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1、九年级英语上册Unit5完整教案.doc 课题 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 教学目标 1.To ask students to know more about art. 2.To write the correct names of the different art forms in the blanks. 3.To make up a dialogue to find out what art form your partner likes. 教学重难点 Make up a dialogue to find out what art form y

2、our partner likes. 教学过程 二次备课 Step1. Learning aims 1.Ask students know more about art. 2.Write the correct names of the different art forms in the blanks. 3.Make up a dialogue to find out what art form your partner likes. Step 2. check the preview Step 3. Daily report Step 4. Lead in and presentation

3、 1. Listen to a song and answer: What is your feeling after hearing the music? 2. Have a free talk T: Music is a kind of art form. Do you know any other art forms? What is it? / What are they? 3. Show some pictures to teach new words: photography f"tgrf drama 4. Read and match There are more pi

4、ctures about art. Could you tell me the art form of each picture? 1)、drama 2)、photography 3)、painting 4)、film 5)、music 6)、dance 5. Additional: Dance: street dance ballet Film: action film, horror film, romantic film Science fiction Painting: Chinese painting, oil painting Step 5. Presentation We hav

5、e different art forms in the world. Do you want to know what Eddie likes? Listen to the tape and try to answer my question. T: Now, read the dialogue, and find out the answers to the following questions. 1) What is Eddie doing? 2) Why does Eddie stop there? 3) Does Eddie think what is more pleasant

6、than art? Step6. Presentation and practice (welcome to the unit) 1. T: Do you think Eddie likes painting very much? Can you guess? Watch and answer 1)、What is Eddie doing now? 2)、What does Eddie think of art? 3)、 Has Eddie found anything more pleasant than art? What is it? 2. Repeat the conversation

7、 after the tape. 3. Role play Step7. Presentation and practice 1. In fact, Eddie isnt interested in art at all. But Millie and Daniel love art. They are talking about their favorite art forms. Listen and answer. 1). What art form does Daniel like? 2). What kind of music does he like best? 3). Who is

8、 his favorite singer? 4). Why does he love the singer? 2. Listen and repeat 3. Pair work: Step8 Games Ask the students to think about their favourite art form, then write them on the paper. Introduce your favourite art form and famous people to the class. Step9 consolidation 重要短语 (小组核对答案 教师提示重点词组注意点

9、 读背词组 ) 1. 艺术世界 2. 令人愉快的事 3. 举行一个艺术节 4. 谈论他们最喜欢的艺术形式 5. 更喜欢流行音乐 6. 你最喜爱的歌手 7. 流行之王 8. 他的音乐才能 Listen carefully and think over the questions ,then try to answer them. Listen and read. Step10 Exercises 见课堂追踪 Doing some exercises Step11 Homework 1.Recite the new words. 2.Finish off some exercises . 3.Pr

10、eview the new lesson. 教学反思 课题 Reading I 教学目标 1.To know about Tan duns experience and his works 2.To know about the biographical styles 3.To develop students right attitude to life 教学重难点 Know about Tan duns experience and his works 教学过程 二次备课 Step1. Free talk Step 2. Lead in and presentation 1、Show a

11、picture and ask: 1. Who is the man? 2. Why was he so excited? 3. What is in his hand? 2、To learn new words and phrases like: composer Oscar be famous/ known for 3、Play a piece of music and show a picture To learn: the music for the Beijing Olympics award music medal (Gold /Silver /Bronze) winners at

12、 the Beijing 2021 Olympic Games T: The award music was played when a medal was presented to a winner at the Beijing 2021 Olympic Games. More about the award music the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell traditional Chinese music Step 3. While reading Watching and telling (T/F) 1.Tan Dun wrote music fo

13、r the Beijing 2021 Olympic Games. 2.When he was very young, Tan Dun was not interested in music. 3.Tan Dun wrote music for the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. 4.Dan Dun uses the sounds of nature in his music. Choose one student to read the first paragraph loudly. Then answer following two quest

14、ions. 1. When was the award music played at the Beijing 2021 Olympic Games? 2. Is Tan Dun a world-famous actor? Let s read after the tape from Para2 to Para3 and then fill in the information card. Tan Dun Year of birth: _ Place of birth: _ Interest (s): _ Job: _ Education: studied music in a univers

15、ity _ went on to study in _ Best know for: winning an _ for the music in a film Read the fourth paragraph silently and answer the questions. 1. What does Tan Dun use a lot in his music? 2. What kind of musical instruments are used in the piece of music Water? 3. How does Tan make music in Water? Rea

16、d the Fifth and Sixth paragraphs loudly together. . His music: uses _a lot builds a bridge _ Listen to the tape again and read aloud together. Please pay more attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Finish the EX B3 on Page 69 Step 4. Post reading (discussion) What does Tan Dun mean by sayin

