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1、丰县第三次月考高三英语试卷第一局部 听力共两节,总分值20分第一节共5小题;每题1分,总分值5分请听下面5段对话,选出最正确选项。1. When does the train leave?A. At 6:20.B. At 6:30.C. At 6:35. 2. What does the man mean? A. He tasted the last cake the woman made.B. He took the very last piece of the cake.C. He didnt have any cake at all.3. When will Susan probably

2、 come to see Professor Brown?A. At 10:00. B. At 10:30.C. At 11:00.4. How high is the mountain?A. About 2,500 feet. B. About 8,200 feet.C. About 8,200 meters.5. What will the man do this Tuesday?A. Attend a celebration party. B. Attend a business meeting.C. Make a speech. 第二节共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分 请听下面5段对

3、话或独白, 选出最正确选项。请听第6段材料,答复第6、7题。6. What does the man suggest the woman should do?A. Stay at home.B. Get someone to look after her son. C. Look for a job.7. Where probably is the womans son on weekdays?A. At home.B. In the kindergarten.C. In the womans company.请听第7段材料,答复第8至10题。8. What do we know about

4、the man?A. Hes Japanese.B. Hes a visitor just arriving in Tokyo.C. Hes a foreigner whos staying in Tokyo.9. What is the woman worrying about? A. She cant deal with the time difference. B. She cant use chopsticks.C. She wont see her family for some time. 10. What is the woman going to do this afterno

5、on?A. Sleep. B. Visit Tokyo.C. Leave Japan. 请听第8段材料,答复第11至13题。11. Where did the woman see the accident?A. Inside Browns toy shop.B. Outside Browns toy shop. C. On Brown Street.12. When did the accident take place?A. At 2:45.B. At 2:50.C. At 2:40.13. What colour was the traffic light when the truck w

6、as passing the crossing?A. Green.B. Red. C. Yellow.请听第9段材料,答复第14至16题。14. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. An article. B. A website.C. Animal protection.15. What has a direct effect on the animals?A. The decrease of the natural resources.B. The decrease of space. C. The increasing po

7、pulation.16. What problems can the disappearance of animals cause according to sociologists?A. Political problems.B. Economic problems.C. Health problems.请听第10段材料,答复第17至20题。17. How many years of history does York have? A. Less than 1,900 years.B. Only 71 years.C. Over 1,900 years.18. Where is York?

8、A. In the US.B. In Scotland.C. In England.19. What do we know about York?A. It has a short history.B. Its both old and modern.C. Its the most popular city in the world.20. Whats the text mainly about?A. A brief introduction to York.B. Places of interest in York.C. The history of York.第二局部 英语知识运用共两节,

9、总分值35分 第一节 单项填空共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. Although he knew _little about _large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded where more well-informed experimenters failed.    A. a; the   B. 不填;the     C. a; 不填   D. the;

10、a22. - I promise to go shopping with you if you help me with the housework. - _ You are the last person to keep a promise.A. That's great! B. How come? C. I don't agree. D. Come off it!23. People hope to become more _ in predicting earthquakes.A. absolute B. steady C. ideal D. accurate24. _

11、you told me in secret, I had heard nothing about it.A. While B. Until C. After D. Since25. Student loan is supposed to provide financial support for people who would _ not be able to go to college.A. otherwise      B. meanwhile       &

12、#160;   C. therefore              D. nevertheless26. Finally we decided to fly to France for the winter holiday on our first stop, _ we planned to stay for three days.A. when B. there C. which D. where27. On hearing the

13、news, the president _ his visit to Australia and returned home immediately. A. broke off B. went off C. kept off D. took off28. Sorry for not having got what you wanted. She kept her mouth shut and just said _.A. thats her feet of clay B. a little bird told herC. she wanted to kill the fatted calfD.

