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1、DG型工业锅炉给水泵Type DG Industrial Boiler Feed Pump安装使用说明书Instruction On Installation And Operation湖南湘电长泵(长沙水泵厂)长一制泵有限公司ChangYi Pump Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Of XiangDian ChangSha Pump Works湖南湘电长泵(长沙水泵厂)长一制泵有限公司ChangYi Pump Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Of XiangDian ChangSha Pump WorksCB一、概 述DG型泵系单吸、多级、节段式离心清水泵,适用

2、于中、低压及次高压锅炉给水、工 厂、城市高扬程输水。供输送清水或物理化学性质似于清水的液体,输送介质温度:-20C 150c (DG85-80、200DG43除外、此两种泵输送介质温度为-20C150C)。泵进口压 力不得超过 0.59MPa (6kgf/cm2)。参数范围:流量Q 6346m3/h扬程H 1021056m型号说明本型泵的型号有三种表示方法,举例分述如下:1)例40DG140X 6型号中:40泵吸入口直径为 40毫米DG1多级,节段式锅炉给水泵40单级扬程为 40米6级数为6级此种型号表示的泵有:40DGi402)例DG25 50X5型号中:DG多级,节段式锅炉给水泵25流量为

3、25米3/时50单级扬程为50米5级数为5级此种型号表示的泵有:DG25-50DG46-50DG85-67DG155-673)例DG80 30X4型号中:DG多级,节段式锅炉给水泵80吸入口直径为80米30单级扬程为30米4级数为4级此种型号表示的泵有:DG80-30I .GeneralType DG pump is single-suction, multi-stage, segmental centrifugal pump. It is used for feeding water of low-middle pressure boiler as well as pumping high

4、lift water of factory and city. It is provided for delivering clear water or other liquid which is physically similar to clear water.The temperature of the liquid for type DG85-80 and 200DG43 pump is - 20 C 150 C , the temperature of liquid for the others usually is -20 C 105c . The maximum inlet pr

5、essure is not allowed more than 0.59MPa(6kgf/cR).Performance rangeCapacity Q:6 346n3/hHeadH:102 1056mDescription of pump typeExample 1 40DGi40X 640Inlet diameter of pump(mm).DGiSingle-suction, multi-stage, boiler feed water pump.40Single-stage head of pump(m).6Pump stage numberSuch as type 40DG40.Ex

6、ample 2 DG25-50X5DGSingle-suction, multi-stage, boiler feed water pump.3 、25Pump capacity(m /h).50Single-stage head of pump(m).5Pump stage number.Such as type DG25-50、DG46-50、DG85-67、DG155-67.Example 3 DG80-30X4DGSingle-suction, multi-stage, boiler feed water pump.80Inlet diameter of pump(mm).30Sing

7、le-stage head of pump(m).4Pump stage number.Such as type DG80-30.二、结构说明本型泵主要由壳体部分,转子部分,平衡机构,轴承部分及密封部件组成。1 .壳体部分壳体部分主要由前段、中段、导叶、轴承体等用螺栓联接而成。泵吸入口和吐出口 均垂直向上。2 .转子部分转子部分主要由轴及装在轴上的叶轮、轴套、平衡盘等零件组成。轴上零件采用平 键和轴套螺母紧固使之成为一体,整个转子由两端轴承支承在泵壳体中。转子部件中叶 轮数是根据泵级数而定。3 .平衡机构平衡机构由平衡环、平衡套、平衡管路等组成。4 .轴承部分轴承部分主要由轴承体和轴承组成。

8、本型泵轴承有滑动轴承和滚动轴承两种。 轴承均 不承受轴向力,泵在运行中,转子部分在泵壳体中应能自由地轴向游动,不能采用向 心球轴承,各型泵采用的轴承见表。泵型号轴承涧滑方式冷却方式名称型号每台泵 用数量DG25-50单列向心短园柱滚子轴承23082付脂润滑DG46-5023082付40DG14023062付DG80-3023072付DG85-67滑动轴承巴氏合金2付稀油水冷DG155-672付DG85-802付DG155-1002付5 .泵的密封泵一般采用填料密封和机械密封6 .泵的旋转方向从吸入侧驱动端看泵为顺时针方向旋转。 根据用户要求,泵的驱动端也可移到吐出侧,此时从驱动端看泵为逆时针方

