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1、六一儿童节英语主持稿在日新月异的现代社会中,我们用到主持稿的地方越来越多,主持稿大体上可分为会议主持稿、文艺演出晚会主持稿、赛事活动主持稿、节庆活动主持稿、婚庆礼仪主持稿等。你写主持稿时总是无从下笔?下面是小编为大家整理的六一儿童节英语主持稿,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。老:尊敬的各位家长,各位来宾。Old:Respected parents, guests.孩:亲爱的小朋友们。Boy:dear kids.合:大家好!Hello everyone!老:温暖的阳光,诱人的花香,喜悦的笑脸,激动的胸膛。Old:warm sunshine, attractive flowers, smiling s

2、miles, excited chest.孩:连小草都在欢乐地歌唱,这一切都在提醒着我们:Boy:even the grass is singing in joy, everything is reminding us:合:六一儿童节来到了A:Childrens Day came to老:六月,混着花香和麦香的微风将一个个美好的心愿传送Old:in June, the fragrance of the flowers and wheat fragrance will be a good aspiration of the transmission孩:她悄悄的,悄悄的萦绕在我的耳畔,回荡在我的心

3、田Girl:she quietly, quietly lingering in my ears, reverberate in my heart.老:她对我说,幸福的孩子啊,展开你如花的笑靥吧,你知道,成长中的欢笑凝聚着多少人的心血。她对我说,快乐的孩子啊,你可曾拥有一颗感恩之心,你知道,世界上有多少孩子渴望和你一样健康快乐,能体会到爱的甘甜。Old:she to me said, happy children ah, you of flower smile, you know, growing laughter embodies the painstaking efforts of many

4、 people. She said to me, happy child ah, you can have a heart of gratitude, you know, how many children in the world to be as healthy and happy as you can experience the sweet love.孩:亲爱的小朋友们,今天是我们的节日。今天是全世界儿童的节日。Boy:dear kids, today is our holiday. Today is the worlds childrens festival.老:在这美好的时刻,让我

5、代表幼儿园全体教职员工向小朋友们致以节日的祝贺。孩子们在幼儿园一天天的成长,这一切都离不开广大家长对我们的支持,在这里我们表示由衷的感谢。Old:On this beautiful occasion, let me give my childrens congratulations on behalf of all kindergarten teachers and staff. Children grow up day by day in kindergartens. All these are inseparable from the support of our parents. Her

6、e we express our heartfelt thanks.老:六一的.鲜花绚丽多彩!六一的阳光灿烂夺目!Old:six one flowers blew six one of the sunlight shining!孩:踏着六月的鲜花,迎着初升的朝阳;Boy:with the flowers in June, facing the rising sun;老:我们欢聚一堂,共度这美好时光!Old:we have a joyous gathering, sharing this wonderful time!孩:我们是那么开心、我们是那么幸福、我们是那么激动、我们是那么期盼Boy:we

7、 are so happy we are so happy we are so excited we are so looking forward to老:开心、幸福、激动、期盼的裕华道幼儿园庆六一活动,Old:happy, happy, excited, looking forward to the Yuhua Road Nursery celebration six one activities,合:现在开始!Co:now start!首先请园长致节日贺词First please the principal to holiday congratulations老:是绿洲的甘泉和沃土,滋养了

8、纤细的幼苗 是老师、爸爸妈妈的无私情怀,孕育了无数未来的希望。Old:is the oasis and oasis soil, nourish the delicate seedlings is a teacher, mom and dads selfless feelings, gave birth to the myriad of hope for the future.孩:感谢您,敬爱的老师,感谢您,亲爱的爸爸妈妈 感谢您,帮我们迈好人生的第一步Boy:Thank you, dear teacher, thank you, dear father and mother, thank yo

9、u for helping us take the first step in life.让我们一起说一声:老师,爸爸妈妈,谢谢您!Lets say:teacher, mom and Dad, thank you!老:请欣赏毕业诗朗诵悄悄话Old:please enjoy the graduation poem read aloud "quietly"老:感谢他们的精彩表演。快乐的儿童节,我们激情把歌唱,听铃儿响叮当,我们心情多欢畅,看,锣鼓声声响,我们的舞姿多优美,请欣赏小二班舞蹈铃儿响叮当Old:thanks for their wonderful performanc

10、es. Happy childrens day, our passion to sing, listen to the jingle bells, we merry mood, look, percussion sound, we more elegant dance, please enjoy the P2 class dance "Jingle Bells"孩:六一国际儿童节,是小朋友盼望已久的节日。Child:Six One International Childrens day, is a childs long-awaited holiday.老:在深深浅浅的梦里

11、,六一是柔和的,她伴随着槐花的香味悄然而至;在愈久愈浓的记忆中,六一是甜美的,她在孩子们热切的期盼中,欣然赴约Old:In the deep and shallow dream, 61 is soft, she is accompanied by the fragrance of the sophora, and in the longer and thicker the memory, the 61 is sweet, and in the eager expectation of the children, she is pleased to go to the appointment.孩

