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1、(必修三·Unit 1).单项填空1After the class was over,Li Ping apologized _ the teacher _ his coming late.Afor; to Bbecause; toCto; because Dto; for答案与解析:Dapologize to sb.for(doing)sth.为固定搭配,意为“为(做了)某事而向某人抱歉。2The photos _ me _ what we did together during our holidays.Asay; about Bremind; ofCtell; with Drem

2、ind; /答案与解析:Bremind sb.of sth.意为“提醒某人某事;使某人想起某事。3All of the guests had arrived by 9 o'clock,but the host didn't _ until 15 minutes later.Aturn down Bturn inCturn up Dturn out答案与解析:C句意为:所有的客人9点都到了,而主人直到915才露面。turn down 拒绝,调低;turn in 交上;turn up 出现,露面;turn out 结果是,证明是。故C项符合句意。4The children in t

3、he poor areas are starved _ schooling.Awith BofCfor Dto答案与解析:B句意为:贫困地区的孩子渴望受到教育。be starved of sth.starve for sth.意为“渴望得到某物。5A lot of students _ round,curious to know what was happening.Aran BaccumulatedCcollected Dgathered答案与解析:Drun 跑;accumulate着重引调量的“堆积、积累;collect指有方案的、有条理的“搜集;gather通常指把分散的人或物聚集在一起

4、。句意为:许多学生聚集在一起,好奇的想知道正在发生什么事。因此D项正确。6I would have come to see you earlier,but I _ too busy.Ahad been BwereCwas Dwould be 答案与解析:C前半局部是虚拟语气,说明事情发生在过去,but后的语境是过去的真实情况。应选C。7When does the ceremony _?All the boys and girls are waiting for it.Sorry,I have no idea.Ahappen Btake placeCtake part in Dturn up答案

5、与解析:Btake place 指有方案,有安排的发生;happen 指偶然的发生;take part in 参加;turn up 出现,露面。8Don't ring me up between 3 and 4.I _ an important talk with the boss then.Ahave had Bhave Cwould have Dwill be having答案与解析:D由then及between 3 and 4 知此处用将来进行时,表示“在三点至四点之间我将正与老板进行一次重要交谈。9When we worked in the same office,we _ o

6、ften have coffee together.Awould Bshould Ccould Dought to答案与解析:A句意:在同一个办公室工作时,我们经常一起喝咖啡。would与often连用,表示过去的习惯行为。10The gentleman will be devoted to Lily forever,_ she treats him badly.Aeven though Bhowever Cnevertheless Das though答案与解析:A句意:这位先生将永远忠诚于莉莉,即使她对他不好。根据句意可知这是一个even though引导的让步状语从句。however意为

7、“无论多么;然而;nevertheless“然而;不过,是副词;as though“好似。11If you don't _ at least one of the conditions,you can't become a member of our club.Aplease BsatisfyCinterest Dmention答案与解析:Bsatisfy“满足(要求、需要等);please“取悦;使满意;interest“使感兴趣;mention“提及。根据题意知B项正确。12Who _ it be that hasn't handed in his composit

8、ion?It _ be Robinson.He _ it in yesterday.Acan; will; should handBcan; must; should have handedCmay; may; can't have handedDwill; can; could have handed答案与解析:Bcan表主观猜想,常用于疑问句和否认句;must表推测,用于肯定句;should have done表示本应该做某事而实际未做。根据题意知B项正确。13Plenty of public funding of basic science would _ considerabl

9、e benefits for the country's health,wealth and security.Alead to Bresult fromClie in Dsettle down答案与解析:A题意:为根底科学提供大量的资金将会使该国的卫生、经济和平安受益匪浅。lead to“导致;通向符合题意。14Mary said she was looking forward as much to his return as he himself to _ her.Ahave seen BsawCseeing Dbe seen答案与解析:Che himself后省略了与主句相同的成

