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1、六年级英语上册单词拼写复习练习外研版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1Mum is c_ eggs in the kitchen.2It''s very warm in s_.3I p_ on my shorts rand T-shirts in summer.4We i_ our friends to our house for the New Year''s Day.5There is a book on the f_.2. 写出下列单词的适当形式。1.play(过去式)_   2.&#

2、160;have(过去式) _  3. worry(动名词) _    4. kid (同义词)_  5. skate(过去式)_   6.party(复数形式)_  3. 翻译下列词组。1看电视_  2一些喝的东西_3踢足球_ 4十瓶牛奶_5捉蝴蝶_4. 看图写单词。       d _      c_ _    p

3、 _    w_ _5. 写出下列单词的过去式。1. work _ 2. make _ 3. look_  4. visit_ 5. do _ 6. go _ 7. have _ 8. eat _ 9. study_ 10. like_ 11. stop _ 12. help _ 6. 单词拼写。1彩排 _ 2紧张 _3前面 _ 4害怕 _7. 按要求写出单词或短语。

4、  (1)bring(过去式)_   (2)dry (反义词)_  (3)禁止吸烟(英语)._   (4)危险(英语)_  (5)clean(反义词)_8. 根据所给音标,完成句子。1. You can find this sign beside a _/''swm/pool.  2. I am _''lkfor a new job these days.  3. Most people can play computer _/'

5、9;gemz/.  4. The girl is helping the old man _krzthe road.  5. The green light is on. Walk _''kwkl.  6. No one can _stpme from doing it.9. 写出下列英语单词的进行时形式。1read_ 2talk_3write_ 4speak_5go_ 6help_10. 根据首字母填单词。1. I f_ ill. I must see a doctor.2. The cat broke my cup. I am ver

6、y a_.3. We find our dog. We are h_.4. My father is ill. I am s_.5. Sarah is angry. The cat is a_.11. 照样子,写单词。1. eg:read  readingdance _   write _   sing _play _   do_2. eg:read  readscook _   study _ do_wa

7、tch _ go _12. 按要求写出单词。(1)did(否定形式)_   (2)watch (三单)_  (3)family(复数)._   (4)have(过去式)_  (5)write(过去式)_13. 根据汉语写单词,每空一词。1. Clever people can see the _(国王的)new clothes.3. Dont_(带来)your toy car to school tomorrow.5. My mother_(讲)me a story last

8、 night.7. The weather_(变成)windy this morning.9. Can I have a _(瓶子 ) of milk?14. 补全单词。(1) dea _   聋的(2) bli _d   失明的(3) an _ry     生气的; 愤怒的(4) _rote   write 的过去式,写(5) unive _ sity   大学15. 在横线上写出与画线部分发音相同的词。(1)blue_   (2)room_   (3)sugar_    (4)class_   (5)arm_   (6)us_  (7)son_   (8)Pear_   (9)back_   (10)any_ 3 / 3


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