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1、九年级新目标Unit 4 What would you do?Section A学前活动学习内容:词汇学习热身激活已学过的表示一般行为活动的词汇,如:give, buy, put 等。教案活动设计意图:引出本单元话题,为学习本单元目标语做好准备。教案步骤教师行为Step1可以利用动画资源,启发学生说出表示一般行为活动的单词或词组,并鼓励学生积极举手抢答。Ask students to watch the flash and sayout the activities.Step2利用动画直观展示更多需要学习的词汇,让学生对与单元话题相关的词汇有更多的了解,引发学习的欲望和兴趣。Play the

2、flash. Show more relative activities that students may not mention.学生行为Watch and say.根据教师展示的动画快速说出英语单词或词组。Watch the flash and learn more relative activities.观看动画,了解更多的词汇。学中活动一重点词汇学习:give, put, charity, snack, bank学习内容: 教材 Section A 的 1a教案活动设计意图:帮助学生学习本单元假设情境下表达个人想法的重点词汇,为对话交流做好词语的准备。教案步骤教师行为Step3利用

3、PPT,布置 1a 学习任务。Ask students to do the exercise in 1a.Step4学生完成后,教师可以先让学生同伴间共享,再全班一起交流共享。教师可以利用 PPT 提供一些常见想法。关注学生的拼写是否正确。Ask students to share the ideas in pairs and then in class.学生行为Look at the list of activities. Then add more ideas.按要求独立完成。Share the answers with the partners. Try to correct the m

4、istakes if there are any.与同伴讨论共享答案,发现问题,进行纠正。(Pay special attention to studentsspelling.)Read after the teacher.Step5带读 1a 中的词语。Read the words.跟读词语。Step6利用 PPT,帮助学生巩固词汇的意Watch and say.义。观看 PPT,快速说出词组。Ask students to watch and say.学中活动二重点词汇学习:在对话中学习和巩固词汇。学习内容 :教材 Section A 的 1b活动设计意图:帮助学生学习本单元假设情境下表达

5、个人想法的重点词汇,为对话交流做好词语的准1/10备。教案步骤教师行为Step7 播放听力材料前,要求学生看图片,让学生预测和了解所听内容。然后布置听力任务。Ask students to look at the picture first and guess what they will hear.Step8 播放 1b 听力音频,要求学生将答案写在书上;播放听力音频第二遍,教师利用动画资源核对答案。After the first listening, ask students to number the pictures. Ask students to listen again and

6、check the answers.Step9 播放 1b 第三遍,让学生根据对话内容填词。Play the audiotape and ask students to fill in the blanks.Step10 演示动画资源核对答案,要求学生互查。Play the flash and ask students to check the answers in pairs.学中活动三巩固词汇;目标语学习 What would you do if you had a million dollars? I would give it to medical research.学习内容: 教材

7、Section A 的 1c活动设计意图:在操练对话的过程中巩固目标语。教案步骤教师行为Step11利用PPT 演示目标语,为学生进入句学生行为Look and guess.看图预测。Listen and number the pictures.听并写出答案。Check the answers.核对答案。Listen to 1b the third time and fill in the blanks.听,填单词。Girl l: Hey, did you see this newspaper article? An old man had a milliondollars.Andhegave

8、itto_.Boy 1: Wow, what a nice man!Girl 1: What _ you do if you_ a million dollars?Boy 1: _ I had a million dollars,Id give the money to the zoo.I want to _ the pandas.Girl 1: Thats a good idea! I know what I d do. I d _ abig house for my family.Girl 2: Really? I d _ the moneyinthe_.ThenI djustwatch

9、it grow!Boy 2: Hmmmm I think I d give the money to _ _.Id want to help other people. Watch the flash and check the answers in pairs.看动画,核对答案。学生行为Look at the sentence structures.2/10型练习做好准备。Show the sentence structures. What would you do if you had amilliondollars? I would give it to medical research

10、.Step12 利用 PPT 演示功能句,布置对话操练任务。Ask students to look at the picture and key structures, and then make a conversation in pairs.Step13 演 示 动 画 , 让 学生 根 据 动 画 自 编 对话。然后选择几组学生表演对话,关注句中 would 和动词过去式的使用。Ask several pairs to present their conversations in front of the class.学中活动四目标语学习 What if everyone else b

