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1、Relaxing练案一 单项填空1. As he waited for the medical report from the doctor, his nervousness_.Ahad grown Bis growing CgrewDhas grown答案:C as作“当时讲时,一般强调主从句动作几乎同时发生,所以往往时态一致。2.-You haven't said a word about my new coat, TomDo you like it? -I'm sorry I_ anything about it sooner. I certainly think it&

2、#39;s pretty on you.Awasn't saying Bdidn't sayCwon't sayDdont say答案:B 说话者只强调过去某时间的动作,故用一般过去时。 3. I wonder why Ken _ us recently. We should have heard from him by now.Ahadn't writtenBdoesn't write Cwon't writeDhasnt written答案:D 该句表达的意思是:过去的时间没写信,而且更强调现在没收到信,故用现在完成时。 4.The man

3、said that the UFO _ west to east when he saw it.Awas traveling traveledChad been traveling Dwas to travel.答案:A 一般过去时仅表示过去某一时刻发生的客观动作,而过去进行时那么强调当时正在进行,更形象、生动。5. -I'm going to the post office.- _ you're there,can you get me some stamps? AAsBWhileCBecauseDIf答案:B while在“当时候讲时,表示主句的动作发生在它所引导的从句的动

4、作过程中,因此从句中多用进行时或表延续状态的结构.6.-Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls? -Yes. They have better players, so I _ them to win.Ahopeprefer CexpectDwant 答案:C 根据句意,应为“估计,预料之意。7. -Hey, look where you are going? -Oh, I'm terribly sorry_.AI'm not noticingBI wasn't noticingCI haven't noticingD

5、I don't noticing答案:B 说话者强调的是刚刚,而非现在,应用过去时。8. _it with me and I'll see what I can do.AWhen left BLeavingCIf you leave DLeave答案:D 因句中有并列连词and,故知该句应为并列句,而四个选项中只有D在句中时才能构成祈使句。9. Kate_ a book about Japan last year but I don't know whether she has finished it.Ahad writtenBwroteChas written D w

6、as writing答案:D 过去进行时可以表示在过去一段时间内在进行的动作。10. - Hi. Tracy, you look tired.-I am tired I _ the living room all day.ApaintedBhave paintedChave been paintingDhad painted 答案:过去刷房子的动作影响到了现在,所以答案应为C或D,而C现在完成进行时那么强调动作从过去一直延续到现在。1. I first met Ann two years ago. She _ at a shop at the time.Ahad workedBwas work

7、ingChad been workingD has worked 答案:B 当时在一家无线电商店工作,故用过去时态。12. -Who is Jerry Cook -_? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.ADon't you meet him yetBHadn't you met him yetCDidn't you meet him yetDHaven't you met him yet答案:D 我看见你在会上和他握手了,所以现在不该再问他是谁了。过去的动作影响到现在,用现在完成时。13. -_my

8、 glasses? -Yes, I saw them on your bed just now.ADo you see BHad you seen CWould you seeDHave you seen 答案:D 问话的人不单单问是否看见,而重在强调现在想知道眼镜在哪儿这一结果,故用现在完成时.14. -_the sports meet might be put off.-Yes. it all depends on the weather.AI've been told BI've toldCI'm toldDI told答案:A 该句意思为“我被告知,既有被动,又

9、有过去被告知,现在知道结果之意,应选用现在完成时。15. -Hello. May I speak to Ann, please? -Sorry. She's not in. Would you like to _ a message? AleaveBtakeCgiveDget答案:A leave a message for sb是固定搭配,意为“给某人留个信儿。16. They encouraged _ English by radio and television.Ame to learnBlearningCfor me to learn D to learn答案:Aencourag

10、e sbto do sth. 是固定搭配,意为“鼓励某人做某事;另外,discourage sbfrom doing sth. 为“劝某人不要做某事,如:Parents should discourage their children from smoking. 17. -Why ask me to take that early bus? -Because that bus _ the 9: 30 a.m. train at Boston.Ajoins up Bjoins to Cunites withDconnects with答案:B join to有“连结,联合之意, join up

11、with意为“与集合,相聚 unite with意为“与团结,联合,统一;connect with意为“与相连接或有联系。18. -Are there any books on the desk? -_, I'm afraid.ANo oneBNot anyCFewDOnly a few答案: 说话者在客观地答复书的数量是"Not any = There are not any books on the desk. "few 这词表示说话者主观强调“没几本。二 用所给汉字的正确形式填空1. To reduce stress, one of the important

12、 things you should do is to _.多锻炼 答案:do more exercise 2. No sweets for me; I_.在节食答案:am on a diet3. The man has been _cancer for three years.遭受答案:suffering from4. The old house is_.宁静答案:peaceful5. The classroom is _with laughter.充满答案:filled 6. The performance was _.完美 答案: perfect7. He accepted Kates_

13、.挑战 答案: challenge8. Dont be angry. You should _yourself.控制 答案:control三 翻译以下句子1.沙发占去客厅太多的地方。答案:The sofa takes up too much of the living room.2.你很少看电视是吗?答案:You seldom watch movies, do you?3.我们大约需要10分钟来准备好一切。答案:It will takes about 10 minutes to get everything ready.4.我不想别人这样对我说话。答案: I don't like being spoken to in this way.5.我宁愿在家看书而不想和朋友们去购物。答案:I prefer reading at home to going shopping with my friends.


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