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1、小班英语教案幼儿园一日生活教学目的:1、通过儿歌、歌曲复习杨文幼儿英语第四册的内容;2、培养幼儿听说的能力;3、进一步提高幼儿学习英语的兴趣。教学重点难点:复习杨文幼儿英语第四册的儿歌、歌曲;听懂课堂用语。教学准备:1、场景l:卧室配有一幅卧室背景图;2、场景2:操场一块空场地,录音机,磁带;3、餐厅、桌椅、盘子、勺子、食物(香肠、鸡蛋、面包、三明治、汉堡包);4、公共汽车的模型;5、动物园、假山、树、篱笆、猴子、大象、熊、长颈鹿等动物玩具;6、玲玲家:生日蛋糕、桌子、蜡烛、礼物、水果、玩具车。教学过程:1、起床洗漱(场景1,幼儿坐在地上作睡觉状)(1)公鸡叫,T:Its time to ge

2、t up.Get up,children.(2)(幼儿伸懒腰起床)T:when you get up in the morning。what do you do?(3)幼儿说儿歌:I put in my Tshirt/sweater/coat/pants/socks/shoes.I comb my hair.Comb,comb,comb.I brush my teeth.Brush,brush,brush.I wash my face.Wash,wash,wash.(4)T:Very good! Please look into the mirror.C:Look! Im clean now.

3、2、做早操(场景2)(1)低声放早操音乐。T:Listen! Its time to do morning exercise.(2)整队。(由场景1到场景2)T:Attention! Forward March! One,one,one two one(3)做早操。T:Are you ready? Lets begin.C:OK.(4)音乐响,幼儿做早操,唱早操歌:Follow me.Hands up.Follow me,hands down.Follow me.Wave your anTiS.Bent your knees.Follow me.Turn right.Turn left.Fol

4、low me.Jump down and turn round.T:Very good! Are you tired? Im tired and I feel hungry.Lets have our breakfast.3、吃早饭(场景3:餐厅里面。一张桌子、十把椅子)整队进入餐厅T:Come in children.Sit down please.(1)分餐具:C:Dish,dish,your dish.Spoon,spoon,your spoon.(2)儿歌餐厅里T:Are you hungry?C:I am hungry.C1:Have some chips/a sandwich/a

5、hamburger/drink.T:Are you still hungry?C1:No,Im full.T:Ok.Lets go to the zoo.4、去动物园(1)T:Look,children! The bus is waiting.Please.C:Coming,coming.(2)幼儿唱 The bus is waiting,乘车去场景4。T:The bus is waiting.Lets go now.C1:Please hurry up.Get on please.C1:Ticket please.Sit down please.(3)儿歌The bus(上车入座后说)Zoo

6、,Zoo,lets go to the zoo.Go,go,lets go.A bus,a bus,bus,bus.DididiChiT:Look! The Zoo.Lets get off.(幼儿下车)T:Be careful! Children。5、在动物园里(分两队进入动物园)场景5(1)T:Get into two teams.Lets go.(2)幼儿成两组说儿歌看动物Team A:Look! Look! A monkey.Team B: Yes.Its a monkey。(3)模仿动物儿歌哈哈镜Im tall,like a giraffe.Im short,like a tortoise.Im fat,like a panda.Im thin,like a monkey.


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