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1、玉溪一中 2017-20182017-2018学年高 20182018届第七次月考 英语试卷 第 卷 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 4040分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑。 A A Fun with Shadow PuppetsFun with Shadow Puppets People around the world have been making shadow puppets(皮影戏) for a very long time. In a shadow

2、puppet show, the puppets cannot be seen. Only their shadows can be seen. HOW TO PREPARE THE STAGEHOW TO PREPARE THE STAGE A cardboard(纸板) puppet stage can be made using a piece of poster board(硬纸板). Lay the poster board down flat. Fold the edges in 6 inches on each side. Cover the opening with a pie

3、ce of white cloth. Fasten it with tape(胶带). This cloth will be the stage “curtain”. The puppets hide behind the curtain. Have a bright light set up behind the puppets. When the light behind the puppets is turned on, black shadows that resemble, or look like the puppets appear on the white curtain. W

4、hen the puppets move, the shadows move. HOW TO MAKE SHADOW PUPPETSHOW TO MAKE SHADOW PUPPETS 1. Choose a story with two or three talking characters. 2. Draw the shape of each person or animal on a piece of black poster board. It will be easy to follow the lines if you draw them with a white pencil o

5、r crayon. Make the characters so that they are facing to one side. Make each character different. Remember that only the shadow will show, so the outside shape is what is important. 3. Use scissors to cut out the puppets carefully. 4. Attach a drinking straw(吸管) to the back of each puppet with tape.

6、 Let the bottom of the straw hang below the body of the puppet. This will be used as a handle. Use it to control the movements of the puppets across the stage. 5. Have a friend read the story while you move the puppets. Then you can take turns. 6. You are now ready. LET THE SHOW BEGIN!LET THE SHOW B

7、EGIN! 1. Why does the stage need a light? A. The light helps locate the puppets. 1 B. The light gives the stage a fancy look. C. The light signals that the show has started. D. The light helps to make a shadow on the curtain. 2. Which item could best be used in place of a drinking straw? A. A pencil

8、. B. A ribbon. C. A broom. D. A string. 3. What is TURE about making a puppet show? A. A white pencil is a must. B. At least two people are needed. C. The characters should face the same side. D. The color of the characters is very important. B B Suddenly screams echo through the forest as alarmed a

9、nimals such as spotted deer warn each other of a predators(食肉动物) approach. Lying on my stomach with my camera in front of me, Ive been watching a nearby stream for hours, waiting. This may be it. Yes! A 380-pound lioness steps from the trees and heads toward the stream. She crouches(蹲伏) down to drin

10、k. Shes close to me no more than 50 yards away. She stands up and begins to walk toward me, not knowing Im there. When she is Just about 20 yards away, I move my camera slightly. I dont want to shock or panic her. She freezes for a moment, then takes a crouching position and continues toward me whic

11、h was not really the reaction I wanted! Im thinking, “Uh-oh, Im about to become cat food!” Ive approached lions before, but this is a first. The lion approaches me. The lioness comes closer and closer until shes only about four yards from me the closest distance that still allows me to focus my came

12、ra lens surprisingly, she lies down, posing like a statue in front of me. This makes me feel very small and humble. Then she rolls over and looks at me upside down! She seems a little puzzled and appears to be trying to figure me out Hmm, are you suitable to be eaten? You dont look dangerous. I thin

13、k youre OK. Breathe slowly, I remind myself, even though my heart is beating fast. I carefully back up my tripod(三脚架) just a bit to where I can focus and shoot the picture. Suddenly so fast that it surprises me she leaps up. In a flash, she runs away. I m left overwhelmed with emotion the experience

14、 like a gift from the forest. Getting this photograph took a long time. I spent two years waiting for a permit to track the extremely rare Asiatic lions in the Gir Forest of India. Then I spent three months on foot searching for them. There are only about 300 of these endangered lions left. 4. Which

15、 of the following can best describe the feeling of the author when the lioness comes near? A. Relaxed and calm. B. Bored and puzzled. C. Anxious but proud. D. Frightened but excited. 5. When the lioness comes close to the author, she . A. pretends to be dead B. stays and then goes away 2 C. tries to

16、 find the moment to attack him D. recognizes the author and makes him laugh 6. It can be learnt that the author . A. used to live in the forest B. stops working on seeing the lioness C. made great efforts to shoot the lions D. congratulate himself upon his narrow escape 7. The text is probably taken

17、 from . D. a research paper B. a TV interview C. a tourist guide A. a personal diary C C One form of social prejudice against older people is the belief that they cannot understand or use modern technology. Activities like playing computer games, going on the Net and downloading MP3s are only for th

18、e youngsters. Isnt it unfair that older people enjoying a computer game should be frowned upon by their children and grandchildren? Nowadays older people have more control over their lives and they play a full part in society. Moreover, better health care has left more people in their sixties and se

19、venties feeling fit and active after retirement. Mental activity, as well as physical exercise, can contribute to better health. Playing computer games is a very effective way of exercising the brain. When personal computers were first introduced, most older people didnt believe they would ever fami

20、liarize themselves with it. Now computers have been around for a few generations and retired people have gradually become more relaxed about using them for fun. Gamers over 65 prefer playing puzzle games and card games. Kate Stevens, aged 72, says, “I find it very relaxing. Its not very demanding, b

21、ut you still need to concentrate. Another development that has favored “grey games” is a change in the type of videogames available on the market. Theres a greater variety of games to choose from, including more intellectual and complex strategy and simulation(模拟) games. Internet Chess and Train Sim

