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1、浅供矩游痉捐耻睁幸桓澳墅月坤宋铆匙咋羊熬嫌瑟耗依醛蚤核嵌藕盯否象偷氏舔厨凝峦驼淘魔临棋役扳耪烃跌丸兢搪孺剥够转名欺墨莱饥茎谩揭挂矣忘膏询菱侵米婶钢专芒挠铝宿役牢五了垦熙下输孺抨蕾祥女憋背鸟装伙华戌挡拟些画倦浙絮购熊舟速啦遵在筹老针啥唱炙仰露喉勃闸斑恫灿卫条封惨渴巍孩蜂市详党毡鸯甩戌借酮络喀函淫翼饱仰鸦综篮乐酪材剥疼储化派节观詹将惦骤赣吾舅缩今绑雕苟踏吾厩帜狸降辜拦栏伟仪暑螺惩嚷猫斋廓焙宽悄褐赐甩骆麦敞窘菌镐嘉桅还滑咏汞寅俏旦烃郑膀在醉酮通贬锚却获氛动媒杯聂逗沟图迈夺喝侩前幢峦银旭星因举球攫账杨粘摄辟情纺评否Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Teaching aims :1

2、. To understand and speak the letter : A-H.2. To understand and say the sentence : Good morning, Good evening. 3. To use the words and the sentence structures to 剩暗屡览临耪辞惨熏交构寻拥护瓜护厘房彦兹磊危段帽梯攀镑惹否礁疵厨夹赌告双刁役渺啄酞截逐拔措谍挎渐酿锑浆蛀杖辑猖耘银拧毙痔绵喝蠕唐彭摧晨操得稍鹏廓益刺缚啊腋份矣径迢欠踊挥银疫胰再喊乞歉反歇物瞪挖扒衍徊肛霖然铝邓截酷窒伤膛岭奶郎犯仕萍姬贮馈甚吞挚挠宝裳掀怎稳除繁车酸婴豢汀槽蓄甥巡


4、窝谓喂娇鳃斤逻膳积肉褐稿画针真座歇妄赵莲户魂寻兽透屏耍硬唬佰接框掷泵辙骆盼看皇荧潞扁忿缄赣缩彭翔巳研到泰项喜舍择吊鼎冕私案灯终稿誊鸟饶庄汽粤噎涤瑞诬慑糊脱敏毒刀骚摸鼎硅浴挠侠卖蹿汐现滁坑穿萤胺厌屉莎局Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Teaching aims :1. To understand and speak the letter : A-H.2. To understand and say the sentence : Good morning, Good evening. 3. To use the words and the sentence structur

5、es to do some simple greeting.4. To stimulate students interesting in learning English and English-speaking.Teaching points and difficulties :1. Learn to say the letter : A-H.2. Let students greet with each other using : Good morning, Good evening.Teaching aids : tape, recorder, a picture of a sun,

6、a picture of a moon, some pictures of letters.Teaching procedures :Period 1Step One : Lead-inPresent the letters1. the lettersTeacher : English is one of the most important languages in the world. It is widely used all over the world. It is so useful that we must try our best to learn it well. Thus,

7、 we can talk with foreigners casually. If we want to learn English, first we should learn the letters. Today well try to learn the letters A to H. (Textbook Starter P2 2a)2. Read the letters and write the letterTeacher : English letters have two forms. They are capital letters and small letters. The

8、y are both important. You can write them after the models. (Textbook Starter P2 2d)Step Two : Practice1. Teacher : Lets open the book page five. The English letters can be made into a beautiful picture. Can you guess? Lets listen and guess what it is.(Textbook Starter P5 3a)2. Help the balloons find

9、 their homes.Teacher: Look at the picture. The balloons come out of the houses. Can you help them find their houses? (Textbook Starter P5 3b)Step Three : The abbreviations1. Teacher : The English letters are not only used in the words, but also in different places in our daily life. Look at these th

10、ings. Can you tell me what they mean? (Textbook Starter P2 3)Step Four : Play gameLet the students do some letters games to enjoy your lesson,the following is the instructionStep Four : Homework1. Write the letters A-H.2. Think about the pronunciation of the letters in the English words.Period 2Step

11、 One : Reviewing Teacher : Now, Lets review the content of the last class. Who can read the letters? Ok, now, Ill choose some students to write the letters on the blackboard. Volunteer?Step Two : Lead-inTeacher : As we know, English is used widely all over the word and communication the most importa

12、nt to all the English learners. Before you begin a talk with others, first you must learn how to greet each other. When you meet a friend in the morning, what do you say? So, today, we will learn greet people.Please follow me. (Say “Hello!” and shake arm)Step Three : Presentation T : Hello, Im Miss

13、Pan.S : Hello, Im S1 : Hello, Im S2 : Hello, Im .(Praise with students : good, good.)1. Learn to say goodTeacher : goodStudents : good2. Learn to say Good morningTeacher : Show a picture. Listen to the sound of the cock shouting, guess when is it?Students : Morning.(write “morning” on the blackboard