11、rings a present? If I were you, I d (提建议)学习内容: 教材 Section A 的 2a、 2b、 2c 活动设计意图:通过听和说,学习并操练目标语。了解将要学习的重点句型。Look at the picture. Make conversations in pairs.看图,结对操练句型。Listen to other pairs carefully and pay special attention to the verb forms they used.倾听,关注动词过去式的使用。教案步骤教师行为学生行为Step 14播放听力音频,展示PPT,布置

12、 2a 听Listen and circle.力任务。听,完成 2a 任务。Step15Step16Step17Step18Play the audiotape and ask students to follow what they hear.展示 PPT,核对答案。Ask students to check the answers in class.播放听力音频,展示 PPT,布置 2b 听力任务。Ask students to listen and do the exercise in 2b.利用 PPT 演示核对答案。 Check the answers in class. 再次播放

13、2b,要求学生填词。Play the audiotape again and ask students to fill in the blanks.Check the answers.核对答案。Listen and check.听,并选择。Check the answers.核对答案。Listen and fill in the blanks.听,填词语。Girl: _ are you going, Larry?Boy: To Tom s party.Girl: Lucky you! I d _ to go tothat party.Boy: Yeah, well, I m a little

14、_. Idon t know what to wear.Girl: If I _ you, I _ wear ashirt and tie.Boy: _ _ everybody else iswearing jeans and T-shirts? Girl: Oh, you shouldn t _3/10Step19Step20Step21播放动画,核对答案,要求学生互查。Play the flash and ask students to check the answers in pairs.利用 PPT,按书上要求布置结对对话练习 2c,并给出范例。Ask students to prac

15、tice 2c in pairs.选择几组学生表演对话,关注目标语的使用。Ask several pairs to present their conversations.教师在对话之后,利用 PPT 资源进行以下知识点的讲解:1.give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 给某人某物类似的词还有: pass, lend, show, write, send等。buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物类似的词还有: make, draw, cook 等。 2. hundred, thousand, million 与数字连用时不能用复数

16、,如:one hundred,two million 等;但是,在 hundreds of, thousands of, millions of 中必须用复数,意思为“成百上千的”、“成千上万的”。3. be late for = arrive late for 迟到He s never late for school.他上学从不迟到。what other people are wearing.Boy:And I dont have a _.What ifeveryone brings a present? Girl: If I _ you, I would take asmall prese

17、nt a pen or something._ it in your pocket and ifeveryone has a present, you can givehim yours. If not, you can keep it. Boy: OK. But what if I don t know_?Girl: If you don t know anyone? You can _ to Tom. He llintroduceyou to people.Boy: I guess I can do that.Girl:Look!You re sure to have_.But if yo

18、u re still nervous, you canleave.Watch the flash and check the answers in pairs.看动画,核对答案。Look and practice 2c.操练对话。Listen and learn.倾听,并关注目标语的表达。Listen and take notes.听讲解,做笔记。4/104. a little = a bit = a little bit,意为“少许,有些,稍微”,修饰形容词、副词; a little = a bit of ,意为“一点点的”,修饰不可数名词。例如:a little cold 有点儿冷a li

19、ttle cake 一点蛋糕5. talk to / with sb.意 为 “ 同 某 人 说话 ” ; tell 意 为 “ 告 诉 ; 分 辨 , 辨别”,常用 tell sb. sth.(告诉某人某事)和 tell sb. (not) to do sth.(告诉某人<不 >做某事)。speak to sb. 意为 “ 同 某人 说话 ” 。speak 做及物动词时,后跟语言。say 后跟名词、代词及宾语从句做宾say it语,着重强调说话的内容,如again (再说一遍 <指说的内容 >)。6. might 的用法如下:(1) 情态动词 may 的过去式。He

20、said that I might borrow his bike.他说我可以借他的自行车。(2) may 的虚拟语气形式,不表示过去,而表示现在或将来,意为“可以,可能”,语气比may 更委婉、客气,有时表示对可能性有所怀疑。例如:Might I borrow your bike?我可能借你的自行车吗?(语气比may 更委婉)He might come today.今天他可能会来。(对“他来”的可能性有所怀疑)7. what to say 意思是“说什么”。在某些动词之后,可以用how, what, who,where, when后 面 跟 “ to+ 动 词 原形”。例如:Tell us

