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1、Unit 6Do you like bananas? Section B (2a2c),. 单词拼写1. eat (v. ) 2. well (adv. ) 3. habit (n. ) 4. healthy (adj. ) 答案: 1. 吃2. 好; 令人满意地3. 习惯4. 健康的,5. really (adv. ) 6. question (n. ) 7. want (v. ) 8. be (v. ) 9. fat (adj. ) 答案: 5. 真正地 6. 问题7. 需要; 想要8. 变成9. 肥的; 肥胖的,. 短语翻译1. 体育明星 2. 饮食习惯3. 晚饭后4. 健康食品答案:

2、1. sports star2. eating habit3. after dinner4. healthy food,. 句型填词1. 你早饭喜欢吃什么? do you breakfast? 2. 你喜欢吃什么水果? do you? 3. 晚饭你喜欢吃汉堡吗? youhamburgersdinner? 4. 我不想变胖。I dont fat. 答案: 1. What; like for2. What fruit; like3. Do; like; for4. want to be,1. Sports star eats well! _2. I dont want to be fat. _答案

3、: 1. good和well都有“好”之意, 但是good为形容词, 主要修饰名词, 在句中作定语或表语; 而well为副词, 主要修饰动词, 表示“做某事做得好”。2. want为动词, 后面跟名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。,1. well adv. 好; 令人满意地【语境领悟】*Sports star eats well! 体育明星吃得好! *I am very well these days. 这些天我身体很好。*He is a good boy. 他是个好男孩。*Today is very fine. 今天天气很好。,【妙辨异同】well, good和fine,【学以致用】汤姆篮球打得

4、很好。Tom plays basketball . How is your father? He is (good/well/fine) . 答案: very wellwell/fine,2. healthy adj. 健康的【语境领悟】*I think its healthy. 我认为它是健康的。*We eat lots of fruit to keep healthy every day. 我们每天吃很多水果来保持健康。*Vegetables are good for our health. 蔬菜对我们的健康有利。*My grandparents are in good health. 我

5、的爷爷奶奶身体很健康。,【自主归纳】healthy的用法healthy为形容词, 意为“健康的”, 其名词形式为health, 意为“健康”。常用短语keep/stay healthy, 意为“保持健康”, 相当于be in good health。,【学以致用】Miss Zhang has an apple every day to. A. healthy B. keep healthyC. in good health D. stay health,3. really adv. 真正地【语境领悟】*Yes, I really like it. 是的, 我确实很喜欢它。*English is

6、 really interesting. 英语真的有趣。*That isnt her real name. 那不是她的真名。,【自主归纳】really的用法really副词, 意为“事实上; 真正地”, 在句中修饰动词或形容词及其他副词。其形容词为real, 意为“真的”。,【学以致用】I like to eat vegetables because they are (real) healthy. 答案: really,4. want v. 需要; 想要 【语境领悟】*I dont want to be fat. 我不想变胖。*I want a sweater. 我想要件毛衣。*I want

7、 him to play baseball with me. 我想让他跟我一起打棒球。,【自主归纳】want的用法want及物动词, 意为“需要; 想要”。具体用法如下: (1) want sth. 想要某物 (2) want to do sth. 想要去做某事 (3) want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事,【学以致用】She wants (buy) a pen for her little sister. 答案: to buy,5. What do you like for breakfast? 你早饭喜欢吃什么? 【句型剖析】What do you like for. .

8、 . ? 常用来询问某人某餐喜欢吃什么。“询问某人某餐吃什么”还可以表述为“What do you eat/have for. . . ? ”What do you like for lunch? 你午餐喜欢吃什么? Rice and vegetables. 米饭和蔬菜。,【学以致用】他晚餐喜欢吃什么? he dinner? 答案: What does; like for,【备选要点】question n. 问题 【语境领悟】*OK, well, one last questiondo you eat ice-cream after dinner? 好的, 最后一个问题你晚饭后吃冰激凌吗? *

9、Alice asks questions all the time. 爱丽丝总是问问题。*I have a problem. I need your help. 我有难处。我需要你的帮助。,【妙辨异同】question和problem,【学以致用】你能回答我的问题吗? Can you answer my (question/problem) ? 答案: question,. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Do you have a nice (eat) habit? 2. Nobody (没有人) wants (be) fat, so we dont have hamburgers. 3. My

10、 parents like to eat (health) food. 4. Mr. Smith (not like) chicken or eggs. 5. I (real) like fruit and milk. I want to have them every day. 答案: 1. eating2. to be3. healthy4. doesnt like5. really,. 单项选择1. We eatand we are all. A. well; healthB. well; healthyC. good; healthD. good; healthy2. do you l

11、ikebreakfast? I love eggs and milk. A. How; withB. How; forC. What; forD. What; with,3. I wantsome apples and chicken this afternoon. A. to haveB. haveC. havingD. to has4. Davidchicken, but hefruit. A. like; dont likeB. like; likeC. likes; doesnt likeD. likes; likes5. I like hamburgers for lunch. Whatyou, Linda? A. forB. aboutC. withD. of,


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