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1、任务型阅读请认真阅读以下短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空格1个单词。(A)Social function of public libraries in rural areasPublic libraries are various, such as Popular Library, Community Library, Municipal Library, Parish library and Model Public Library.The public libraries in underdeveloped countries are marginal

2、ized and without any leading role in society. To develop “social function of the public library as an agent of change for rural development, we need to know more about the public library. The public library is the institution that serves a social function as a change agent in transmitting informatio

3、n and knowledge to the rural development without distinction of religion, race, political beliefs, or gender or sex. “Its an education for the people. The social roles of the public library includes: ·developing an additional training courses to the rural school, trying to raise the socioeconom

4、ic status, intellectual and moral development of rural populations. Through the different activities taking place: Training courses, productive workshops, lectures on various topics, holiday supplies, etc;·serving many people who had to leave school early (very typical of rural areas) by provid

5、ing adequate equipment and personnel to their information needs;·facilitating and encouraging reading in rural areas, acting as an effective tool against illiteracy, which in Peru and Latin America is one of the socio-educational problems that we suffer;·helping users disoriented and not a

6、ccustomed to consult the rural library, encouraging, motivating and attracting them to obtain maximum benefit and satisfaction of their readings·acting as an “Information Center for all, but not a “Deposit and audiovisual library materials; for use by all members of the Community, particularly

7、in rural areas. What is interesting in learning, increasing their knowledge and culture, strengthening their appreciation of life and achieve their ideals. The social roles of the public library will depend much on their structure: Child, Youth, Adult, Senior, and its system of organization: Central

8、 and branch offices, mobile libraries, book bags, methods widely used in rural areas of many countries. The public library is a state institution, and therefore promoted and sustained by it. It plays the role of the public service. It should not be an inert entity, as has happened in most developing

9、 countries. Within a context of underdevelopment, public library remains as an institution isolated from the interests of the population, despite all efforts are made individually to avoid it. The public library and the rural development should be closely related, with the support of an appropriate

10、education policy.Social function of public libraries in rural areasSocial structure, Child, Youth, Adult, Senior, and its system of the organizationStructures (80) the social roles(71) of librariesProblem mentionedSocial (74) Popular Library, (72) Library, Municipal Library, Parish library and Model

11、 Public LibraryThe public library in underdeveloped countries are not taking a (73) role in their society·developing (75) training courses, productive workshops, lectures on various topics, holiday supplies, etc;·serving early school-leavers (76) providing adequate equipment and personnel

12、to their information needs;·facilitating and encouraging reading in rural areas, acting as an effective tool against (77) .·helping those who are not used to using a library to (78) the most benefit and satisfaction of their readings·(79) as an “Information Center for all 答案:71. Types

13、 / Kinds72. Community 73. leading 74. roles75. additional / supplementary76. by77. illiteracy78. gain/obtain/get/achieve79. acting 80. supporting(B)“HEARTLESSits not usually a word you would want to use to describe a person. But having his heart removed was what saved Craig Lewis lifeand what made h

14、im the first living “heartless man.The 55-year-old had been dying of heart disease. He was told that he only had 12 hours to live. That was when Billy Cohn and Bud Frazier, two doctors from the Texas Heart Institute, US, decided to try something new. They removed Lewis heart and replaced it with an

15、artificial (人造的) one. Less than a week after the operation, Lewis was able to sit up in bed and speak to his family, according to Reuters.Lewis kept on living like a normal person, with only one differencehe didnt have a heartbeat. The human heart usually pumps blood through our bodies by beating re

16、gularly. By contrast, this artificial heart pushes the blood forward with two moving blades(桨叶). If you were to touch Lewis or listen to his chest, you would not feel a heartbeat. If you hooked him up to an EKG(心电图) machine, the line would be flat.Scientists have been trying to create a working arti

