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1、小学英语三年级下册语法复习 小学 英语 三年级 下册 语法复习 词 1. 名词 专有名词 spring, summer, autumn, winter 前不加 the Shanghai 等地名前不加 the Sun, cloud, wind 前加 the 2.名词的复数形式 可数名词变复数 一般情况在名词的词尾加's' cow-cows book-books s 在清辅音音素如/k/, /p/等后发/s/,在浊辅音音素后如/g/,/b/,/l/,/m/等后面发/z/. (2)辅音字母+y 结尾的闽此,将 y 变成 i 加 es fly-flies 元音字母+y 结尾的名词,直接

2、加"s' boy-boys day-days (3)以 s,x, ch, sh 结尾的名词,在词尾加 es glass-glasses box-boxes 词尾 es 发/iz/,如 class (4)以 f,fe 结尾的名词,有些在词尾直接加 s roof-roofs 有些将 f 或 fe 改为 v 再加 es knife-knives leaf-leaves (5)不规则变化 child-children man-men foot-feet mouse-mice tooth-teeth (6)名词单复数同形 Chinese sheep deer fish 2物主代词 人称

3、代词 i you he she it we your They 形容词性 my your his her its our your Their 3冠词 a,an,the an 用在元音因素的名词前面 an apple 体育运动前不用 the play football 4. 副词 and,but and 表示和,连接同类词 red and black but 表示转择,意思发生变化 I like it ,but its hot. 5.情态动词 can 表示会,能 I can write. He can jump can +动词原形 6正反义词 fat- thin young-old new-o

4、ld tall-short long-short big-small hot-cold warm-cool wet-dry smooth -rough hard-soft sour-sweet 句型 1. to be This is a book(复数) This is these are That is those are It is they are 2.to have I he have she has You it they xx 3.there be There is 用于单数句和不可数名词 There are 用于名次复数 4Like (1)like to+动词原形 I like

5、to sing. (2)like+动名词 I like singing. 第一、二人称用 like,第三人称用 likes He likes to eat fish 疑问句与否定句转换 Do you like. Does he like I dont like. He doesnt like 5.祈使句 (1)动词原形,第二人称主语 you 一般省去 Open the door! Dont open the door (2)第一、三人称 Let us/ Lets/ Let+第三人称名词或代词+动词原形 Let me go to school Lets play football. 6. 特殊疑

6、问句 (1) what 什么 This is a book. What is it?/What are they? I like flowers. What do you like? My name is Jane. What s your name? Its red. What colour is it? Its summer. What season is it? Its five oclock. What time is it? (2)who 谁 He is Peter. Who is he? (3)which 哪一个 which season do you like? (4)how 怎么 How old are you ?/How old is he? How are you ? where 哪里 Its on the desk. Where is it?


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