12、:接下来请欣赏大一班印度舞依媚嗨嗨。Boy:Next, please enjoy the India dance "Yi Mei hi hi".老:XXX在这快乐的节日里,你最想对小朋友们说些什么呢?Old:XXX in this happy festival, what do you want to say to the kids?孩:我最想说的就是:祝小朋友们节日快乐!小朋友们,你们快乐吗?(快乐!)Boy:I want to say:I wish children a happy holiday! Children, you happy? (happy!)老:请欣赏小

13、一班为大家表演的舞蹈和快乐在一起Old:please enjoy a small class for everybody dance "and happiness together"孩:小小儿童,没有烦恼,眼望四周阳光照Boy:little children, no worries, eyes look around the sun老:无忧无虑乐陶陶,时间在一年一年飞跑Old:letaotao:be light of heart from care in a year, time once a year孩:少年在一年一年长高,素质教育要从小把基础打牢Boy:the youn

14、g man in a year a long high, quality education to the foundation from childhood老:请欣赏由中班小朋友为大家表演舞蹈:向前冲Old:please enjoy the shift children show dance:"forward"老:唱吧!让我们用动听的歌声抒发心中的热爱。Old:sing! Let us express our love with sweet songs.孩:跳吧!让我们用美妙的舞姿展现我们的风采。Boy:jump! Let us with a wonderful danc

15、eshow our style.请欣赏大二班歌伴舞军中姐妹Please enjoy the song "two sisters" military class孩:童年是一首歌,跳跃着美妙的音符。童年是一首诗,充满了幻想和憧憬,请欣赏小三班小朋友表演的舞蹈大声歌唱Boy:childhood is a song, jumping with the wonderful notes. Childhood is a poem, full of fantasy and vision, please enjoy the little three classes of children p

16、erforming dance "loud singing"孩:老师对我们无微不至的照顾,永远记在我们的心间,老师对我们的爱,永远在我们的心田,在这个美好的日子,老师们用他们的舞蹈为我们庆祝节日,请欣赏舞蹈舞动青春Child:teacher of our meticulous care, record forever in our hearts, the teacher of our love, always in our hearts, in this beautiful day, teachers with their dance for us to celebrate

17、 the festival, please enjoy the dance the dance of youth "孩:七色光,七色光,让我们一起飞向远方,让我们打开智慧大门,共同创造友谊,请欣赏小二班舞蹈七色光Child:seven color light, seven color light, let us together fly away, let us open the door of wisdom, work together to create a friendship, please enjoy the P2 class dance "seven color

18、 light"老:感谢他们的精彩表演。打起节日的节拍,用微笑将我们装饰,扬起飞奔的脚步,让歌声带领我们穿越。请欣赏大一班歌伴舞画四季Old:thanks for their wonderful performances. Beat the rhythm of the festival, with a smile we decorate, the pace of flying, let the song lead us through. Please enjoy a song "Seasons" painting class孩:在这里,我们走进了音乐的大门。在这里,

19、我们体会奥尔夫音乐思想,在这里,我们倾听音乐的声音。在这里,我们探索音乐的元素请欣赏小三班小朋友献上的舞蹈我的身体Boy:here, we enter the door of the music. Here, we realize Orffs musical thought, here we listen to the sounds of the music. Here, we explore the elements of music, please enjoy the little three kids dance "my body"老:风的轻柔,道不尽人间深深的爱,我

20、们的世界是一个爱的世界 就让隐形的翅膀带着感恩的心去散播我们所有的爱吧,请欣赏小一班带来的手语舞隐形的翅膀Old:the gentle wind, endless deep love in the world, our world is a world of love let the invisible wings with a grateful heart to spread all of our love, please enjoy the small class of sign language dance "invisible wings"老:沐浴着和风细雨,我们迎

21、来了绿柳成荫。花香四溢的六月,是最美丽的季节Old:bathed in gentle, we ushered in the green willows. Flowers in June, is the most beautiful season孩:在我们自己的节日里,让我们尽情的欢乐吧。接下来请欣赏中一班民族舞好运来Boy:Lets enjoy ourselves on our own holidays. Next please enjoy the dance class in a "good luck"孩:欢乐的时间总是过的很快Boy:happy time always

22、passes quickly老:在优美的歌声中,我们即将结束今天的节目;在欢快的旋律中,我们迎来了新的期望。Old:in the beautiful song, we are about to end todays program; in the cheerful melody, we ushered in the new expectations.孩:美好的童年会给我们留下美好的回忆,共同祝愿小朋友们拥有一个美好的童年!Child:beautiful childhood will leave us a good memory, together wish children have a be

23、autiful childhood!老:裕华道幼儿园庆“六一”文艺汇演到此圆满结束!让我们再次以热烈的掌声向小朋友们致以节日的祝贺!Old:The Yuhua Road Kindergarten celebrates the "61" literary and art show to a successful conclusion. Lets once again extend our warm greetings to our children.合:谢谢大家!让我们明年再相聚!I:Thank you. Lets get together next year.!【六一儿童节英语主持稿】10


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