(整理版高中英语)Unit17 GreatwomenWarmingup,ListeningandSpeaking.doc

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1、Unit 17Great women Warming up,Listening and Speaking词汇讲解三点剖析1.Do you know a woman who really inspires you?你认识一位真正鼓舞了你的女士吗?inspire v. 鼓舞;鼓励;激发;启示【典型例句】The heros courage inspired thousands of common people.英雄的勇气鼓舞了成千上万的普通人。Competition inspired the young people to work harder.竞争鼓励着青年人更加用功。The retired w

2、orkers conduct inspired us with admiration.那位退休工人的行动激起我们的钦佩之情。I hope this success will inspire you to greater efforts.希望这次成功能够鼓励你更加努力。The father inspired confidence in his son.那位父亲激发了儿子的信心。【要点归纳】表示“鼓舞;鼓励时,常用inspire sb.to do sth.;表示“激发;启示时,常用inspire sth.in sb.或inspire sb.with sth.。【相关链接】(1)inspiring

3、形容词,“鼓舞的;鼓励的;激起某种情绪的;inspired形容词,“有灵感的;得到灵感的;受到鼓舞的。例如:His speech is not exactly inspiring.他的演讲并不是真正令人鼓舞。The young students are inspired to work harder for the country.青年学生受到鼓舞更加努力为国家学习。He is an inspired poet and has written a great many poems.他是一个有灵感的诗人,已经创作了很多诗歌。(2)inspiration用作名词,“灵感;启示;鼓舞;鼓励;鼓舞人的

4、人或事。例如:He drew inspiration from this picture.他由这幅画获得灵感。His girlfriend is a constant inspiration to him.他的女友是经常鼓励他的人。随堂演练完成句子(1)We were _(受到了他的演讲的鼓舞).(2)His words and deeds _(给我们带来了希望).(3)The author _(得到了启发) from the scene she saw in the street.(4)Our teacher is _(我们忠实的鼓舞者).答案:(1)inspired by his spee

5、ch(2)inspire us with hope (3)drew inspiration(4)a constant inspiration to us选择(5)The speaker is giving rather an _ speech,as I can judge from the _ look of all the listeners.A.inspiring;inspiringB.inspired;inspiredC.inspiring;inspiredD.inspired;inspiring提示:第一空修饰speech,表达主动“鼓舞人心的,因此使用inspiring;第二空修饰l

6、ook,表达被动“受到鼓舞的,因此使用inspired。答案:C(6)The presidents speech is _ wonderful inspiration to the workers on strike.A./B.a提示:inspiration表示“鼓舞人心的事情可数。one表示数量的概念,不符合语境。答案:B2.Describe her and explain why you admire her.描述并解释你为什么敬佩她。admire v. 赞赏;钦佩;欣赏【典型例句】Visitors to Beijing greatly admire our Palace Museum.到

7、来的游客非常赞赏我们的故宫博物院。We all admire him for his wisdom and his beautiful car.我们钦佩他的智慧,也羡慕他的漂亮汽车。【要点归纳】admire常用于短语admire sb.for.,表示“因钦佩某人。【相关链接】admiration是名词形式,表示“赞赏,赞美;钦佩。例如:I have admiration for people who have courage.我钦佩有勇气的人。The woman teacher is the admiration of his students.随堂演练选择(1)Even today many

8、 women _ Madame Curie _ her discoveries.A.admire;atB.inspire;asC.respect;onD.admire;for提示:表示“因羡慕某人用admire sb.for sth.这一搭配。答案:D翻译(2)All the people present at the meeting _(钦佩你的老实).(3)The Great Wall of China _(令全世界赞美).答案:(2)admired your honesty/admired you for your honesty(3)is the admiration of the world


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