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1、Unit 4 Sharing课前预习单词拼写1.He _(捐赠)his collection of pictures to the museum.2.A watch dog is a _(平安)against burglars.3.This kind of tree has a very wide _(分布)in this area.4.The family lived upon a small _.(收入)5.A library has a _(目录)of its books.6.You can make six a_ of the letters A B and C.7.His color

2、 isnt r_ to whether hes a good lawyer.8.My mother soon a_ herself to the city life.9.S_ water is more pleasant to drink than hard water.10.Karl Marx was forced to leave his motherland for p_ reasons.重点短语1.收到的信_ 2.渴望,极想_ 中心_13. throwout of_ 14. a couple of_15. in need_ 16. participate in_17. think of

3、_ 18.pocket money _小组合作探究课文理解Fast reading:Read the passage silently and quickly and answer the following questions, Youll be given 5 minutes.Whats the main idea of the text?_Would you like to go to school like the one described in the letter? _What are the differences between your school and the one

4、 in the text? _重点句子翻译1.我现在仍努力去适应这些状况,但是有一件事事确定的,我的教学方面已经更有想象力了._2.男孩子们从来没有遇到过这种情况,于是他们开始向窗外跳._3.有时候我想知道化学对孩子们说是多么重要,这些孩子大数在八年级以后回到他们的村子._ _4.小房子里黑黑的,所以我们的眼睛过一会才能适应._5.即使我一句话也听不懂,我还是喜欢听他们家人那种用自己的语言彼此轻柔的交流._6.他们以为在晚上,任何剩饭都能吸引邪恶的鬼怪,因此食物放在罐中烘干,然后罐被扔出小屋._7.当我们下山回家时,我浑身的肌肉隐隐做痛,双膝也发软._8.你送的礼物不是给你所爱的人留作纪念的,而是给那些确实有需要的人的一项捐助._9.当你购置其中一款时,我们会送你一张漂亮的卡片,你可以把他送给特别的朋友._10.假设几和你的同学想把自己的一局部零花钱捐给其他国家那些需要钱的人来帮助他们._


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