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1、Unit 6 TOPiC 3 SeCtiOll A一、学习目标1学习问路、指路用语2介词along , across, UP在指路用语中的用法3、元音字母0及组合or,辅音字母j及字母组合qu的发音规则二、课前预习医院 由”局 书店 图书馆博物馆 餐馆银行 沿着走你的左、右边 到达向左拐在第_个十字路口走过 在的拐角处在对面 在与之间三、自主学习1、看图学习方位词(P22, 2a)并完成23作业2、根据Ib所给的图选择正确的介词短语四、知识点击1、GO UP XinhUa Street to the end,and you,ll find it On your Ieft(l)go UP沿着(道

2、路)走,UP为介词,意为“沿着,顺着(某方向),朝上游方向” 、(BIyOU,ll find it On your left,为一般将来时,表示将要发生的动作或状态,“will+动词 原形”2、GO along ×inhua Street and turn right at the first CrOSSing(1) along 介词“沿着顺着” WalkaIOng二go along二go up(2) TUrn right/Ieft 向右/左转3- It's about twenty meters along On the IeftIt 代表距离如:lt,s Very far

3、 from here to your home/HOW far is it4、The bookstore is across from the SChOOIacross from意为"在对而”ACrOSS from the bank ,there is a SUPermarket 银行对而有一个超市5、The Iibrary is On the COrner Of Xinhua Street and ZhOngShan ROaClOn the COrner Of W在拐角处On强调在“在拐角处”,是指某建筑物坐落在两条 街道形成的一个“拐角”Irl the COrner Of强调在拐

4、角里而 At the COrner Of强调在拐角外面五、问题反馈、展现提高填入所缺的单词:me, isa POSt OffiCe near hereYes, gothe Streetthe end and you,ll find ityour IeftEXCUSe me,Can Ito the Park-Gothe road andrightthe SeCOnCl CrOSSing GOthe bridgeand you,ll See ityour right.3. - EXCUSe me,is the Way to the hospital, PIeaSeWalkZhOngshan str

5、eet. It,s about IOO meters you Il See itthe COrnerOf ZhOngShan Street and XinhUa Street.4、-,.WhiCh is the Way to restaurantGO along the Street .It'sthe POSt OffiCethe museumA.across; from ; end ; to ; inUnit 6 TOPiC 3 SeCtiOn B一、学习目标:1. 熟悉一些交通标志和交通设施2. 在SeCtiOn A的基础上学会运用另外两种句型问路3. 在SeCtiOn A的基础上

6、学会利用交通标志和交通设施指路。二、预习检测:GO alOngIlntilSideWalk PUbliC PhOnetraffic IightS CrOSSWalk go StraightU-turnCOUId you tell me the Way to .lt,s about 15 kilometers away from here.三、知识点击1. GO along this road UntiI you get to BeiSihUan ROadgo along沿着Until直到为止get to到达2. TUrn Ieft and WaIk on. 向左转然后继续走。turn left

7、/ right 左/右拐WaIk on 继续走3. You can, t miss it你不会错过/看不到它的。为指路的常用语。miss错过,思念'S about 15 kilometers away from here.它离这儿有 15 公里远。be away from+某地 离某地有远如:Xianning is 90 kilometers away from Tongshan.咸宁离通山有 90 公里远。5. First, you need to take BUS No. 718.首先,你需要乘坐 718 路公交车。need to do sth.需要做某事 如:We need to

8、 do SPOrtS everyday.我们需要天天做运 动。first 首先 BUS No. 718 也可表达为 the No. 718 bus6. Then you ShOUId Change to the No. 108 bus at LiyUan StOP.然后你应该在梨园站转乘108路公交车then然后 Change to换乘,转乘7. HOW far is it from here 它离这儿有多远 HOW far多远 对距离的提问。如:HOW far is it from Xianning to TOngShan 咸宁到通山有多远8. It WiIl take you there.