17、ficial heart for years. Many people suffer from serious heart disease and cannot get transplants. Until now, all artificial hearts either broke down or caused blocks and infections.But after five years of hard work, Dr Cohn and Dr Frazier developed this artificial heart. It is smaller and quieter th

18、an other artificial hearts and can last much longer. They tested it on 38 calves (牛犊) and all of them turned out energetic and healthy. Lewis is the first human proof that the machine is a success.The doctors will have to work more on the device and decide on a final design before it can be widely u

19、sed. The US Food and Drug Administration will also need to say that the machine is safe. But this artificial heart looks likely to bring a ray of hope to thousands of patients.Life as a heartless manPassage outlineSupporting detailsA (71) in the history of medicine55-year-old Lewis was on the (72) o

20、f death. He was told that he only had 12 hours to live.Two American doctors had his heart (73) and replaced it with an artificial one. That made Lewis the first living heartless man.Differing from the human heartLewis new heart pushes the blood forward with two moving blades.His heart rate is at (74

21、) with a (75) line on the screen of an EKG machine.(76) of this artificial heartIt is smarter and quieter than other artificial hearts and can last much longer.It hasnt yet broken down. Nor has it got (77) and infected.Reasons for being (78) about this artificial heartThe doctors will have to furthe

22、r (79) the device before it is massively produced.Yet this artificial heart looks likely to bring the opportunity of (80) to thousands of patients.答案:71. wonder 72. edge 73 removed 74. zero 75. flat 76. Characteristic/ Features / Superiorities / Strengths / Advantages / Benefits77. blocked78. optimi

23、stic / positive 79. improve 80. recovery / life (C)Which is the best college or university in the country? That all depends on who you ask. There are several well-respected college ranking experts out there, but their number one picks vary wildly, from West Point to Harvard University. If anyone is

24、using the rankings as the only way to decide, that is wrong for the rankings. Here is what you need to know to use each of them well when considering college choices.The methods vary wildly. U.S. News & World Report ranks colleges nationally and by region and type, so large national universities

25、, like Harvard and Princeton, dont appear on the same lists as smaller liberal arts colleges. The colleges themselves provide information including reputation surveys, admissions data, SAT and ACT scores, acceptance rates, faculty salaries, financial resources, class size, and student-faculty ratios

26、. Failure to fill out a survey completely (or having the survey completed by different people from year to year) can result in a change in rank. Rankings are generally stable over time.Forbes, which started ranking colleges in , does not divide schools by size or region. Instead, 650 schools are ran

27、ked for Forbes based on student evaluations on RateMyProfessor , the number of graduates listed in Whos Who in America, salary information for graduated from Payscale , average student loan debt and default rates, and four-year graduation rates, among other things.The Princeton Review offers up 62 d

28、ifferent Top 20 lists instead of ranking schools in order from best to worst. The data comes from surveying 122,000 students at 376 colleges, The Princeton Review said in a statement, and their lists offer rankings on everything from class size, political activity to social life.Know what you want i

29、n a college.Before putting much weight into a schools rank, its important for students to decide what theyre really looking for in a collegeand they shouldnt wait until the last minute to start their search. They have to do the hard homework of understanding the cost, location, activities listening

30、to peoples advice about where students from that high school have gotten into.Consider the classes and degrees offered by each collegedo they fit your interests? What is the campus likedo you want a city setting or a classic, tree-lined courtyard? If you can, visit several schools and talk to studen

31、tswhat teaching style do the instructors have, how are the classrooms set up? And, last but not least, take a look at tuition, room, board, and fees, as well as typical financial aid packageswhich schools are affordable for your family?Top universities in any ranking list are probably the most compe

32、titive. It goes without saying that only a small number of students can get into the top 10. Students need to be realistic about their qualifications, and understand that, even if they are qualified, they still might not get in. “The top 10 could be drawn from the top five percent of high school stu

33、dents or even less. Theres simply no place to accept every applicant. Title: How to use college (71) wiselyIntroductionUniversities are ranked wildly (72) on top lists.Methods of ranking colleges·U.S. News & World Report by region and type with information provided by each college (73) .