17、g "My music is to dream without boundaries.'?Then I will ask you to come to the front to talk about your problems. Step 5. Exercise Step 6: Homework 1.Recite the new words. 2. Finish off some exercises . 教学 反思 课题 Reading II 教学目标 1.To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe peoples exp

18、erience, at the same time, learn more new words and phrases. 2. To guess meaning from context. 3. To develop students right attitude to life. 教学重点 Learn some useful expressions and use them in different context 教学难点 Retell the passage with Ss own words. 教学过程 Step1. Learning aims 1.To revise vocabula

19、ry and expressions to describe peoples experience, at the same time, learn more new words and phrases. 2. To guess meaning from context. 3. Develop students right attitude to life Step 2: check the preview Step 3. Daily report Step 4. Revision Read and try to retell the passage. was born in When,sho

20、wed an interest in loves the sound of made music with In 1987, 8 years later,. As a , he is best known for for In his amazing music Water, . by controlling has helped build a bridge between and Tan once said Step 5. Deal with language points: Listen and answer: 1. Who wrote the music? 2. When was th

21、e music played at the Beijing 2021 Olympic Games? (be written by /be presented to sb.) Step 6. Ask and answer 1. When he was very young, what did Tan Dun show an interest in? show an interest in= be interested in sth/ doing sth show a great interest in show no/little interest in 二次备课 2. How did Tan

22、make music without musical instruments? make with= use to make 3. How does Tan make over 50 sounds from water in the music Water? By controlling the speed of water flow. (be) under control 处于控制之下 (be / run) out of control 失去控制 4. Has Tan successfully brought Chinese and Western music together? succe

23、ed in doing sth / do sth successfully 5. though / although 不能与 but 连用 虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿。 Though /Although it was raining,we went there. though 引导的 让步状语从句 可用部分倒装的形式 注意: 倒装后位于句首的名词之前不用 冠词) ,但 although 一般不这样用: Poor though I am, I can afford it. 我虽穷,但这东西还是买得起的。 Child though he was, he did quite well. 他虽是孩

24、子,但干得很好。 Step 7 Practice and consolidation 1、 朗朗很小的时候就对音乐表现出了浓厚的兴趣。 2、 他最为人知的是因他作的曲子而获得奥斯卡大奖。 3、 他用普通的物件来创作音乐。 4、 这位闻名世界的作曲家在 2021 年被授予了一个奖章。 因特网帮助全世界的人们构建了沟通的桥梁。 Step 8: Exercises 见当堂训练 Step 9: Homework 1.Recite the new words and expressions. 2. Finish off the exercises . 3.Preview the new lesson.

25、教学反思 课题 Grammar 教学目标 1.To give reasons with because 2.To give reasons with since and as 3. To learn to give reasons correctly. 教学重难点 Give reasons with because/ since/ as 教学过程 Step1. Learning aims 1.Giving reasons with because 2.Giving reasons with since and as 3.To learn to give reasons correctly. S

26、tep 2 :Check the preview Step 3. Daily report Step 4. Review 1. Different art forms: drama photography painting dance film music 2. Have a free talk: A: What art form do you like? B: I like A: Why do you love? B: Because Step 5. Presentation 1 Show some sentences and read them aloud together. 1. I l

27、ike music because it makes me feel relaxed. 2. Tom likes painting because he likes all the different colours. 3. Daniel loves Michael Jackson because Michael Jackson was the King of Pop. T: We use because to introduce clauses of reason. Its tone is strong. Daniel has some questions about Tan Dun. Wo

28、uld you please answer his questions using because to introduce the reasons. P70 Check the answers with Ss We use because to introduce clauses of reason. Its tone is strong. because 表示直接原因,它所指的原因通常是听话人所不知道的,其语气最强。答 常用来回答 why 的提问,一般放于主句之后,也可以单独存在。例如: (1) 因为下雨我呆在家里。 (2) 玲玲因病,没有上学。 二次备课 (3)Why is she ab

29、sent? 她为什么缺席? Because she is sick. 因为她病了。 Attention: 1. because 与 so 因为他学习努力,所以他已经取得了巨大进步。 2. because / because of He has made great progress _ working very hard. He didn t come to school on time _ the heavy rain. He didn t come to school on time _ the rain was very heavy. Step 6. Presentation 2 Sin

30、ce and as are also used to give reasons for something. Usually the reasons are already known. Their tone is weaker. since 侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已为人所知的理由,常译为" 因为' 、" 既然' ,比 语气比 because 稍弱。 Do some translation (1) 他既然问你,那就告诉他为什么吧。 (2) 既然大家都到齐了,我们就出发吧! (3) 我日语懂得不多,因而听不懂对话。 as 是常用词,它表示的" 原