21、what to do.告诉我们应该做什么。I don t know who to invite.我不知道该邀请谁。8. bring 的意思是“把某人或某物带来,拿来”,强调方向,即从别处拿到说话人这儿来。例如:Next time you come, bring me that book,please.下次你来的时候,把那本书带来。take 的 意 思 是 “ 把 人 或 物 带 走 , 拿走”,即从说话人这儿带到别处去。例如:Whohastakenawaytoday snewspaper? 谁拿走了今天的报纸?另外,相似的词还有get 和 fetch,表示5/10“到某地找到某人或某物并带回来

22、”,强调一去一回。例如:Go and get some water.去弄点水来。Can you fetch me some paper?你能给我取点纸吗?9. look for 意为“寻找”; find 意为“找到,发现”; find out 表示“经过观察、探索、调查等弄清楚、弄明白”; discover 表示“发现那些客观存在而不为人所知的实情,如科学上的重大发现”。例如:I shall look for a place for you to stay intown.我要在城里给你找个地方住。Where did you find it?你是在哪儿找到它的?Youshouldfindoutt

23、heanswerforyourself.你应该自己去找答案。Do you know who discovered America?你知道谁发现美洲的吗?10. anyone 意义、用法与anybody 相同,但是anybody 比较口语化。用于疑问句、否定句和if从句,肯定句用someone或 somebody。例如:I didn t meet anyone on the way.途中我没遇到任何人。Is anyone there? 有谁在那里吗?If anybody knows her telephone number,please tell me.若有人知道她的电话号码,请告诉我。11.

24、a shirt and tie 衬衫和领带当用 and 连接两部分词语时,为了避免重复,在两个词语中都出现的冠词可以在第二个词中省略。例如:a knife and fork 一副刀叉a man and (a) woman 一男一女12. worry about 后跟名词或代词,意为“为 担心”。例如:You don thavetoworryaboutmyfuture. 你不必担心我的未来。You have nothing to worry about.你没什么可担心的。13. have to / must 必须(1) 用于现在时的时候常表示相同的意义,但两者稍有不同: must 表示主观的义务

25、或必要,而have to 则表示基于约定、事情等客观因素的义务或必要,有“因外在原因而不得不那样做”之意。例如:6/10I must start at six tonight.我必须在今晚六点动身。You have to driveon the rightin the在美国驾车必须靠右边行驶。(2) must 没有时态和人称变化,可表示现在或将来,但不用于过去时;而have to 有时态和人称变化,可用于多种时态。例如:Must I wash the dishes at once?我必须立刻洗盘子吗?She had to stop smoking.她必须戒烟。14. what if 意为“如果

26、 将会怎么样?”,用来引导条件状语从句和疑问句。例如:What if she doesn t come?她要是不来怎么办?What if your parents don t agree?如果你的父母不同意怎么办?What if you fall sick?如果你生病了怎么办?15. everyone else 意 为 “ 其 他 每 个人 ” 。 else 意 为 “ 此 外 , 另 外 , 其他”,放在 some, any, no 以及它们与 -body, -one, -place, -thing, -where结合而成的词、疑问词和all, much, little 等词之后。例如:Do

27、 you want anything else?你还需要其他的东西吗?Who else went there?还有谁去了那儿呢?We willhave to take this step if all elsefails.如果其他的方法都行不通的话,我们就必须采取这个办法了。学中活动五目标语巩固和运用 I can t sleep the night before an exam. What should I do? If I were you, I d take a long walk before going to bed. (提建议)学习内容 :教材 Section A 的 3a、 3b、

28、 Activity 4活动设计意图:通过阅读和口语表达,运用巩固目标语。教案步骤教师行为Step22利用 PPT 演示目标语;布置 3a 读前任务。利用 PPT 演示,核对答案。Ask students to read and underline thewords about the problems and the advice.Step23播放动画。布置读中任务:阅读短文,完成匹配任务。学生行为Read and underline the words about the problems and the advice.快速阅读短文,画出表示问题和建议的词语。Read and match.阅

29、读短文,完成任务。7/10Step24Step25Ask students to read again and match the problem and the advice.利用 PPT 演示,核对答案,并要求学生根据核对答案的线索进行复述。Check the answers and ask students to retell the problems and the advice.教师在 3a 阅读之后进行以下知识点的讲解:16. get nervous 意为“变得紧张”。 get是系动词, nervous 是形容词做表语。be nervous 或 feel nervous 均可表达同

