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1、 排除新冠肺炎病史和检查记录(编号: ) Medical History Form for COVID-19 testing & diagnosis A 流行病学史(History of Epidemiology) 1.近两周是否自我隔离(Did you self-quarantine in the last two weeks )? 是(Yes)否(No) 2. 近两周是否与新冠病人或无症状者有接触 (Have you been in contact with COVID-19 's patients or asymptomatic patients in last two

2、weeks)? 是(Yes)否(No)B 近两周内是否有以下临床表现(Did you have following symptoms in the past two weeks) 1. 发烧(Fever): 体温(body temp) ( C/ F) 是(Yes)否(No)2.干咳/咳嗽(Dry cough) 是(Yes)否(No) 3.乏力(Feel exhausted ) 是(Yes)否(No) 4.嗅觉或者味觉减退或丧失(loss of sense of smell or taste) 是(Yes)否(No) 5.咽痛,咽干(Sore throat, dry throat ) 是(Yes

3、)否(No) 6.鼻塞,流涕(Nasal congestion, runny nose ) 是(Yes)否(No) 7.肌肉痛 (Any muscle pain) 是(Yes)否(No) 8.腹泻 (Diarrhea ) 是(Yes)否(No) 9.气短,胸闷 (Shortness of breath and chest tightness)是(Yes)否(No) 10.有无吃过退烧药或感冒(Have you ever taken antipyretic or cold?) 是(Yes)否(No) C 化验检查(Laboratory Test) 1.核酸检测(Nucleic acid test

4、)第一次(1st time): 年(yy) 月(mm) 日(dd) 阴性(Negative) 阳性(Positive)第二次(2nd time): 年(yy) 月(mm) 日(dd) 阴性(Negative) 阳性(Positive)第三次(3rd time): 年(yy) 月(mm) 日(dd) 阴性(Negative) 阳性(Positive)2.血清抗体检测(Serum antibody test)第一次( first time): 年(Year) 月(Month) 日(day)IgM:值(value)_阴性 (Negative)阳性(Positive) IgG:值(value)_阴性(

5、Negative)阳性(Positive)第二次( second time): 年(Year) 月(Month) 日(day)IgM:值(value)_阴性 (Negative)阳性(Positive) IgG:值(value)_阴性(Negative)阳性(Positive)第三次( third time): 年(Year) 月(Month) 日(day)IgM:值(value)_阴性 (Negative)阳性(Positive) IgG:值(value)_阴性( Negative)阳性(Positive)D 胸部CT/X光检查(Chest CT /X-ray Examination) 1.

6、胸部CT(chest CT): 正常( Normal ) 异常(Abnormal)2.胸部X光(chest X-RAY ): 正常( Normal ) 异常(Abnormal)诊断结论:经上述检测,被检人员为新冠肺炎痊愈人员Diagnosis Conclusion: After the above tests, the Patient were a cured case of COVID-19 以上信息是我本人填写或他人代写,本人对信息内容真实性和完整性负责,因信息填报不实导致相关后果的,本人愿承担相应法律责任。The above information is filled by myself

7、 or written on behalf of others. I am responsible for the authenticity and integrity of all the information and content. If any of the information is not true, I will bear all legal liabilities and relevant consequences.受检者姓名(patient name): 护照号(Passport number): 受检者签名(patient Signature): 医生姓名(doctor name): 医生签名(doctor signature): 医院名称(Hospital Name): 医院印章(Hospital Stamp): 日期(data): (Year) (Month) (Day)


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