(整理版高中英语)Unit2 Englisharoundtheworld.doc

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1、Unit 2English around the world.单词拼写1_(实际上), it was based more on German than current English.2At his_(请求), we delayed our performance.3It cleared up_(逐渐地)4I can_(识别出)you according to your voice.5He went_(直接)to school after breakfast.6I know he came from the south by his a_.7The i_of the killer is st

2、ill unknown.8It is known that reading extensively can increase one's v_.9Judging from his accent, he is a n_of Beijing.10Can you explain the u_of the word to me, please?答案:5straight10usage.句型转换1Some of the students in my class work hard at all the subjects._ _ _ _in my class work hard at all the

3、 subjects.2When the birds in the tree heard the gunshot, they flew in all directions.When the birds in the tree heard the gunshot, they flew_ _ _.3She suggested our going to the park this weekend.She suggested that we_ _to the park this weekend.4Many people watched the opening ceremony of the 11th N

4、ational Games on TV._ _ _people watched the opening ceremony of the 11th National Games on TV.5The two cars are of the same size, but are of different colors.The two cars are of the same size, but are different_ _.答案:1.Not all the students2.in every direction3.should go4A number of5.in color.单项填空1Di

5、d you get_part that you tried out for in the play?No, someone else got it, but I got_better part.Athe; aBthe; theCa; the Da; a答案:A句意:“你得到了那个在戏剧中试演的角色了吗?“没有,别人得到了那个角色,不过我得到一个更好的。前句part“角色后面有修饰语限定,故前面用定冠词the;后句泛指“得到了一个更好的角色,故填a。2Only one student passed the exam,_John.Asuch as BespeciallyCnamely Dequal

6、ly答案:C这里空后的John就是上文所说的“only one student,所以选namely(也就是,即)。句意:只有一个学生通过了考试,也就是约翰。such as“例如,像这样,常用来罗列同类中的几个例子;especially“尤其是;equally“相等地;平等地。3Many questions_in today's maths class, which was more than the new teacher had expected.Acame up BraisedCrose Dwas come up答案:4Experts warn that global warmin

7、g will cause dramatic climate changes including more_floods, heat waves and droughts.Afrequent BusualCordinary Dcommon答案:Afrequent意为“频繁的;常见的,此处指全球气温变暖所带来的更频繁的洪水、热浪和干旱。usual意为“习惯性的,通常的;ordinary“普通的;common“平常的,共同的,均不符合题意。5Good use_the natural resources to improve people's life in this area.Ahas be

8、en made of Bhas made of Chas made Dhas been made答案:A考查短语make use of的变式及语态。句意:在这一地区,为了改善人们的生活,自然资源已经被人们充分利用了。由make good use of这一短语可知,选带of的选项;再由语态可知选A项。6David said that it was_his strong interest in literature that he chose the course.Ain spite of Bbecause ofCbecause Dinstead of答案:Bit was.that.强调原因状语,

9、由于“his strong interest为名词,故用because of。句意:戴维说就是因为他对文学有浓厚的兴趣,他才选择了这门课程。7How can we go to the island twenty miles off the coast, sir?I'm afraid you can't get there_by boat.Amore than Brather thanCother than Dbetter than答案:Cother than意为“除了,此处表示“恐怕除了乘船以外你无法到达那里,即“你只有乘船才能到达那里。more than“多于,仅仅;rath

10、er than“而不是;better than“超过,好于,均不符合题意。8The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds_his argument in favor of the theory.Awhich to base on Bon which to baseCto base on which Dwhich to be based答案:B考查“介词whichto do结构。句意:教授几乎不能找到足够的理由支持他的理论。base on意为“基于,作为的根底。9It was raining hard. Little Tom felt cold

11、, so he stood_to his mother.Aclose BcloselyCclosed Dnearly答案:A考查close的用法。close和closely均可用作副词,指“接近,靠近,但使用场合不同;close多用来修饰由介词引导的短语,如get/stand close to.;而closely那么用来修饰动词或过去分词,意为“紧密地,密切地,如:I'm following the matter closely.。10Have you realized the part the computer has_in the daily life?Amade BgivenCc

