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1、City and Country练案一 .单项选择1. The house on the top of the mountain looks smaller _a distance of 1,000 meters.AatBinConDfor答案:A 2. His entire education _ no more than one year.Aadded to Badded up toCwas added up toD. raised to 答案:B add to 增加;增加 addto 把相加add up加起来 3. We take a weekend break there _ we g

2、et the chance, _I am not too busy on the farm. Awhenever; wheneverBwhenever; whenCwhen; whenever D/; while答案:B 此句的意思是“当我地里活儿不忙的时候,不管何时,只要我们有时机,就去那儿度周末。4. A storm _ tonight.Ais likely comingBis likely to comeCis possibly to comeDis perhaps to come答案:B be likely to do sth . 很有可能做某事,主语是人或事物。同义词组有 be po

3、ssible to do sth.; be probable to do sth. , 但后两者的主语只能是事物。在表达此意时也可用下的句型。It is likely/possible/probable that a storm will come tonight.5. Usually it's _ I can't find anywhere to sit.Aso crowded thenBsuch crowded thatCsuch a crowd people thatDso crowded that答案:Dso形容词或副词thatsuch名词可数名词单数;可数名词复数;不

4、可数名词that且such可数名词单数that可与so形容词that转换Lucy is such a lovely girl that we all like her.Lucy is so lovely a girl that we all like her.1. They are _vacation traveling _ England _train.答案:on; through; by2. Tom got the right answer_ the question _accident.答案:to; by3. Tom keeps _touch_ his friends_ emailing

5、 often.答案:in; with; by4. They offered to fetch some water_ us _their own.答案:for; on5. She was angry _her son _having told a lie.答案:with; for6. They found that they had a lot _common and got _ well.答案:in; on7. He ran _a thief _the direction_ the gate.答案:after; in; of8. The young man was put _prison_ destroying the bridge.答案:in; for9. Dont believe _him. He is always telling lies.答案:in10. The day_ yesterday they paid a visit_ their teacher _their way back.答案:before; to; on


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