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1、Vol.24. No.04 l国际石油经济« 201 6 INTERNATIONAL PETROLEUM ECONOMICS中国碳交易市场发展现状与机遇刘琛(华能碳资产经营有限公司)摘 要:中国作为全球最大的温宣气体排放国,积极应对国际社会的舆论和压力,做出了巨大的减排承诺,中央 政府颁布了一系列低碳减排政策。其中,碳排放权交易试点是中国低碳减排之路最为支要的举措。目前中国疾交易市 场还处于萌芽期,市场搭建工作还未全面完成.这对低磁领域的从业机构来说既是挑战也是机遇。随着越来越多的非 试点爲份逐漸加入到全国碾市场,中国将加快推进全国碳交易市场建设,建立健全碳排放权初始分配制度。到20

2、17年 中国将形成统一的硬交易市场,全国碳交易总量将达到50亿吨,是欧盟排放交易体系的2.5倍,成为全球最大的威市 场。关翟词:碳交易;欧盟排放交易体系;碳资产;碳交易试点;中国妆证减排童;清洁发展机制頊冃;创新业务Development of China's carbon marketLIU Chen(Huaneng Carbon Asset)Abstract: As the global biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, China actively responded to public opinions and pressure in t

3、he world, and made a huge commitment to reduce emissions with a series of low-carbon and emission-reduction policies The pilot project of carbon emission permit trading is the most important action of Chinas low-carbon strategy. Now China's carbon trading market is still in the bud, market const

4、ruction has not yet complete, which offers both challenges and opportunities to the companies involved in lowcarbon sector. China will accelerate the construction of national carbon trading market and set up an initial allocation system of carbon emission rights, as more and more non-experimental pr

5、ovinces have participated in the national carbon market gradually. By 2017, China will build a unified carbon trading market with national carbon trading volume amounting to 5 billion tons, which is 2.5 times as large as the EU emissions trading system and becomes the world's largest carbon marketKey words: carbon trading; EU emission trading system; carbon asset; carbon trading pilot; Chinese Certified Emission Reduction; clean development mechanism; innovative services


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