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1、授课文本:PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit 4 Then and nowA Lets talk【教学目标】Lets try 引导学生读懂题目要求,对听力内容进行预测,完成本部分听力练习,培养学生的听力技巧和获取信息的能力。Lets talk1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,能按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。2. 能够在情景中运用句型There wasThere were谈论和描述过去的事物。3. 能够在语境中理解生词star, easy, look up 及 Internet的意思,并能正确发音。4. 能够运用所学语言,通过小组合作完成描述学校、教室的过去与现在

2、的状态和变化。5. 了解人类首次登月的相关信息。【教学重点】1. 如何描述学校从过去到现在的变化。2. There was与There were的用法。【教学难点】1. 一般过去时的应用。2. 句子的理解和朗读:The Americans took about five years to get there in 1969.I looked it up on the Internet.【教学准备】教师准备 Let's talk 部分的教学课件,词卡,头饰等。课前:1. 交代小组Today, we have eight groups. If you do well, you can go

3、 one step. Lets see which group can get the star, OK?2. 准备上课Good morning, boys and girls. Lets begin our class.【教学过程】Step 1 Warm-up(1) Song: Our school. 观看学校视频并齐唱歌曲。(设计意图:通过歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,为本课学习主题做铺垫。)(2) 交代本节课的主题T: Wow, you did a good job. Look! This is my school. It has a long history. It changed a lot.

4、 This class, we are going to talk about changes. 在黑板贴上changes词卡。(设计意图:交代本节课的主题changes并领读。)(3) Play a gameT: Now, lets play a game. Look at the pictures, and when the picture stops, please say: There is or There are(板书).游戏中,学生说出There is/are将对应的图片贴在黑板上。(设计意图:以游戏形式复习已知句型There is/There are激活学生旧知。)(4) 引出

5、重点句型:There was/ There wereT: Look! This is my school now. Its so beautiful. But 40 years ago, the school was very different. (词卡different)PPT中出示新旧照片对比。教师指着旧照片:Can you see a library? Ss: No. T: Thats true. There was no library. 板书,领读,同样板书There were(设计意图:通过新旧照片对比,引出新知There was/ There were句型。)Step 2 Pr

6、esentation(1) Lets tryT: Look! These are the changes of our school. What about Wu Yifans school? Wu Yifan and his grandpa are at the same school but at the different times. Today Grandpa is going to visit his old school. Lets listen and tick or cross. (设计意图:Lets try的学习为下面对话的学习做铺垫。)(2) 进入Lets talk文本学

7、习a. 第一遍整体感知文本 Watch, listen and choose There was a _. A. library B. small building C. computer room Check the answers. 在检查答案的过程中引出新语言点:There was no library in my old school. There was only one small building on a hill. (指导学生连读)(设计意图:通过视听活动引导学生熟悉并学习文本内容,了解学校前后变化。)b. 第二遍细致学习文本 Listen and answer. 出示图片,

8、教授新词hill。T: It looks like a mountain, but it is very small. People often sit on a hill to see stars. Could Grandpa see stars at night? Listen and answer. 借助图片和文本情景教授句子The Americans took about five days to get to the moon in 1969.强调The Americans 中theði:和年份的读法。ði: 借助图片和文本情景教授句子I looked it up

9、 on the Internet. 强调连读,the 的读法。)(设计意图:通过听读活动引导学生学习文本细节内容,掌握难点句型并了解人类首次登月的相关信息。) 借助文本内容,渗透情感T: We have computers now. We can look something up on the Internet. Were there any computers in Grandpas time? Ss: No. T: Thats true. There were no computers or Internet in Grandpas time. So, we should cherish

10、 our life and study hard.(设计意图:渗透情感我们现在的生活这么美好,要好好学习。)Step 3 Practice(1) Listen and imitate. Please pay attention to your intonation and your emotion.(2) Read in your groups.(领读、自读、分角色朗读)(3) Act the dialogue out. (设计意图:通过仿读、领读、自读、分角色朗读,个别学生表演展示,为学生提供充分“说”英语的机会。)(4) T: Today, Grandpa visited his old

11、school. After that, Wu Yifan wrote a diary. Lets finish the diary together. (设计意图:通过吴一凡日记的形式来描述爷爷时代学校概况,回顾对话主要内容,巩固所学重点句型。)Step 4 Production(1) 借助现在与过去的图片对比,巩固句型:There was/were There is/are 快速图片欣赏。 根据图片内容运用句型描述。(设计意图:图片将现在与过去明显对比,通过对这些图片的描述练习,帮助学生能够熟练运用句型There was/were There is/are描述事物的过去与现在的状态和变化。)

12、(2) 小组选择主题,借助图片讨论变化,进行语言输出。T: These are the changes in our life. There are many other changes, too.The changes of our classroom/school/home/village/city. Lets talk about them. 每组一个话题,给出图片和相关词语及There is/are/was/were句型,组内讨论,汇报。(设计意图:结合主线,让学生讨论周围的变化:教室、学校、家、乡村、城市。通过现在与过去的对比练习,引导学生灵活运用There was/were The

13、re is/are句型,培养学生综合运用语言的能力和合作意识。)Step 5 Progress(1) 欣赏图片,情感升华T: Our life is becoming better and better, but there are also some bad changes. Look! So I think we should change our mind and life style. Try to make our world more beautiful. (2) 总结评价(3) Homework Read the dialogue fluently. What was your school like five years ago? What is it like now? Draw and talk.【板书设计】 Unit 4 Then and now A Lets talkThen NowThere was There isThere were There are


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