9、向旋转。II .ConstructionThe constructions of the type DG pumps are described in figure 1.1. Casing element: The casing element is composed of inlet section, middle section, diffuser vane, outlet section, and end cover, connected by studs. The inlet and outlet of the pump are both vertical.2. Rotor eleme

10、nt: The rotor element mainly consists of shaft, impeller, shaft sleeve, bearing bush and balance disk, the parts that are assembled on the shaft are fixed with key and sleeve nuts.3. Balance mechanism for axial thrust: This part consist of balance sleeve, balance plate, balance disk and balance wate

11、r pipe.4. Bearing element: The bearing element is composed of bearing body and bearing. The rotating or sliding bearing is adopted according to the different type of the pumps in the following table:Type of pumpbearingMethods of lubricatingMethods of coolingModelTypeNumber in a pumpDG25-50Short colu

12、mn roll bearing23082Lubricating greaseDG46-5023082Lubricating grease40DG14023062Lubricating greaseDG80-3023072Lubricating greaseDG85-67Sliding bearing2Lubricating oilWater coolingDG155-672Lubricating oilWater coolingDG85-802Lubricating oilWater coolingDG155-1002Lubricating oilWater cooling5. Stuffin

13、g box and sealing elements:The shaft seal uses packing seal or mechanical seal.6. The rotation of the pump : The rotation of the pump is in clockwise direction, looking from the end of the motor. The driving end may be moved to another one according to customers ' requirements, meantime, the rot

14、ation of the pump is counter clockwise looking from motor to pump.5 -湖南湘电长泵(长沙水泵厂)长一制泵有限公司ChangYi Pump Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Of XiangDian ChangSha Pump WorksCEDG型泵结构图一(滚动轴承油脂润滑)Sectional Arrangement Fig 1 for Type DG Pump (with Roller Bearing)LJ吃空冷忐日落 口轴句管皆僚口轴向位置湍料底邂二1; 堂口知向位宣嗔科£融片苟点 桂匚聃司政登二升?

15、/帙出可部件总白储内旧f?Fn: pflrts揍冷却水接冷却水旧HZ机馆宙封留杵 Mccianical seal perts泵主要零件 Main Parts of pumpJLJunn.择Diffuse RMri百曲海fcJeiiry7W12案嘿桂1 ension BoltUe Rary Casr'n9年配鞋BfilaMCP Eugt16 UShaft33解者S卜肝 SIMM-SStag*; Cas 成in 弄附加S臼内仃埠科H短户水前门Glare?立袈成若能ng RishDluser 日ill处impelleris号和拿盖Coe innC /rt有机封工前Mf=Ch :inci Se

16、a G n.rd口 Iff user Vane (la 节口IF,平第这Mang 口诧*旧逅利巧PflcKirq 而q散,机械器封Stijlfinn 叱13.斗街国水管Sakrce Warr pi0e20面斗l-*ar<irrj收;irinn Fi m1-1卦承悻Beu ng Supp。,:21 1栏七N演O-RingDG型泵结构图二(滚动轴承稀油润滑)湖南湘电长泵(长沙水泵厂)长一制泵有限公司ChangYi Pump Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Of XiangDian ChangSha Pump Works机械密荒都'土 M9砧前fcs! s«al

17、 parts机施雷封部叶 Mndin.iical st Hl parsSectional Arrangement Fig 2 for Type DG Pump (with Roller Bearing)泵主要零件 Main Parts of pump联ZJS山母旧CBS ng2 吐出& D?livef Cirxj3 .手段Singn Casing4 片n+Dftcsei Vun*35 .聚级导叶Diffueer Vane (last)E窿塾Etullin口必7 密封环V*earing Rrng石寻二十莓Djsh9岸街套B&lart;日Bu/1。平管杯Balance F<n

18、(jIM除Impelledis.Dg翻整需附图三14轴承体甑却i nq 3 u poon15轴承Etefirlng器放黑舞栓值嵬Shafl制融资IL塞科组叠Packing Gland24一轴承挡It1民冷却季霞Cgo :i吗Hajse Guvtir 25.机智压粤启察加Packing Ri前规植密封e用输轴承褊油微骨) 多。彩密Jrl#口 Ri'»qTvision &)ltsSaft Sir总炉修 s>ar ng Busn Mechacal Seal Gian匕 M看时ante al Seat-9 -Sectional Arrangement Fig 3 for