9、它将会载你去那儿。take 载,带 如:The SChOOl bus takes US to SChOOl every day.校车每天载我们去学校。四、,Ji、巩固练习2. COUlCl you tell methe bus StatiOnA. Way to B. the WayS C. the Way to D the WayS to2. Shetake the bus to the library.A. need to B.needs C. needs to D. need3. GO Straight and turn. You,ll find the hotel.A. to right

10、 B. right C. the right D. On the right4. Z is there a Iibrary near hereZI don't know.A EXCUSe me; l,m SOrryB. I,m sorry; EXCUSe me5. The Park is 200 kilometershere.A. far B. (away )fromC. far awayD. away6. EXCUSe me, how Can I get to the POSt OffiCeSorry, I don,t know.-Thenk youA. Very much B. t

11、he Same C. a IOtD. all the SameUnit 6TOPiC3SeCtiOn C一、学习目标:1熟悉一些交通标志和交通设施2. 在SeCtiOn B的基础上学会运用另外两种句型问路3. 在SeCtiOn B的基础上学会利用交通标志和交通设施指路。二、预习检测:get hurt IOSe OnaS Iifea traffic accidentObey the traffic rulesbefore We CrOSS the roadIOOk both WaySbe CarefUla ticket for SPeedingdrink- drivingPark in the

12、WrOng PIaCemake a WrOngturnWait forbe Iate for三、知识点击year many PeOPle get hurt Or IOSe their IiVeS in traffic accidents(1) get hurt “受伤”(2) IOSe 动词“丧失"lose one's Iife 意为“夺去生命,丧生” He IOSt his Iife in the traffic accidentCan We keep Safe When We are walking on the Street(l)keep意为“保持(某种状态)”后接形容

13、词,副词,介词短语,v-ing如KeeP quiet!保持安静KeeP Smilingl保持微笑When连词,意为“当的时候”引导时间状语从句3.SeeOnClZbefOre We CrOSS the StreetZWe must StOP and IOOk both WayS(1) before 之前,引导时间状语从句 We must finish the WOrk before We go home.另 外before还可做介词后接名词,代词,v-ing形式,强调顺序I'Ilbe back before IUnChZ PleaSe finish your homework befo

14、re Playing games(2) CrOSS 相当于 go across 或 WaIk across4. Last, it,s good to help ChiIdren and OId PeOPle CrOSS the Streetit,s good to do Sth做某事是好的it,s not easy to do Sth做什么事儿不容易5. a ticket for SPeeding 超速罚单<a ticket for Parkinga ticket for drunk-drivingFor作介词表示原因,另外for当“给,供.,适合”讲表示对象和用途ThiS is the

15、 ticket for you 这是给你门票TheSe books are for ChiIClren这些书适合儿童阅读6. Be CarefUl!小心四、巩固练习1. Don't be Iateclass.A. on B. for C. inmust be CarefUl When We gothe road.A. CrOSS B. across C. inis a ticketParking in the WrOng PIaCeA. for B. in C. On4. Every year many PeOPIe IOSe theirin traffic accidents.A.

16、Iife B. IifeS C. IiVeSyour turn When the Iight is red. A. in B. On C. fordoes his homework at SChOOL 变否定句them away.变否定句Unit 6 TOPiC 3 SeCtiOn D一、学习目标:复习本话题的知识点)二、自主预习1当心点2上学不迟到3上课保持安静4到你家怎么走5沿着这条街走6在红绿灯处向左拐7在公园对面有许多公寓楼8多远9在与之间10在与的交汇处二、合作探究、互解质疑教师创设情景,呈现问题。;® When the traffic Iight is green for

17、 people, We Can When the red Iight is on, We ShOUId .When the yellow Iight is OnZ We must 2. Be CarefUL StOP talkingTUrn right.Walk along this road.DOrvt Play On the StreetDon,t talk in class.Don't be Iate for SChOOL3. 把下列句子变为否定句:©Stop.TUrn right.三、知识点击Play On the road.TeIl me about it.1>

18、; GO down that road沿着那条路往下走2、(,祈使句表示命令、请求,建议,警告,一般省略主语you,以动词原形开头以系动词be开头的祈使句如Be quiet!以实义动词原形的祈使句开头PUt your things away!以 Iet 开头的祈使句 Let,s go to the SChOOI!以系动词be开头的祈使句和以实义动词原形的祈使句的否定式都是在句首加don't, Don't be late!以Iet开头的祈使句有两种否定形式“Let+宾语÷not+动词原形” “DorVt let+宾语+动词原形+其他 ” Don't Iet him do that=Let him not do that公共场合的提示语常用“No+n./v-ing”来表示“禁止做某事”如NO Camera!禁止拍照 NO SmOking噤止吸烟四、翻译:1到邮局的路怎么走2.在第一个路口向左拐3.我怎样才能到达4.过桥5.在学校对而6.在的拐角处7. 15公里远8.改乘108路公交车9多远11.斑马线13.失去生命25.向右看17.超速罚单10直走12.受伤24.遵守交规16.当心28.别迟到20醉驾19.保持安静


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