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1、14§1英语音素分类表I i:|n: u: a:II i I a I I u 1 a e i;ae1 ei ai foi |9u au is eq uoj -I- 1lptLkfs01ntnitrtshrbdJgvzd3d3E<irdzn|nllrwj冠词专项训练以元音音素开头的单词appleaccidentadultaddressadvantageairportalienAmericanAsianAustralianactoractressanimalanswerartistactivityarticlearmalarmamazingorangeoldoutgoingoffi

2、cerhour honesteggeareyeelephanterasereighteighteeneightyEnglishe-maileventengineerelevenexamexampleexcitingexcellentimportantindependentinterviewimpoliteideainterestingumbrella unusual unluckyunderstanding请用不定冠词a, an,定冠词the和零冠词/填空1. I ateapple,egg andorange for breakfast.2. There isairport in our ci

3、ty.3. Mary s mother isactress and her father isactor.4. Lucy isAmerican, Jimmy isAustralian and Mr.Zhang isAsian.5. There is going to beactivity in our school.6. Mr. Wang is a writer and he wrotearticle last week.7. I sawold man lying on the road yesterday.8. Tom iseleven-year-old boy and Lindaiseig

4、hteen-year-old girl.9. My uncle isengineer and my aunt isartist.10. It is reallyamazing/exciting news.11. I amoutgoing/understanding/independent/excellent girl.12. There iseraser,English book , umbrellaandalarm in my schoolbag.13. Reading isimportant way to learn English well.14. Whatinteresting sto

5、ry it is.15. My parents always tell me to behonest person and never tobeimpolite person.16. It took me halfhour to get to the cinema.17. My grandfather came up withidea to solve the problem.18. My best friend sent mee-mail the day before yesterday.19. There iselephant in the zoo, but it is very stra

6、nge because ithas arm,ear andeye.20. Can you give mesecond chance?考点: 21. pen on the desk is mine.考点: 22. There ispen on the desk andpen is mine.考点: 23. moon moves aroundearth andearth movesaround sun.考点: 24. This isfirst time that I made such a mistake.考点: 25. Yangtse River islongest river in our country.考点: 26. He isonly boy in his class.考点: 27. rich should try their best to help poor.考点: 28. young should take care ofold.考点: 29. I sometimes playpiano on weekend.考点: 30. I usually havelunch at home. I never playfootball after class.考点:


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