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1、八年级英语上册句型转换1. Could you please follow me(? 改为否定句)Could you please me?2. Would you mind waiting for a little while(? 作出回答) not.3. This term he is not going to learn French. H'ell learn Japanese instea(d.同义句转换)He is going to learn Japanese French this term.4. They are doing some shoppin(g.改为一般将来时)

2、They some shopping next weekend.5. I'm sorry for being late for schoo(l. 就画线部分提问)are you sorry?6. 老师认为和学生在一起将获得极大的乐趣。Teachers think they will much with the students.7. 越来越多的外国人将在中国生活。 and foreigners will live in China.8. 有多少国家参加了 2008 年北京奥运会?How many countries the 2008 Beijing Olympics?9. 我们的城市将

3、有更多更宽阔的道路。There more and more wide roads in our city.10. CBA代表什么?What does CBA ?11. 这个小女孩日夜思念着妈妈。The girl misses her mother and 12. 你今天感觉怎么样? 不是很糟。 How are you feeling today?13. 露西和莉莉都是我的好朋友。 Lucy Lily are my good friends.14. 你的左脚怎么了?让我给你检查一下吧!What ' s wrong with your left foot? Let me it 15. 不要

4、看电视看得时间太长了。Don' t watch TV .16. We must clean the classroom every d(ay同. 义句转换)We must the classroom every day.17.It took me two days to finish the book(. 同义句转换)I two days the book.18. You should eat an apple every d(ay对. 画线部分提问) you do every day?19. May I ask you some questions, Miss Wan(g?对问句作出

5、回答) Sure, go.20. They have to get up early every d(ay改. 为一般疑问句)they get up early every day?21. Must we drink eight cups of water every da(y?作否定回答)No, .22. You'd better ask our computer teacher for hel(p.改为否定句)You'd better uor computer teacher for help.24.His father coughs badly, so he must s

6、top smokin同g. 义( 句转换 )His father has a bad cough, so he must smoking.26.I' m feeling very well now(. 对画线部分提问) you feeling now?27.I do morning exercises for half an hour every d(ay同. 上) do you do morning exercises every day?28.He likes swimming better than runnin(g.同义句转换)He swimming running.29.We

7、 don't want to walk to the park. We will take a bu(s.同上)We will take a bus to the park walking.31.I often go fishing in my spare time(. 对画线部分提问) do you often in your spare time?32.I like playing computer games because it is very interes(tin同g.上) you like playing computer games?33.I enjoy listeni

8、ng to music(. 同义句转换)I am listening to music.34.The stamps are very beautif(ul.改为感叹句) stamps!36.My brother likes rock music a lo(t. 改为否定句)My brother rock music .37.She is a lovely gir(l. 改为感叹句) a girl!38.I like country music(. 对画线部分提问) of music do you like?39.She is going to learn dancing and singi(n

9、g改. 为选择疑问句) she going to learn dancing singing?40.Can you lend your pencil to me(?同义句转换)May your pencil?41.I was making model planes when my mother came ba(ck对. 画线部分提问) when your mother came back?42.I think classical music is borin(g. 改为否定句)I classical music is boring.44. He read a story-book last n

10、igh(t.用 at eight o' clock last night.改写)He a storyb-ook at eight o ' clock last night.45. He wasn' t old enough to go to school. 同( 义句转换 )He was young go to school.He was young he ca'nt go to school.46. The boys used to go fishing by the rive(r.改为一般疑问句) the boys to go fishing by the

11、river?47. There isn't anything wrong with your son(. 同义句转换)There wrong with your son.48. He is old enough. He can go to scho(ol.合并为一句)He is old go to school.49. Kate was learning English at 9' o clock last Sunday morning(. 对画线部分提问) was Kate at 9 o' clock last Sunday morning?50. How about

12、 going with me(? 同义句转换) go with me?51. The Smiths were having supp(er.改为一般疑问句) the Smiths supper?52. You'd better get there early(. 否定句)You'd better get there.53. He' s mending his bike now(. 用 at this time yesterday改写)He his bike at this time yesterday.54. Are you sure you're right?

13、(作肯定回答) , I' m .55. He is the tallest in his clas(s.同义句转换)He is any other student in his class.57.人们把黄河当作我们中华民族的象征。People the Yellow River a symbol of the Chinese nation.59.从明天起,人们开始重建家园。From tomorrow , the workers are beginning to their homes.61.My parents were repairing the computer at this ti

14、me yester(da对y. 画线部分提问) your parents doing at this time yesterday?62.The wall around this city is 13.7 kilometers lon(g.对画线部分提问) is the wall around the city?63.It took them about five hours to finish the work(. 改为一般疑问句) it them about five hours to finish the work?64.I think this story is the funnies

15、t of all the storie(s.同义句转换)(否定句)I think this story is any other story.I think this story is funniest of all the stories.65. Grandma Zhou enjoys the life in the countryside because it is much cleaner ther对e.画 ( 线 部分提问 ) Grandma Zhou enjoy the life in the countryside?66. We are going to play basketba

16、l改l. (为一般疑问句 ) going to basketball ?67. Which sport do you like better , volleyball or table tennis 同? 义( 句转换 )Which sport do you , volleyball or table tennis ?68. Aunt Zhang will dance this evening .改 ( 为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 ) Aunt Zhang dance this evening ?69. I'm going to be a teacher when I grow up对.

