恐怕Jim会缺很多课。甲公司适用的所得税税率为25,在本题涉及的相关年度甲公司预计未来 错过C大面积烧伤 I missed catching t

6、he 2:15 train借:递延所得税资产 200 我未赶上2点15分的火车。 missing 失去的,缺少的,不在的,失踪的。借:以前年度损益调整 503 They are looking for the missing childC清除凝血因子a、a、a的作用减弱 他们在寻找失踪的孩子。B凝血因子的接触激活 E肝素作用于凝血因子 10 It seems that(Selfcheck) It seems that YuMei has changed a lot It seems as if he would recover 看来他好像会康复的。 It seemed that the day would never end购买丙公司股权的成本=10002.5=2500(万元) 那天好像没有尽头似的。


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