12、aused Dplayed答案:D考查动词与名词的搭配。play a part in.表示“在中起作用,此处the computer has played in the daily life为定语从句,修饰the part。句意:你意识到电脑在我们的日常生活中所起的作用了吗?11He commanded that all the gates_to search for the spy.Ashould shut Bwould be shutCshut Dbe shut答案:D考查command后跟虚拟语气。command后跟that从句,从句要用虚拟语气,即should动词原形,其中should

13、可以省略。12I won't give you any help_you tell me the truth.It's none of my business.Aunless Bsince Cas if Deven if答案:D考查连词。句意:即使你告诉我事实,我也不会帮助你的。这不关我的事。even if“即使;unless“除非;since“自从;as if“好似。13He seems to be a learned man._, he knows nothing at all.AIndeed BSurelyCTruly DActually答案:D考查副词辨析。indeed

14、“真正地;surely“确实地;truly“真正地;actually“事实上,实际上。句意:他看上去是一个博学的人,实际上他一无所知。14Though I hadn't seen John for five years or so, I_his voice as soon as I picked up my phone.Arecognized BknewCrealized Ddiscovered答案:A句意:尽管我和约翰已经有五年左右没有见面了,但是我一接 就区分出了他的声音。recognize强调从记忆中搜索到,识别出人、物、声音、方位等。最大的干扰项realize强调潜意识中注意到

15、、理解、领会。15What do you think of my work, Miss White?I'll come to the point_your work isn't good enough.Afriendly BpolitelyCrudely Dstraight答案:D由后面的评价“your work isn't good enough可以看出,这里是对对方的工作直接发表看法。答句句意:我直入主题你的工作不够好。straight在这里用作副词,意思是“直接地。.阅读理解A(·期末)Do you know what really troubles m

16、e? For some reason, words with silent letters have always bothered me. For example, consider these words: know, design, island, school, wrist, naughty, and salmon. All of these words have at least one letter that is not typically pronounced, and these words are just a very small part of words with s

17、ilent letters in them.Some words are even worse, consider this word: colonel. Not only are some letters not pronounced, but letters that are not even there are pronounced.Even foreign languages, especially French, are guilty of this needless complexity and confusion. I know there must be some main h

18、istorical reasons why the words are spelled and pronounced the way they are, but that does not mean bad traditions must continue to survive. Especially if they are no longer logical.Unfortunately, there is very little that anyone can do for it, because there's no group of people who can change o

19、r have the right to change the English language for everyone. However, the only thing we can do is make changes in the way we talk and write in hopes that it catches_on. For example, I pronounce the letter “l in salmon on purpose to make people annoyed and to sound more different or complicated. I e

20、ven pronounce colonel the correct or French way.I can only hope these two minor changes to the English language make sense to you, and you will help to keep up these minor changes forever in your everyday life.文章大意:不知道你注意了没有?英语中有些单词中的字母是不发音的。这是由于长期的历史原因造成的。我们该怎样对待它们呢?1We can learn from the passage_.

21、A. colonel is pronounced /klnl/B. salmon is pronounced /smn/C. all the words with silent letters come from FrenchD. linguists will solve the problem of dumb letters答案:B推理判断题。由第一段第四句话“All of these words have at least one letter that is not typically pronounced可知,“know, design, island, school, wrist,

22、naughty, and salmon这些单词至少有一个字母不发音,再由第三段第四句话“I pronounce the letter l in salmon on purpose可知salmon单词中的字母l不发音,所以B项正确。由第二段可知,colonel单词的发音规那么是有一些字母不发音,但是不在该单词拼写之中的有些字母还会发音,所以A项错误;由第三段可知,法语只是这一现象的主要原因,所以C项错误;由第四段“Unfortunately, there is very little that anyone can do for it, because there's no group