10、分,补充完整后为:he himself was looking forward to,由此可知himself后的to为介词,后接名词或动名词作宾语。15Isn't it surprising that such a good football team _ have failed to enter the World Cup Final?Yes,anything is possible on the football field.Awould BmightCmust Dshould答案与解析:Dshould此处表示说话人对“如此好的一支球队没能进世界杯决赛感到不解和惊讶。.完形填空 A

11、s I had my first child,I promised myself never to be a pushy parent.I was going to be a very _1_ and understanding mother. Five years later my little boy was about to _2_ for his yellow belt in karate.As a five­year­old child,he wasn't taking it _3_,because it was mom trying to help hi

12、m.He _4_ the whole time.I found myself yelling and telling him he would never get the belt acting like that.I was trying to teach him his backflip(背摔)He continued to play and I _5_ to yell.Finally I had made him feel like he couldn't accomplish _6_,just as I promised myself I wouldn't do. St

13、ill mad and stubborn I couldn't _7_.I had to teach him this flip.He was doing fine with it _8_ we had to leave to go to karate.While taking the test,he did great.His instructor would ask him to do something,and it came _9_ for him.He never _10_ him to do the back­flip.He passed his yellow b

14、elt test. We got in the car to go home,when he looked at me and said,“Mom,_11_ did you make me do that back­flip so many times,when it wasn't _12_ on the test?The words wouldn't have _13_ anything to anyone else,but it was a slap in my face.That night while lying in bed,I told him I _14

15、_ him. He was playing and didn't _15_ anything,just giggled(咯咯地笑)I said“I really do love you baby.I was still feeling _16_,and also wondering if he had _17_ me.Finally he replied in the _18_ voice,“I know you do,but I love you more. He had forgiven me and I had decided that his _19_ was more imp

16、ortant than any test he would ever take.I made a new _20_ to be a better mother and to accept that he was only a child.1A.patient Benergetic Cpolite Dbrave2A.search Bpractise Cplay Dtest3A.easily Bhappily Cseriously Dfairly4A.smiled Bplayed Cprepared Dslept5A.stopped Bcontinued Ctried Dliked6A.somet

17、hing Bnothing Ceverything Danything7A.give back Bgive in Cgive away Dgive out8A.by the time Bat the time Cin no time Dat a time9A.quick Bnormal Ccommon Dnatural10A.demanded Breminded Casked Dallowed11A.where Bwhen Cwhy Dhow12A.even Bever Cstill Dnever13A.shared Braised Callowed Dmeant14A.hated Blove

18、d Cadmired Dmissed15A.accept Btake Cadd Dsay16A.guilty Bexcited Cupset Dproud17A.remembered Bforgiven Cnoticed Ddeserted18A.saddest Bsweetest Chappiest Dbiggest19A.attitude Bexpression Cfeeling Dsuggestion20A.design Bdifference Cexperiment Dpromise答案与解析:“我希望自己成为一个耐心的、富有理解力的母亲。通过孩子的一次测试,“我真正理解了怎样才是好母

19、亲。1Aand连接两个并列成分,空处应和understanding照应,并与pushy相反,因此选A。语意为“我要做一位富有耐心和理解力的妈妈。2D依据下文的“While taking the test推断出这里是参加测试。3C由下文可知孩子对测试不重视。take it seriously 严肃对待,重视。4B下文的“He continued to play暗示孩子一直在玩。5B孩子一直在玩,而“我一直在吼他。6D最后,“我让孩子感到他会一事无成。7B然而“我却非常固执,不肯屈服让步,一直催促孩子去训练。give in“认输,屈服,符合语境。8Aby the time后接从句,表示“到时候。9

