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1、 Un it 5 Now And The n Less on 13 Chan ges in Our Town 教材分析 本课是北师大版初中英语教材七年级下册第五单元第十三课,课题是 Cha nges in Our Town。本课为第一课时,是一篇祖孙间展开的关于“小城面貌和生活的今昔对比”的对话语 篇。本节课一方面训练学生获取和分析具体信息及归纳提炼主旨要义的能力, 另一方面引导 学生初步感知be动词一般过去时的用法和意义。第二课时在复习课文语言和内容的基础上, 引导学生归纳总结本课的语法: be动词一般过去时的基本用法,通过观察和分析例句,关 注含有be动词的一般过去时的肯定否定结构及副词

2、too和either的用法。 教学目标 【知识与能力目标】 1. Key vocabulary 2. Key structures: 【过程与方法目标】 1通过阅读,获取关于“城市、建筑、人、交通、商店”等五方面社区变化的具体信息以及 情绪和情感信息; 2. 在阅读中,关注并归纳 be动词一般过去时的基本用法; 3. 使用be动词一般过去时简单描述自己家乡的变化 【情感态度价值观目标】 通过对比过去和现在,感受时间的珍贵。2 【教学重点】 提取关于“城市、建筑、人、交通、商店”等五方面变迁的具体信息,同时关注并归纳 be动词一般过去时的基本用法。 【教学难点】 如何引导学生对文本信息进行深入思

3、考,以及如何在设置的语境中使用 简单描述自己家乡的变化。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程 I _ _ Step 1. Brai nstorm Show a picture of a city which has cha nged a lot and ask some questio ns. be动词一般过去时 3 Step 2. Warm-up Introduce the Key Adjectives and then play the recording of them. Show pictures to help the students put t

4、he adjectives in opposite pairs and then describe the pictures with the Key Adjectives. Step 3. Pre-reading 1. Play the recording of the dialogue and ask the students to read aloud with the speaker. Show the students the table and help them recall the changes in the town and ask them to work in pair

5、s and talk about the changes in the town. Get the students to have a free talk about the changes in their hometown or Mentougou. Help the students look at the changes correctly. Show the students some pictures and some sayings about time to get them to learn to tr 2. Introduce the postcard, and give

6、 them the questions. And then play the tape for them. Go over the questions and listen to the tape to get the answers. 3. Check the answers. Step 4. Reading 1st reading: Ask the students to focus on the beginning to find out the correct answers to the two questions. Who are talking? What are they ta

7、lking about? 2nd reading: Show the students how to find out the key words to complete the dialogue. Call back the answers in a whole-class setting. 3rd reading: Ask the students to read and find out the 5 aspects they mentioned in the dialogue. And then complete the table. Step 5. Talk about your ho

8、mework. Talk about: the city, buildings, people, traffic, shops, your house, the schools, the roads/streets, the restaura nt, the park Step 6 Group talk: You can use the following sentences to describe the changes about school, room, teacher, parents, classmates and town.4 4 For example, The trees are now, but they were before. The can tee n is now, but it was before. The buildi ng is now, but it was before. Step 7 Homework 1. To read the dialogue aloud. 2. To write a passage about the cha nges of your hometow n. 教学反思 略。


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