30、样的含义。例如:I get nervous before big parties. 在大的聚会之前,我会变得紧张。17. look 意为“好像;看起来”,后常跟形容词。例如:She looked happy.她看起来很快乐。How did his father look?他的父亲看起来如何?He looked very worried.他好像很担心的样子。18. “ too + 形容词 / 副词 + to do”意为“太 了以至于不能做某事”。例如:It was too hot to work.天气太热难以工作。You are too young to understand.你太年轻了没法懂得

31、(这件事)。It is never too late to learn.谚 活到老,学到老。19. food 表示“食物,食品”时为不可数名词,表示“(特定种类的)食品”时为可数名词,如 fried foods(油炸 食 品 ) , breakfast foods ( 早 餐 食品), frozen foods (冷冻食品)。20. help sb. do / to do / with sth.是 help常见的几种结构,意为“帮助某人(做)某事”;另 help (to) do 意为“帮忙做某事”。例如:I helped him (to) look for the key.我帮助他找钥匙。Ca

32、n you help me with my homework?你能帮我做家庭作业吗?I helped (to) wash the car.我帮忙洗车。按书上 3b 要求布置目标语的口头表达练习,并鼓励学生进行适当的扩展。利用动画给出对话范例。Ask students to practice the conversation in 3b in pairs and encourage them to use more structures they have learned.Check the answers and retell the problems and the advice.核对答案,

33、口头复述。Listen and take notes.听讲解,做笔记。Practice the conversation in pairs.结对进行对话练习。8/10Step 26 选择几组学生表演对话,关注目标语的表达和及时表扬表达丰富的学生。Ask several pairs to show their conversations and try to praise the pairs doing the good job.Step27 组织学生做 Activity 4的练习,并利用动画给出对话范例。Show students how to do the activity: Four st

34、udents make a group. A and B talk about their problems at home and school. C gives advice. D fills in the chart.对话之后,利用 PPT 资源进行以下知识点的讲解:21. want sth. 意为“想要某物”。 want to do / want sb. to do 意为“想要(某人)做某事”。例如:Do you want some coffee?你要咖啡吗?She wants a job.她想找工作。I want to go to Europe.我想去欧洲。I want you to

35、 go to the supermarket.我想要你到超市去一趟。22. let sb. do 意 为 “ 让 某 人 做 ( 某事)”。 let 后跟不带 to 的动词不定式,即动词原形。例如:Let me help you.让我帮你一下。Lets go home.我们回家去吧。She let her child play in the park.她让孩子在公园里玩耍。23. like 用 作 介 词 时 , 意 为“像 ” ,后跟名词或代词的宾格。例如:Theres no place like home.没有一个地方像家那么好。Jim is very much like his fath

36、er.吉姆(长得)非常像他的父亲。Step28利用 PPT 资源讲解语法知识。Talk about the grammar.Step29利用 PPT 资源布置练习(见Section A学习评价),巩固语法知识。核对答案。Ask students to do the exercise and check the answers.学后活动学习效果评价Listen and try to find others useful expressions in their conversations.倾听,发现、学习并欣赏他人精彩的表达。Ask and answer in groups.4人一小组,操练口语

37、:学生 A 和 B 谈论问题,学生 C 提出建议,学生 D 记录完成表格。Listen and take notes.听讲解,做笔记。Listen and learn.听讲,学习。Take notes.作笔记。Do the exercise and then check the answers.做练习,核对答案。9/10学习内容: 评价手册PP31-32 Test A活动设计意图:在综合训练中,巩固Section A 重点词汇和目标语言。教案步骤教师行为Step30让学生完成对话填空练习(见SectionA 学习评价)。利用PPT 核对答案。Ask students to fillin the

38、 blanks. Checkthe answers in class.Step31布置评价手册PP31-32 Test A 的测试任务。让学生在完成之后与同伴互换答卷,根据教师PPT 演示的答案,进行核对。Ask studentstofinishTest A bythemselves.Step32布置学生讨论答案,纠正错误。建议有疑问的学生向教师或其他同学请求帮助。Ask students to discuss the answers with their partners and correct the mistakes.学生行为Read and write.对话填空。Finish Test A individually.独立完成测试。Discuss the answers with their part


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