17、 (划线部分提问 ) you going to be when you grow up ?70. They will get to Daqing at four 'o clock. (同义句转换 )They will Daqing at four o'clock.71. Lucy is going to be a singer改. (为否定句 )Lucy going to be a singer.72. He often tells us stories.用 ( tomorrow 改写句子 )He us stories tomorrow .He us stories tomor

18、row.73. They are playing games in the park用 . (this Sunday改写句子 )They games in the park this Sunday.They games in the park this Sunday.74. He is going to see a film this evening用 . ( yesterday evening改写句子 )He a film yesterday evening.76. Yi Ming will take part in the high jump . 对( 划线部分提问 ) Yi Ming t

19、ake part in?77. They will get up early tomorrow.改 ( 为否定句 )They get up early tomorrow .78. Maybe my father will take me to school 同. (义句转换 ) my father will take me to school .79. It is the first time for me to visit Beijing . 同( 义句转换 )It is my first time Beijing .81. Let's go to the park, shall w

20、e ?同 (义句转换 ) go to the park ? going to the park ?82. I will go with you today . 改( 为一般疑问句 ) go with today ?83. Reading in the sun is bad for our eyes同 . 义( 句转换 )Reading in the sun for our eyes .84. The two girls will get some food for us .改 ( 为否定句 )The two girls get food for us.85. I think I will wi

21、n this time. (改为否定句 )I think I win this time .86. I like English better than Chinese 同. ( 义句转换 )I English Chinese .87. He got to Beijing yesterday afternoon 同. (义句转换 )He Beijing yesterday afternoon .88. It takes my father half an hour to read newspaper every da同y 义. ( 句转换 )My father half an hour new

22、spaper every day .89. We are going to have a party in our classroom next weeken同d 义. (句转换 )There a party in our classroom next weekend .104. Must I clean the classroom now做? (否定回答 )106. She likes swimming better同. (义句 )108. Please take care of your sis(ter同. 义句)Please your sister.109. He found nothi

23、ng in the room(. 同义句)He find in the room.110.Leaves need water to make food(. 改为一般疑问句) leaves water to make food?117. The girl in the red coat is my siste(r.划线提问) is your sister?118. Danny will come to Beijing in a week(. 对划线部分提问) Danny come to Beijing?119. My father is working here. My uncle is als

24、o working her(e. 同义句)my father my uncle working here.120. Jim doesn ' t know how he can swim(. 同义句)Jim doesn ' t know _121. Hangzhou is very famous, because of its beautiful West La(ke同. 义句)Hangzhou is beautiful West Lake.125. Skating is very necessary to u(s. 同义句) is very necessary for us t

25、o .126. He lent me a ruler last wee(k同义句). I last week.127. He was too tired to walk.( 同义句)He was tired he .129. We will have two weeks' (ho同lid义ay句. )We will have a holiday.134.Don' t forget my words. (同义句)Remember .139. Not all balls are round in the USA. are round, but in the USA.140. To

26、learn a foreign language is not easy. _ learn a foreign language.141. What do you think of the TV play?_ _ _ the TV play?150.How is the weather in Nanjing? the weather in Nanjing?161. Read English as often as possible.Read English as often as .162. There will be many volunteers for the 2008 Olympic

27、Game变s.为( 一般疑问句 ) be many volunteer s for the 2008 Olympic Games?163. He should leave for Beijing next week对?(划线部分提问 ) he leave for Beijing?169.She looked after her baby用.( at this time yesterday改写句子 )She her baby at this time yesterday.173.She wanted to be a doctor when she grows u对p.划 ( 线部分提问 ) do

28、se she to when she grows up.?174.Mike is 14 years old. David is 12 years o合ld.并( 为一句 )Mike is David.175.翻译 :如果你努力工作 ,你会成为一个足球运动员 .If you _hard ,you a soccer player.177.Why don't you write her a letter? 同( 义句 ) write a letter her? writing her a letter?178.I write him a letter three times a month对

29、. ( 划线部分提问 ) do you write him a letter?180.She went to Shanghai twice a month对. (划线部分提问 ) she to Shanghai?181.She has learned music since two years a对go划. (线部分提问 ) she learned music?182.They are going to live in Beijing in ten year对s. 划( 线部分提问 ) they going to live in Beijing?200. Her favorite sport

30、is swimming对.( 划线部分提问 ) favorite sport?201. How do you like this city?( 同义句) do you this city?202. I had a good time at the party(. 同义句)I at the party.203. They're sure that they will win. (同义句)They're sure next time.204. Jim has a stomachache对. (划线部分提问 ) with Jim?206. Don't smoke here.

31、同( 义句 )You here.207. You'd better eat more fruit and vegetables( . 改否定句)You'd eat more fruit and vegetables .208. He has a cough.(划 线部分提问 ) is the with him ?209. We should keep our rooms clean and open the windows often to fight SARS . 划( 线提 问 ) we do to fight SARS ?210. They will leave for

32、Beijing tomorrow(. 改为一般疑问句) leave for Beijing tomorrow?212. He taught himself on the Interne(t. 改为否定句)He himself on the Internet.213. They are playing games in the par用k. (next Sunday改写 )They games in the park next Sunday.214. I' m going to see a friend this afternoon对.(划线部分提问 ) are you going to

33、 this afternoon?215. How about going with me?改( 为同义句 go with me?216. She used to listen to pop musi变c.(为疑问句,并作否定回答 )- she to listen to pop music?-No, he .217. He was living with his grandparents when his parents were at work.(对划线部分提问 ) he when his parents were at work?218. He is only seven. He can g

34、o to schoo合l.(并为一句 )He is old to go to school.219. I play football every day.对 ( 划线部分提问 ) do you play football?She was so weak that she coul'dnt carry the heavy box.( 同义句)She was weak carry the heavy box.221.What's wrong with you? (同义句 the with you?224. Tom borrowed lots of money from his sister(. 同义句)Tom's sister lots of money him.225. We enjoyed ourselves at Ja'nes birthday party. (同义句)We a good at Ja'nes birthday party .227. Can you help me?( 同义句)Can you me a ?228. There are over 1,000 students her(e.同 义句)There are 1,000 students here.


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