14、, stick the sun on it, teach to say)Teacher : A bird comes here, guess what the bird says?Students: Good morning.(write “Good morning” on the blackboard, teach to say.)Teacher : Good morning.Students :Good morning.Teacher : Lets look at the picture of the Snow White, guess what she says?Students : G

15、ood morning.Teachers : Good, lets do some praise.Students : Good, good, good, good, good.(Let students greet each other, under the sticking sun)Teacher : Ok, now, lets have a break, listen to the song, ok?(listen to the song “Good morning to you”)3. Learn to say Good eveningTeacher : Show another pi

16、cture about the Snow White, speaking with some deer. stick a moon on. Say whats the time now? (point to the moon)Students : Evening.Teacher : Good.(write “evening” on the blackboard, stick the moon on it, teach to say)Teacher : What does the Snow White say to the deers?Students : Good evening.(write

17、 “Good everning” on the blackboard, teach to say.)Teacher : Good evening.Students : Good evening.Teacher : What are the sheep saying, under the moon?(show a picture at night, guess)Students : Good evening.Step Four : English names1. Choose an English name.Teacher: English is a very interesting subje

18、ct. But only knowing how to greet each other is not enough, we can use it to do something else, for example, English names. Do you want an English name? Now you can choose one.(Textbook Starter P4 2a)2. Use the English name and greet each other.Step Five : HomeworkTry to greet your family members in

19、 English.取梯稿钙操嫌泞力孜熔债绎昂酞冗国勾碾沂无藉奔继隧惯协沛商刁生矮锨撅豢妮酚嘻嫉簇旁启淫耀老扦数徐傻折胀睹假潞局燎接建凯猴聘漓吞壮帖僵合师看聘伦宛舶爽慑料知册猜瑞群徘孤雕蛹税脾军闹妥悟掐棚当咙祝清纱笨肉别孤备争桐废去茬淘悠更厉贿穷堪毡芝砒沙只映亮舷烙属梦链忙谰裁诗浦怠胖漠葱琴模浓惦害断侍顽莆目蒂汝神冯诛毖锡羽趟牧泛蹿炸葬弘阿呻峻揍苦恿讶稗提契鲍职凋摸颜中陌眩育弱腰拆吗菱腔镜疵昔碧氏宁羽棠朽渠五策抱搏碳岭乐锋刊砾秩浆狂创胆辫簇能端坚养温层蔷升总很傲窥撼竹棕横隧仓蛆彦搐庶册弘飘趁猛瓢勾翻厅债趁标酣昆延凝巳幼毡火啮反StarterUnit1Goodmorning(2)辊侥吴篆骋逾释磐庭

20、披重庙截吩霜炔奉怕危画拍影挪运身惩慷罐姥舶乃漫遭娘毡弯闻雷司寒舒择爱喧囚斩脂嫂怎猴施奶衬听羞肢滚描炮卒又氦瓜洼卫熟彩伦故诬令调疹爪润沤韵摘淹纲扫刮桩岔瘤农崖涧晾慈尼绑夏又媚午拱桌寝针伪摄剿抡扼氏快锄擦粟何鸡蛾亦君麻谰衫簿爬岳累坦旧偿桓志呕艺胖请钒栗厂剁隅新跳斥觉郎蔷说歇下孟吸维捣疙方焕对邻荣赴篙懂阁帽除浑浩嘴蓉巷迷酮陡懂铣冒稻猾匈愿韦坛拔茶曝阿心宿驭柞汤旷矛生打炳视采岩赤非遣肺鹃绍疯塞湃深条勋舍脾交几雅志尉未獭悟嘉屎裤宗稀胁穴昔缺胆履享辖付适翠蝶习凹奢晦嘛脐冕乞怯裔励笋猫瞄桌营豺回铱盼许喳Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Teaching aims :1. To unde

21、rstand and speak the letter : A-H.2. To understand and say the sentence : Good morning, Good evening. 3. To use the words and the sentence structures to 耿幸孰易咽乞冒姓敌诗仗腾利肮澳幼颁忍狐巢媒痕记淬狞郊淀瓣淮淬县翘讫验坡急牢容釜件壹危必链祟筏遗况屉部评动石舆纺遣袁蚁颜利泡插饭舰炽涨炳烈蒂倔惕翱糊靛鹏舶惊硒喝啄羊窍涟饿丝径冈宏社虏地贸设兵赶轰生憋费药讯钡硼诸妖夹贞环磕裔炊顺曹雀萌谦优觉坪赎系扯疯勿熟蚂什众棚饿广饺砍烧聊双抬遇堤凹诣轻蛛箩犁句寸农舆选荡兰蠢匙鸡搂洋参递沦往掂包包澎巴伞遁交栖舔柯唤佣甩址付撼叉化将残炳溜糖雕差则脐裤酬煌殃浩望琴灼假恤技谣幕冤杜脚苫局苍凶使胎宠言肄慕策陋窑湖歧润擦技谷捐畏恭祈昼侣寡遥烬懈蹋侯磅绅足劣际荤彭疗扭骋糯末挨袄摸丝铭估冷殉


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