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1、Unit 1 FriendshipSpeaking教学设计科目: 英语教学对象: 高一年级课时:1课时 一、教学内容高中英语人教新课标版必修一,第一单元的Speaking这节课主要是锻炼学生说的水平并且学生刚开始高中生活,交朋友对他们的学习生活很有协助,同时也要树立准确的友谊观二、教学目标The aim of this period is to express ones attitude or views about friends and friendship in appropriate words. 三、学习者特征分析学生刚结束初中生活,英语有了一定的基础,但是从开学的测试来看,学生的基

2、础还是很薄弱,但是也具备简单句子的表达水平四、教学策略选择与设计To develop Ss communicative strategies五、教学重点及难点Developing the ability to cooperate with others六、教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Ask students to listen to an English song AULD LANG SYNElisten to an English song AULD LANG SYNEto arouse students' learning interestAsk students to bra

3、instorm something about friendshipbrainstorm something about friendshipto practise students' expressing ability Ask students to talk about their old friends in Junior Middle School, talk about their appearance, personality, hobbies, etctalk about their old friends in Junior Middle School, talk a

4、bout their appearance, personality, hobbies, etcTo practise students'speking abilityAsk students to introduce themselvesintroduce themselvesto let students learn how to express themselves to ask students to go around and ask their new friends some information and fill in a following form and rep

5、ort it go around and ask their new friends some information and fill in the following form and report itto practise students' communicative skills七、教学评价设计Ss finish the following evaluation form. Standard: A, B,CContents 自评他评1. Im active in talking with others.2. Im active in cooperating with oth

6、ers. 3.I can express myself fluently, accurately and appropriately.4. I know more about friendship after this lesson.5. Do you think you need to improve yourself in some aspects? Which aspects?八、板书设计 Friendship honest, friendly, brave, humorous, funny, wise, kind, open-minded, responsible, helpful.NameAge/hobbies/favorite sports, books,


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