19、 Type DG Pump (with Sliding Bearing)戕冷却东 描冲究移轴承体冷却水度匚轴向位置一右:刻L怖¥!部性U中二L】uti leal seal隅ri亨泵主要零件 Main Parts of pump不钝空时轿'牛S制声1后L吸入段:Skidion Cauii'y /吐地段Divei y C二世ieg3中明£1的中CtiMg:号出Difluser Vane5.卡纽导叶DtffUfter Vanelast!6 席芾Stulfing Bou7室对环立闵“"中】门8.守吟良Diffuser Su?&h15.岫承国口6戛2

20、2般壁婷栓西达的叩1片g半程苴B辞 1款xe Bush伯轴23憾套911 aft匕口小W平街扑Balarvze Rjhg-:7.璃料三言Packing Gland24 El承片套Btiarinq Mu曲H膜imM国1国冷却至蔗Cor nc bouse C'jver汨.扪封压裳Mechanical Seal Glanu产半衢或mm 反ce Disk10烟轩环Packrhg Finq件机楂由拦Mfichrirni Sei13平衙叵,£菅 3ahrc W5fFY Finf: 2口旗符 Pack'rtg 皿淞和 D照泵给构图四苹申酒支撑:)湖南湘电长泵(长沙水泵厂)长一制泵有

21、限公司ChangYi Pump Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Of XiangDian ChangSha Pump WorksSectional Arrangement Fig 4 for Type DG Pump (with Sliding Bearing)陪冷却水澄冷却.本难封冷却水接L轴同互置播口袖阿七百轴承体冷却水 梅啰百位皆 傅加夫瓦轴承旭母却然当/ 集匚轴向售邕J要冲清福机孤密封部件 Madinical meal parts状哎感野配件Mechanics seal parts泵主要零件 Main Parts of pump也嘏Sucrum Cj=ii"ig

22、?江霸战Balance Pl*四之凶出段Du ve> Ch sir g正街建Balance Bush3中段Slag白Ca品.)叮9首密好环丙在离口叮H门口 :十飞仆4号叶iH JR»r 7ms1 口中船奇婀Wear qq H-nq :M.)5,棉号叶Dihjser Vanpflsi)11导EDlffusef Susn平瘠第藁Eaisircc Hcxjss12封承京哥件Bearing (A)13.轴矛,乙部产乩B)1。埴耳磬野Pack-Q Saal14 轴StiaM&z) junjcal *4415.首我二|轮 Imnellef first)、,荆融署Ctx.p ng1昆

23、次线叶黎' 1cx。略穿杆Roe-E -勺:;飞二二屎?3%住决mi胤汨n Slock1ft 平衢户I木管 Balans 'Mer Pip ft审4.E向健Guido Key稿程HeadDG型泵型谱Performance ChartsJOQ 400 50DIm加)一.L- L一 一流Q Capacity301001369湖南湘电长泵(长沙水泵厂)长一制泵有限公司ChangYi Pump Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Of XiangDian ChangSha Pump WorksCB三、泵的安装使用说明泵的装配本型泵装配质量的好坏直接影响泵能否正常工作,影响泵的

24、使用寿命和性能,影响 机组的振动和噪音。装配中应注意以下几点:a、固定部分各零件组装后的同心度靠零件制造精度和装配质量来保证,应保护好零件 的加工精度和表面粗糙度,不允许碰、划伤,作密封剂用的二硫化铝应干净,紧固用的 螺钉、螺栓应受力均匀。b、叶轮出口流道的对中性是依各零件轴向尺寸保证,流道的对中性的好坏,直接影响泵性能,故泵的尺寸不能随意调整。c、泵装配完毕,在未装填料前,用手转动泵转子,检查转子在泵壳体中旋转是否灵活,轴向窜动量是否达到规定要求。d、上述检查合格后,在泵两端填料室内压入填料,注意填料环在填料室中的相对位置。泵的拆卸a、泵的拆卸按装配相反的顺序进行,拆卸时应严格保护泵上各零件