31、因' 是双方已知的事实或显而易见的原因,或者理由不与 是很重要,含义与 since 相同,但语气更弱,没有 since 正式,常译为" 由于,鉴于'。 。 (1) 我们都喜欢她,因为她善良。 (2) 因为我感冒了,所以没去上课。 (3) 由于小王没有准备好,我们只好不带他去了。 Step 7. Practice and consolidation Translation 1.既然大家都了解这起事故,我就不想再说什么了。 2.因为这场大雨,他今天上午上学迟到的。 3.我们一点也不厌烦,因为演出很精彩。 4.人们为什么高度赞扬谭盾的音乐? Step 8 Exercises

32、 Step9 Homework 1.Recite the new words. 2.Finish off some exercises . 教学反思 课题 Integrated skills 教学目标 1 To get specific information from a listening material 2.To Understand the introduction about a music show 3.To listen for detail and extract specific information 4.To develop the students abilities

33、 of listening, speaking, reading and writing 教学重点 1. Get specific information from a listening material 2. Listen for detail and extract specific information 教学难点 Develop the students abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing 教学过程 Step1. Learning aims 1 To get specific information from a

34、 listening material 2.Understand the introduction about a music show 3.To listen for detail and extract specific information 4.To develop the students abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing Step 2 :Check the preview Step 3. Daily report Step 4. Review 1. Different art forms 2. Talk ab

35、out your favorite art form and the reason Step 5. Pre-listening art festivals : Enjoy different kinds of music country music : country life use guitars rock : use drums a lot folk : in the traditional style local colour classical music : serious has a lasting value Step 6. While-listening Listen and

36、 complete the poster Listen and match the music with its characteristics. Step 7. Post-listening 1. Help Daniel complete his diary entry 2. Phrases enjoy a day of music country music have a lasting value be first created by African Americans in the traditional style have strong local colours make up

37、 music while playing 二次备课 Step8. Speak up Sandy is inviting her friend Janice to a concert. Listen to the conversation. 1). What kind of concert is it? It is a classical music concert. 2). When does it start? At 7 p.m. 3). Where is it held? At Sunshine Theatre. 4). Where will they meet? At the gate

38、of the theatre. 5). When will they meet? At 6:50 p.m. 1. Role play the conversation in groups; 2. Role play the conversation in front of the class Lets see which group does the best. Step9 Practice Read Sandy and Janices conversation. Then invite your partner to a concert, a cinema, a dance show or

39、a book show. Dont forget to talk about the time and the place. Step 10 Exercises Step 11 Homework 1.Recite the new words and expressions . 2.Finish off some exercises. 3.Preview the new lesson. 教学反思 课题 Study skills 教学目标 1. To guess the meaning of a word from the context. 2. To learn to use the skill

40、s of reading. 3. To develop the students reading skills. 教学重点难点 1. Guess the meaning of a word from the context. 2. Develop the students reading skills. 教学过程 二次备课 Step1. Learning aims 1. To guess the meaning of a word from the context. 2. To learn to use the skills of reading. 3. To develop the stud

41、ents reading skills. Step2 :Check the preview Step 3. Revision 1. Review the method we learnt in the last Unit. 2. Guess the meaning of a word by its formation. When we read and come across new words, we can (Sometimes guess their meaning by the way they are formed. Sometimes a prefix or a suffix ch

42、anges the meaning of a word.) Step 4. Lead in 1. Do you often read English newspapers or novels? 2. If there is a word that you dont know,what do you do? 3. Do you look it up in the dictionary or guess its meaning? (Sometimes we can guess the meaning of a new word from the context.) Step 5. Presenta

43、tion When we come across a new word, sometimes we dont need to look it up in the dictionary. The sentence itself might give the meaning of the word. When we look at the words before and after the new word, it is possible to find its meaning. Step 6. Practice 1. If you agree, write yes, if you dissen

44、t, write no. 2. He wants to find some books on phonetics, the study of the sounds of language 3. Can you see the fanlight, the small window above the door? Step 7. Drills Finish the exercises in Part A Teachers give them help if necessary Step8 consolidation 1. Although Jane and Lisa are very close

45、friends, they are very different. Jane spends a lot of money to buy things while Lisa loves to economies. 2. He replied quickly. But after he considered the problem more carefully, he felt that it was not right to make such hasty question. 3.The local government wants to improve the infrastructure,

46、such as buildings and transport. Step9: Exercises Step10: Homework 1.Recite the new words and expressions. 2.Finish off some exercises . 教学反思 课题 Task 教学目标 1.To finish a questionnaire. 2.To write an article about your favorite art form. 3.To learn to enjoy your favourite the art form correctly. 教学重 难点 Generate personal ideas, plan and organize text to express one"s own opinions. 教学 过程 Step1. Learning a


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