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1、*小学英语教育精品资源*Unit TWo What day is it today?TEACHlNG AIMS: StUde nts Can ask and an SWer questi OnS about the days of theWeek and daily activitiesTEACHING KEY: to help StUde nts to COmPrehe nd ConV ersati On and VOCabUIaryTEACHING AIDS: pictures, tape and some tran SPare nciesTEACHING PERIOD: the thir

2、d PeriOdPRoCEDURES:ACtiVity 2PUt PiCtUre CardS from level 2 UP .Under each Card, Write the word in a SCrambIed fashion.Lk 、 I Ii r""h' ASk for VoIUn teers to Un SCrambIe the words. . I1L JJ j<Tr 1 fGiVe the voUnteers chalk/markers to Write the words Underneath theSCrambIed the SCram

3、bIed letters.XiL , fciTASk the class if they agree With What the VolUn teers are Writ ing.USing the bookT: ope n yoUr books. Look at these SCrambled. Words. What are they?PrOmPt SS to Say days. Or days of the Week.Point to VariOUS tables in the PiCtUre and ask VariOUS SS What days of theWeek they ar

4、e.PUt SS in days in the SPaCeS at the SPaCeS at the bottom.EXte nsion actiVity TB p.24OPti onal actiVities TB p.26SoundSand Word1Gett ing readyWrite the alphabet Ietter U on the board.T: What ' S this Ietter?Ss: U.T: yes .today Sosnd is the Same SoUnd as the Ietter U. Let' PraCtiCe the SoUn

5、d/ju/. Look at my mouth and repeat.T: /ju:/.Ss: /ju:/USing the bookHaVe SS look at the words on the page.Make the sound /ju:/,po in ti ng to the spelli ng comb in ati ons (u,u-e).I ,ViT: let ' S listen to the tape. 1.1JL JJLIi 4 fPlay the tape and have SS point to each word as the tape SayS it.T

6、: let ' S listen again and this time, repeat.XiL , BhiTHaVe SS repeat after the tape.After enoUgh practice, point to the PiCtUreS randomly and have SS Say the words.USing the bookT: let ' S listen to the Chant.Play the tape one.T: now, listen and point to the PiCtUreS as they are Chanted.Pla

7、y the tape aga in and have SS point to the unicorn, cucumbers, ice CUbeS and ballo ons as they are Cha nted.小学英语教育精品资源 *小学英语教育精品资源*T: Iet ' S Chant together.Play the tape and have SS Chant along. Clap to the beat.EXte nsion activities TB p.24OPti Onal activities TB p.26TeaChi ng postscript:小学英语教育精品资源


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