25、的制造精度不受损伤。b、拆卸穿杆的同时应将各中段用垫垫起,以免各中段止口的松动下沉将轴压弯。泵的安装本型泵安时除满足一般安装技术条件外,还应注意以下几点:1、电机与水泵组合安装时,应将泵联轴器端轴伸向外拉出,再保证泵和电机两端联轴器 之间的轴向间隙值。2、泵与电机两面三刀轴心线应在同一水平直线上。3、泵只能承受自身内力,不能承受任何外力。泵的起动、运行、停车起动:1.泵起动前应先盘动转子,检查转子是否灵活。2 .检查电机转向是否与泵转向一致.3 .关闭出口闸阀,压力表旋转塞,用输送的液体或真空系统排除吸入管和泵内的空气。4 .检查泵与电机联接螺栓的松紧程度和泵周围的安全情况,使泵处于准备起状态

26、。5 .起动泵,待泵运转正常后,打开压力表旋转塞,慢慢开启泵出口闸阀,按出口压力表读 数控制泵给定的扬程。运行:1.本型泵靠泵内平衡机构平衡轴向力,平衡装置内有平衡液体流出,平衡液由平衡水 管接至吸入段.为保证泵正常工作,平衡水管绝对不允许堵塞。6 .本型泵滚动轴承均无冷却装置,轴承温升变化反映了泵的装配质量。轴承温升不得高于 环境温度35C,轴承的最高温度不得高于 75Co7 .本型泵转子在运行中存在一定的轴向游动,应保证电机和泵两联轴器端面间的间隙值。8 .泵在运行期间应定期检查叶轮,密封环、导叶套、轴套、平衡盘的磨损情况,磨损过大 时应予及时更换。9 .泵在使用中根据具体情况,订出详细的

27、操作规程。停车:停车前应先关闭压力表旋塞,慢慢半闭出口闸阀,待出口闸阀关闭完毕后再停电机。湖南湘电长泵(长沙水泵厂)长一制泵有限公司ChangYi Pump Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Of XiangDian ChangSha Pump WorksCBID . Technical Requirements of Employment1. The installation of the multistage pump must be strictly leveled to avoid producing the un-normal operation of the rotor

28、.2. The running of the rotor should be very free and light, and there should be no frictional phenomenon;3. While working, the pumping machine group should be smooth and steady, and there should not be any vibration, noise and cracks. The max vibration should be less than 0.05 mmat the bearing;4. Th

29、e permissible axial movement of the pump rotor is 25 mm. The movement should be free, un-pinned and un-caught in operation;5. The water flowing must be free and unblocked in the balance water pipe for securing the pressure nearness between the inlet section and the balance water pipe;6. The temperat

30、ure of the bearing should not be too high, the permissible temperature of the sliding bearing is< 65 c , but the temperature of the rotating bearing iW 70 c ;7. The cooling chamber of the stuffing box and the bearing should be cooled by the water, of which the temperature is normal and the pressu

31、re is 0.51.5 kg. force /cm8. The stuffing box should be sealed by the normal temperature water (or pumping cold water) for the water pump.9. The minimum clearances must secure that the frictions are not produced between impeller and sealing ring, impeller hub and diffuser van sleeve, balance10. A pr

32、essure gauge should be severally located an the inlet and outlet of the pump (a vacuum or vacuum pressure gauge should be setup at the inlet when the pressure is lower than an atm. in it) for inspecting the condition of operation. The reading if the vacuum gauge should not be cover norm on the mark

33、plate or books.Suction vacuum (m. water column) is the reading of vacuum gauge.The equation of the suction head (or net positive suction head) is10(Pa-Pv)Vs2 h= - Hs+r 2gPaAtmospheric pressure (kg.f/cm2)2、PvVapor pressure of pumping liquid (kg.f/cm )HsThe suction vacuum of the pump in the inlet.VsTh

34、e velocity of the liquid in the inlet of the pump (m/sec)2、gAcceleration of gravity (m/sec )rSpecific gravity for Pumping Viscous Medium四、泵可能发生的故障及其解决方法故障原因解决方法1.水泵/、出水(1)转向不对(2)起动前注入泵内的水 不够(当使用真空泵时, 则抽真空/、够)。(3)底阀未打开或被堵塞。(4)泵距水面太高,超过了 铭牌规定值。(5)进水管路漏气。(6)仪表联接处漏气。(7)填料函部位漏气。(8)叶轮流道被堵塞。(9)泵转速/、够。(1)更换

