小学英语 市级公开课《Unit4 I have a pen pal》教案(教学设计 3页).doc

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1、课题:Unit4 I have a pen pal教学目标:1.Ability to listen,speak, read,and write2.Cultive students enthusiasm for learning English and establish their confident in learning English well.3.Can describe your friends hobbies.教学重点:1.Canlisten,speak,and use sentence pattrens2.What are Peters hobbies? He likes_.教学

2、难点:1.What are his/her hobbies?She/He likes_.教学方法:Task-based teaching method, TPR teaching method, Situational teaching method, Train game, sing, chant.课件来源:自制课件教学活动过程:Step1 warm up1. Greetings:whats the weather like today? What day is it today? Whats the date today?2. Duty reportStep 2 Presentation1

3、. Review:What are your hobbies? I like_(make sentnces with your classmates.)2. What are her/ his hobbies? She / He likes_.(practice in different ways.)Step3 Listen and answerShow them a picture of the boy.1. Who is he? He is Peter.He is Oliver and Zhangpengpen pal.2. What are Peters hobbies? Listen

4、and underline his hobbies.3. Where does he live.Read and find out the answer.(He lives on the farm).4. Read again. What song is Peter going to learn?(a Chinese song<Jasmine Flower>5. Who is going to teach him? How do you know it?read it out.Step4 Practise:1.Listen to the tape,read the sentence

5、s one by one.2.Read the text in diffierent roles.Show them a video about Lu yuxuans friend hobbies.Listen and find out.What are his hobbies.My name is LU Yuxuan.Im_years old.I live in_. I have a good friend. He has a lot of hobbies.Helikes_and_.He likes _.readingstoiesHe also likes_. This is my friend.Sometimes reereadreadWriting:What are your friends hobbies?Whiteboard Design:Peter hobbies Unit4 I have a pen palsingingDoing kungfuA:What are her/his hobbies?A Chinese song<Jasmine Flower>B:She/He likes_.swimming


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