20、D比赛当天,孩子顺利完成考官指定的动作,一切自然有序。normal“正常的,一般的,用以描述正常、常规的事情;natural“自然的,不做作的,用来描述行为、动作,符合语境。10C考官没有让他做“背摔这个动作。11C孩子感到困惑,询问妈妈为什么让他做那么屡次背摔。12A反复训练的动作竟然没有在测试内容里,孩子因此非常困惑。even用在否认句中加强语气,强调出乎意料。13D孩子的话对别人来说算不了什么。mean“意味着,符合语境。14B下文的“I really do love you baby暗示这里应该是妈妈表示爱自己的儿子。15D孩子正在玩,没说什么,只是咯咯地笑。16A“我仍为自己的举动感

21、到内疚。17B“我不知道他是否已经宽恕“我。forgive“原谅,宽恕,符合语境。最后一段的第一句也有暗示。18B孩子用最甜的语言对我说,“我知道你爱我,但是我更爱你。19C“我断定孩子的感受比任何考试都重要。20D这里与第一句中的“I promised myself never to be a pushy parent照应。.阅读理解 There's a man in the habit of hitting me on the head with an umbrella.At first I couldn't stand it;now I'm used to it.

22、 I don't know his name.I know he's average in appearance,wears a gray suit,and has a common face.One hot morning,when I was sitting on a tree­shaded bench in Palermo Park,reading the paper,suddenly I felt something touch my head.It was the very same man who now,as I'm writing,keeps

23、striking me with an umbrella. On that occasion I turned around filled with anger.He just kept on hitting me.I asked him if he was crazy.He didn't even seem to hear me.Then I threatened to call a policeman.Calmly,cool as a cucumber,he stuck with his task.After a few moments of hesitation,and seei

24、ng that he was not about to change his attitude,I stood up and hit him on the nose.The man fell down.But he immediately got back on his feet,obviously with great effort,and without a word again began hitting me on the head with the umbrella.His nose was bleeding and,at that moment,I felt sorry for h

25、im.I felt regret for having hit him so hard.After all,the man wasn't exactly hitting me;he was merely tapping me lightly with his umbrella,not causing any pain at all.Of course,those taps were extremely bothersome.As we all know,when a fly lands on your forehead,you don't feel any pain;what

26、you feel is annoyance.Well then,that umbrella was one huge fly that kept landing on my head time after time. Convinced that I was dealing with a madman,I tried to escape.But the man followed me,wordlessly continuing to hit me.So I began to run(I should point out many people run as fast as I do)He to

27、ok off after me,trying to land a blow.The man was out of breath so that I thought,if I continued to force him to run at that speed,he would drop dead right then and there.1When the man began to strike the author with an umbrella,the author_.Abecame angryBcalled the policeCturned around and escapedDt

28、urned around and fought back答案与解析:A文章第三段开始时提到有人用伞打我,我很生气地转身。2The author would most probably agree that the man was_.Adeaf BblindCdead Dmad答案与解析:D文章最后一段第一句话可知:“因为证实我在和一个疯子打交道,因此我开始逃。文章没有提到聋、瞎、死等词。3The author felt sorry for the man because_.Athe man formed a bad habit of beating othersBhe hit the man

29、so hard that his nose bledCthe man couldn't catch up with himDthere was a fly on the man's head答案与解析:B作者感到内疚是在第三段出现的,作者起身打那人的鼻子,他跌倒后也不说话,站起来接着打作者,作者看到他鼻子流血而感到抱歉,懊悔自己太用劲了。4It can be learned from the passage that the man _.Ashouted loudly while hitting the authorBwanted to tell the author somethingCran after the anthor breathlesslyDacted as if he were a fly答案与解析:C此题可用排除法。从第二段和最后一段的wordlessly都可看出打人时没有出声,故A项排项。第三段可看出无论作者怎么问那人,那人没有任何反响,只是不断地用伞击作者的头,故排除B项。作者在第三段拿苍蝇比喻“招人烦,而没说那人的行为像苍蝇。C项的答案在最后一句话可找到,那人跑的上气不接下气,以至于作者担忧他会突然倒地而死。


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