35、电机接线。(2)注水至少淹没叶轮,最好充满泵(抽真 空时也同)。(3)检查底阀,清洗检修,甚至更新。(4)降低泵的安装高度。(5)检查进水管法兰面,拧紧联接螺栓。(6)检查仪表接头,封口。(7)检查轴套,轴套螺母,漏气时,端应加 垫。(8)清洗叶轮。(9)检查电机,找出转速/、够的原因,检修 或更新,使同水泵匹配。2.水量不足(1)水流通道被堵塞.(2)叶轮和密封环之间的间隙漏损太大。(3)转速未达到规定值。范围。(4)平衡盘与平衡环摩擦。(1)从进水口(包括水工建筑)至出水口依次 检查流道是否畅通,排除堵塞物。(2)检修或更新叶轮和密封环,使间隙达到 规定值。(3)检查电压是否过低,检查电机

36、是否损 坏,检修电机和调整电压,使其转速达到 规定值。(4)在规定的流量范围内使用水泵。检查平衡盘的端面跳动使之不超过规定值, 磨损太大应更新。4.水泵晌声异常 和振动。(1)发生了汽蚀。(2)机件松动或脱落。(3)转子不平衡。(4)轴弯曲。(5)泵轴与电机轴/、同心。(6)基础薄弱。(1)降低水泵安装高度,简化进水管路,减 少管路损失。(2)停车检查,紧固零件。(3)转子作平衡试验,车削不平衡重量。(4)调查主轴。(5)调整机组,使之同心。(6)加固基础。5 .轴承过热。(1)润滑不良。(2)轴弯曲。(3)轴承损坏。(4)泵轴与电机轴/、同心。(1)加油(检查油环,使之旋转)。(2)调直主轴

37、。(3)更换轴承。(4)调整机组,使之同心。IV . Possible troubles and their remediesTroublesCausesRemedies1. No water comes out of the pump(1)Incorrect direction of the pump rotation.(1)Change driving direction of the motor.(2)Insufficient liquid poured into the pump before operation (insufficient vacuum produced in emp

38、loying the vacuum pump.)(2)Fill the pump with liquid and have the impellers submerged at least, and for the best fill the pump chamber. ( The same applies to sucking up vacuum)(3)Foot valve is not open or blocked.(3)Check clean or replace foot valve.(4)Suction head is too high, over normal value on

39、the mark plate.Reduce setting location of the pump.(5)Air leaks in the suction pipe.(5)Check the flange face of the suction pipe, tighten the joining bolts.(6)Air leaks in the joint of the meter.(6)Check the joint of the meter, block up the leakage.(7)Air leaks in the pump from the stuffing box.(7)C

40、heck the shaft sleeve and sleeve nut. A washer should be put between the faces o' the both ends when air leaks in.(8)Impellers blocked up.(8)Clean the impellers.(9)Rotating speed too low.(9)Check the motor, find out the causes, adjust or replace the motor for the pump.2.Insufficient discharge ch

41、arge capacity(1)Water flow passage blocked up.(1)Check the passage, see whether it is blocked from the inlet to outlet (including the building of the hydraulic engineering) and clean up the passage.(2)Wearing clearance too much between the impellers and sealing rings.(2)Adjust or replace the impelle

42、rs and sealing rings for normal clearance.(3)Rotating speed too low.(3)Check whether the voltage is too low and the motor has been damaged. If necessary, repair the motor or adjust voltage so as to make the rotating speed up to the mark.3. Power of the pump consumed too much and the current of the m

43、otor is over value(1)Stuffing pressure too tight;(1)loosen the nut of the stuffing gland;(2)Friction produced between the rotor and the stator(2)Check friction part on the rotor and the stator, especially the part at the small elearance between the impeller and the sealing ring(3)Discharge capacity

44、of the pump exceeds the limitation of its employment;(3)Employ the pump at the normal flow quantity(4)Friction produced between the balance disk and ring;(4)Check the pulsation of the end face of the balance disk, The tolerance must not exceed the normal value. Change them when they are over worn-ou

45、t;(1)Cavitation prouduced in the pump(1)Lower setting position of the pump, simplfy the pipe line and reduce lossesin the pipe line;13 -cn 湖南湘电长泉(长沙水泵厂)长一制泉后限公司ChangYi Pump Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Of XiangDian ChangSha Pump Works4.During operation strange noise and vibration happen in the pump(2)Machine parts loosened or


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