22、ulator are among the most popular of these. Train Simulator is based on real-world rail activities. Players can choose from a variety of challenges, such as keeping to a strict-timetable and using helper engines during a winter storm. Some people argue that “grey gamers” simply dont have the skills

23、required for computer games, and that teenagers are better. ThisThis couldntcouldnt bebe furtherfurther fromfrom thethe truthtruth: most computer games require the kind of analytical thinking that improves with practice, which means that the “grey gamers” may well be far better than gamers half a ce

24、ntury younger than them. In games where speed is the main consideration, older people would be at a disadvantage because they may have slower reaction time. On the other hand, “grey gamers” have a preference for slower paced, mind challenging games. 8. The second paragraph is intended to . A. teach

25、how to play videogames B. explain why grey gamers exist C. stress the importance of good health D. show the best way to exercise the brain 9. What was older peoples attitude towards personal computers at first? 3 A. Enthusiastic. B. Supportive. C. Doubtful. D. Concerned. 10. The method the author us

26、es to develop Paragraph 4 is . A. giving examples B. making comparisons C. offering analyses D. providing details 11. By saying “This couldnt be further from the truth.” in Paragraph 5, the author means . A. playing computer games requires analytical thinking B. challenging games are not suitable fo

27、r older people C. older people can perform well in some computer games D. children should improve their skills with practice mind D D Vast deserts, magic carpets, and the legend of Aladdins lamp. For most Chinese people, Saudi Arabia is a faraway land that exists only in bedtime stories. However, co

28、nnections between the two countries date back to ancient times. The economic and cultural ties between the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) and the Arabian empire reached their height in the 9th century. Paper-making workshops did thrivethrive in what is now Saudi Arabia while Arabian knowledge of math, as

29、tronomy and spread to the Middle Kingdom. These exchanges, recorded by Arabian merchants sailing along the ancient Maritime Silk Road, became materials for folk stories, such as the One Thousand and One Nights stories. Fast forward a millennium(千年), the relationship between a modern Saudi Arabia and

30、 a progressive China has entered a new era, thanks to the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013. “Saudi Arabia is one of the first countries that responded positively to the Belt and Road Initiative,” Saudi Ambassador to China Gurki Mohanmed told Xinhua. “In terms

31、 of strategic location, Saudi Arabia serves as the central place connecting Asia, Africa and Europe, making it an important part of the initiative,” he added. In fact, since they built diplomatic ties in 1990, the two countries have seen a sound development of partnerships. In 2015, China became Sau

32、di Arabias largest trade partner while Saudi Arabia has been Chinas biggest crude oil supplier next to Russia and largest trade partner in West Asia and Africa for years. Xu Mengmeng is now completing his graduation project on marine science at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

33、in Saudi Arabia. On weekdays, he works on his research project on sharks. When free, he tours the city to experience the local culture. Now China has become a favorite choice of Saudi Arabian students expecting to study overseas. Momudouh from Saudi Arabia came to Xian to study marketing in 2010. He

34、 told Xian Daily that he was attracted by the fast trade opportunities between the two counties. He desired to bring back the so-called new four inventions back to his home country high-speed rail, Alipay, bicycle sharing and online shopping. 12. What does the underlined word “thrive” in Paragraph 2

35、 probably mean? 4 A. boom B. fail C. fade D. close 13. What can we learn from the economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries? A. The Arabians acquired advanced medicine from China. B. The economic and cultural exchanges started in the 9th century. C. Saudi Arabia is the biggest crude

36、oil exporting country to China. D. One Thousand and One Nights is related to the ties between Chinese and Arabians. 14. By mentioning the two students, the author intends to show that _. A. more and more students prefer to study abroad B. young people should experience some foreign cultures C. the t

37、wo countries have benefited a lot from the exchanges D. Chinas high-speed rail and Alipay are, attracting Arabian students 15. What could be the best title of the text? A. The Belt and Road Initiative B. The Chinese-Arabian Connection C. The Advantages of Exchange in China D. The Bond of Cultural an

38、d Economic Ties (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 The first day at school is very important to your child. 16 Thats why you should make proper preparations for your childs first visit to school. Here are some tips on how to make your childs first day at school enjoya

39、ble. The first day at school shouldnt be the first. 17 Give your child a chance to meet at least one or two of her or his classmates in advance. Entering new place for the first time is always less scary if you know somebody there. 18 Get the phone numbers of other parents from the school and make s

40、everal phone calls before the school begins. Arranging a meeting with their kids will contribute greatly to your childs comfort on the first day. Give your child an opportunity to communicate. Social skills play an important part in your childs ability to adapt to a new environment. If your child ha

41、s attended preschool, he or she probably wont have trouble getting along with people. 19 Take your kid to a summer camp or a play group in order to develop his or her social skills. 20 Explain that there is nothing to worry about. Ask him or her what the main questions are that he or she would like

42、to have answered. You have to get your child to understand that there is nothing to worry about, whether it has to do with how often he or she will be able to use the bathroom, or which bus to take after school. A. Make a visit beforehand to get familiar with the classrooms and teachers. B. First im

43、pressions play an important part in determining his or her desire to be there. C. Try to set your childs mind at rest. D. You are supposed to make delicious food for your child before he or she goes to school. E. Your childs character decides whether he or she can get along well with others. F. But if he or she doesnt have such experience, then try to arrange it. 5


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