14、 she was the salt of the earth29. Each member country WTO must _ its laws and regulations and compete on the principle of fairness and cooperation.A. submit to B. cater to C. correspond to D. relate to30. Remember to send me a photo of your son the next time you _to me.A. are writing B. will write C

15、. write D. would write31. Weve got a general idea of what we want, but nothing _ at the time.A. concrete B. ordinary C. abstract D. standard32. - Are you married? -No, still_.A. one    B. single    C. separate    D. myself.33. After the flood, what the go

16、vernment did first was to provide _ for the homeless families.A. furniture B. occupation C. accommodation D. equipment34. _ he can hardly read is _ he is slow in mind.A. What; that B. That; what C. What; because D. That; because 35. He is out of work, feeling as if he has _nothing.A. established B.

17、accomplished C. abolished D. guaranteed第二节 完形填空共20小题;每题1分,总分值20分 请认真阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was hard to accept, but the horrible day had finally arrived. I still remember the tears in my six-year-old sisters eyes as she looked around the 36 closet in wonder. The space on

18、ce filled with 37 clothes now held only loneliness and sorrow. This little child had come to the 38 that her father was gone. He had 39 us, and there was simply no way to change it.Being the 40 of four girls has never been easy, but with the departure of our father, our 41 and dreams were ruined bey

19、ond repair. My mother, the most amazingly warm-hearted person in the world, worked harder than anyone should simply to 42 our broken family. However, long hours at work often prevented her from 43 being there in our times of need. This is where I have acted as the temporary 44 of my three small sist

20、ers.Many students 45 essays about their leadership positions in school and the community, but I 46 that my greatest accomplishment is the 47 I have played within my own family.The senior year in high school is not 48 for anyone, especially when it feels like the entire world is 49 on your shoulders.

21、 Ive been trying hard to fulfill the dream my mother 50 for my future. She was not able to 51 her college education due to lack of money, 52 this success is her top priority(优先考虑的事) for her 53 .A leader is described as one who has influence on others. I hope that my leadership 54 the lives of my sis

22、ters and everyone around me. In 55 myself to my family and school, I have set goals that I will accomplish great things.36. A. heavyB. fullC. emptyD. broken37. A. herB. hisC. ourD. their38. A. protectionB. predictionC. realizationD. imagination39. A. leftB. avoidedC. controlledD. believed40. A. busi

23、estB. happiestC. smartestD. oldest41. A. careerB. worldC. schoolD. company42. A. examineB. suitC. enjoyD. mend43. A. physicallyB. carefullyC. mentallyD. proudly44. A. caretakerB. playmateC. teacherD. friend45. A. hateB. writeC. learnD. teach46. A. ignoreB. feelC. denyD. regret47. A. cardB. musicC. r

24、oleD. game48. A. sadB. boringC. hardD. simple49. A. restingB. workingC. focusingD. basing50. A. abandonsB. explainsC. continuesD. holds51. A. giveB. completeC. surviveD. forget52. A. asB. butC. soD. or53. A. futureB. jobC. familyD. children54. A. savesB. risksC. affectsD. spends55. A. presentingB. d

25、evotingC. connectingD. attaching第三局部 阅读理解共15小题;每题2分,总分值30分 请认真阅读以下短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ADu Fu, the famous Tang Dynasty poet, is getting the business these days. In response to the 1,300th anniversary of the poets birth, the meme, “Du Fu is busy, is spreading through the Inter

26、net and turning the iconic poet into a figure of fun.A meme is a cultural phenomenon. Its an idea or image that somehow strikes a chord with Internet users and prompts them to comment on it, change it, or use it in different situations. In Dus case, the meme is a picture of the poet taken from a tex

27、tbook. The picture shows a very serious Du sitting on a rock, clothed in loose robes. His chin is pointed resolutely upward and his eyes gaze calmly into the distance. It is a picture of a man with a great mind and a heroic spirit.That image is changed in the meme. Du Fu is now seen holding a gun or

28、 listening to an iPod or dressed as a Japanese cartoon character. In todays world, it seems fewer people respect great minds or heroic spirits.This is sad because it means we are losing our sense of idealism. Du Fu led a life of poverty and humiliation. I visited his thatched cottage in Chengdu and