23、of people who can change or have the right to change the English language for everyone.可知,D项错误。2Which of the following is the main reason for silent letters?A. French language. B. Historical reasons. C. Some linguists. D. Bad traditions.答案:B细节理解题。由第三段第二句话“I know there must be some main historical re

24、asons why the words are spelled and pronounced the way they are.可知,造成英语有些字母不发音的主要原因是历史原因。3The underlined phrase “catches on probably means “_A. becomes popular B. gets across C. follows the fashions D. doesn't fall behind答案:A猜想词义题。所在句句意“但是我们可以在我们说或者写的时候做些变化,希望会让这些变化流行起来。4Which of the following i

25、s the best title for this passage?A. Troubles in everyday life B. Traps in English wordsC. Words with silent letters D. Necessary changes of languages答案:C主旨大意题。由文章大意可知,全文讨论了英语单词中的字母不发音的原因和我们对此的态度。BSome people say global English is no longer just controlled by British or American English, but is runn

26、ing free and developing uniquely local forms. Can you figure out the following terms?“I like your smile, but unlike you put your shoes on my face. This is a way of saying “Keep off the grass. Or “people mountain, people sea, which means “very crowdedThese examples are what we call Chinglish. When it

27、 comes to Chinglish, if all you know is “good good study, day day up, you will be considered “out manNowadays, more Chinglish words have been created, for example, a Chinese idiom is translated as “smilence, a combination by the English word smile and silence.Chinglish usually offers a humorous look

28、 at misuses of the English language in Chinese street signs, products, and advertising. They are favored by some English speaking tourists and visitors. Dominic Swire has been living in Beijing for a couple of years. “I think many Chinese people complain about the Chinglish and badly translated Engl

29、ish. But you know, sometimes for us foreigners, it's actually quite charming to see them. I think if the translations of English in China were all perfect, then something would be lost from Chinese culture.However, Chinglish will probably become a “cultural relic in the near future. Beijing has

30、made a comprehensive plan to improve foreign language services and correct Chinglish within five years. “It is very ridiculous to see Chinglish on the signs in some scenic spots. And they are a kind of barrer for communication between Chinese and people from other countries, a Beijinger said.Some Ch

31、inese university experts side with Chinglish. They argue that English has absorbed elements from other languages such as French and Spanish in its growth, and now it's Chinese's turn.文章大意:如今,世界英语不单单受美式英语和英式英语的影响,英语词汇和汉语语法的结合出现了越来越多的“中国式英语。5What can we call Chinglish?AEnglish words which get

32、new Chinese meanings.BThe Chinese words which are difficult to translate.C. The words combining English vocabulary and Chinese grammar.DThe local words preventing foreigners to learn Chinese well.答案:C推理判断题。根据第二、三、四段所举的例子可以判断中国式英语是由英语词汇按照汉语语法形成的英语。6What does“smilence most probably mean?A. Saying noth

33、ing but to smile.B. Smiling without being noticed.C. Laughing at somebody.D. Knowing little about speech.答案:A细节判断题。根据第四段结尾“a combination by the English word smile and silence可知答案为A。7. Who will be called“out man according to the passage?A. A person who knows little about Chinglish words.B. A student

34、who hates learning foreign languages.C. A tourist who fails to understand local translations.D. An expert who doesn't support Chinglish at all.答案:A细节判断题。根据第三段可知,如今中国式英语很普遍,不知道反而落伍了。8What is the Swire's attitude to Chinglish?A. It can show the humour of Chinese.B. It will attract more foreign

35、 tourists.C. It helps him to learn Chinese well.D. It seems part of Chinese culture.答案:D细节判断题。根据第五段中swire说话的内容可知,他认为中国式英语是中国文化的一局部。9Chinglish is likely to become a“cultural relic in Beijing because_.Ait has become a unique bridge between Chinese and EnglishBChinglish is a chance to enrich Chinese and EnglishCit improves the understanding between Chinese and foreignersDBeijing is determined to get rid of Chinglish signs答案:D细节判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Beijing has made a comprehensive plan to improve foreign language services and correct Chinglish within five years.可知答案为D。


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