29、imagined the hardship he endured: the loneliness, the cold, and the hunger. Yet, hardship didnt kill his spirit, and his great poetry reflects his inner strength.Internet users may find that giving Du Fu the business is entertaining, but it cannot diminish his greatness. And that enduring image of g

30、reatness is the one that truly matters.56. Which expression can be used to replace the underlined part in Para. 1?A. getting along very well with his business B. getting busier and busierC. becoming a successful businessman D. being made to look foolish57. Which of the following pictures is mentione

31、d in the passage?A. B. C. D. 58. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Meme is more and more popular. B. Du Fu is no longer a famous poet.C. Du Fu is getting the business. D. Du Fu has become a new hero.BCulture is one of the most challenging elements of the international marketplace. This system of

32、 learned behavior patterns characteristic of the members of a given society is constantly shaped by a set of dynamic variables: language, religion, values and attitudes, manners and customs, aesthetics, technology, education, and social institutions. To cope with this system, an international manage

33、r needs both factual and interpretive knowledge of culture. To some extent, the factual knowledge can be learned; its interpretation comes only through experience.The most complicated problems in dealing with the cultural environment lie in the fact that one cannot learn cultureone has to live it. T

34、wo schools of thought exist in the business world on how to deal with cultural diversity. One is that business is business the world around, following the model of Pepsi and McDonalds. In some cases, globalization is a fact of life; however, cultural differences are still far from converging (会合).Th

35、e other school proposes that companies must adapt business approaches to individual cultures. Setting up policies and procedures in each country has been compared to an organ transplant; the critical question centers around acceptance or rejection. The major challenge to the international manager is

36、 to make sure that rejection is not a result of cultural myopia(近视) or even blindness.Fortune examined the international performance of a dozen large companies that earn 20 percent or more of their revenue overseas. The internationally successful companies all share an important quality: patience. T

37、hey have not rushed into situations but rather built their operations carefully by following the most basic business principles. These principles are to know your adversary(对手), know your audience, and know your customer.59. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. All internation

38、al managers can learn culture.B. Business diversity is not necessary. C. Views differ on how to treat culture in business world. D. Most people do not know foreign culture well.60. According to the author, the model of Pepsi_. A. is in line with the theories that the business is business the world a

39、round B. is different from the model of McDonalds C. shows the reverse of globalization D. has converged cultural differences61. The two schools of thought_. A. both propose that companies should adapt business approaches to individual cultures B. both advocate that different policies be set up in d

40、ifferent countries C. both admit the existence of cultural diversity in business world D. both A and B62. This article is supposed to be most useful for those _. A. who are interested in researching the topic of cultural diversity B. who have connections to more than one type of culture C. who want

41、to travel abroad D. who want to run business on International ScaleCTeaching Boys: Developing classroom practices that workAmanda Keddie and Martin MillsBridges the gap between theory and practice to offer a practical and sustainable framework for teaching boys in classrooms of all levels.Sales poin

42、ts Teaching boys remains one of the most concerned issues in education today Many books have been published analysing why boys perform less well than girls, and why some boys struggle at school. But they dont show teachers what will work: this book does The authors offer a research-based framework f

43、or classroom strategies that work with boysand dont disadvantage girlsDescriptionBoys education continues to be a focus of public anxiety among teachers. Concern about boys general educational under-achievement and the impact this under-achievement has on the boys themselves, as well as on the broad

44、er society, continues to fuel disagreement and debate on the best approach to take in response.Teaching Boys provides a framework for developing practical and sustainable ways to improve boys education.The book indicates how what teachers do in the classroom can enable boys academic and social outco

45、mes. With detailed case studies, Keddie & Mills outline a range of practical classroom strategies that will assist teachers to meet the challenge of teaching boys, without neglecting the girls in the process.About the AuthorsAmanda Keddie is a researcher at the University of Queensland. Her rese

46、arch interests and teaching areas focus on classroom teaching, curriculum and educational sociology.Martin Mills is Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Queensland. He has written several books, and is co-author of Teachers and Schooling Making a Difference (Allen & Unwin, ).63. The purpose of this passage is _.A. to promote classroom teachingB. to advertising a bookC. to analyzing b


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