34、83;Forbesbased on (74) evaluations·The Princeton Reviewbased on (75) like class size, political activity and social lifeInformation you need to know about colleges·to do hard homework in (76) ·to know well about colleges·to (77) your own interest.(78) to get into top universities

35、It is hard for students, to be (79) to top universities, which do not have enough (80) for every applicant even qualified students.答案:71. rankings72. differently73. itself74. student / graduate / students / graduates 75. everything 76. advance77. consider 78. Chances / Opportunities79. admitted80. p

36、lace (D)You want to be confident and feel confident, but what if you're starting with little or no confidence? True self-confidence isn't an overnight acquisition. It takes dedication to realize you are a good human being that is worthy of respect and love. Recognize your insecuritiesWhat do

37、es that voice in the back of your mind say? Why do you feel uncomfortable or ashamed of yourself? This could be anything from regrets to friends at school or negative experience. Whatever is making you feel unworthy, or ashamed, identify it, give it a name, and write it down. You can also tear these

38、 written pieces to start feeling positive on those points. Get rid of insecurities graduallyEach day you should weaken it. There's no quick fix. Get to the root of the problem; focus on it and understand that you need to resolve each issue before you can move on. Check if it is an old past emoti

39、on and if it is really still relevant or applicable in your life today. And that does not mean you have to get rid of whatever makes you feel bad (many times, you simply can't). You need to learn to accept yourself, your past, your circumstances as they are, without necessarily thinking of them

40、as “bad. Identify your successesEveryone is good at something, so discover the things at which you do extremely well, then focus on your talents. Give yourself permission to be proud of them. Give yourself credit for your successes. Inferiority (自卑) is a state of mind in which you've declared yo

41、urself a victim. Do not allow yourself to be victimized. Be PositiveAvoid self-pity, or the pity and sympathy of others. Never allow others to make you feel inferiorthey can only do so if you let them. If you continue to dislike and look down upon yourself, others are going to do and believe likewis

42、e. Instead, speak positively about yourself, about your future, and about your progress. Do not be afraid to show your strengths and qualities to others. By doing so, you strengthen those ideas in your mind and encourage your growth in a positive direction. Apply “facial feedback theory Studies surr

43、ounding whats called the "facial feedback theory" suggest that the expressions on your face can actually encourage your brain to express certain emotions. So by looking in the mirror and smiling every day, you might feel happier with yourself and more confident in the long run. Help others

44、When you know youre helpful to the people around you, and are making a positive difference in other peoples lives (even if it's just being kinder to the person who serves you coffee in the morning), you'll know that you are a positive force in the worldwhich will boost yourself confidence. N

45、ow, dear friends, will you let confidence keep you company? Be confident, and accomplishing your goals will be just around the corner.Title: The ways to become confidentSpecific ways Supporting detailsRecognizing insecuritiesFind out what (71) you uncomfortable or ashamed,forget it and feel positive

46、. (72) insecurities graduallyFind out the (73) of problems, resolve them and learn to accept (74) you are.Identifying successesFind out your talents, take pride in them and (75) yourself for your successes.Being positive·Speak (76) about yourself.·Dont make yourself (77) by others. Applyin

47、g “facial feedback theoryLook in the mirror and smile to gain more (78) .Helping othersBe of (79) to the people around you.ConclusionConfidence helps people accomplish goals and become worthy to be (80) and loved. 答案:71. makes72. Removing73. causes / roots 74. what 75. praise 76. positively 77. piti

48、ed / sympathized 77. Looking 78. confidence 79. help 80. respected(E)Those who like to play with words are clever, or consider themselves clever. Playing with words in trademark registration, however, might bring you trouble or even a lawsuit (起诉).US basketball star Michael Jordan filed a lawsuit against Chinese company Qiaodan Sports last week for unauthorized use of his name. The company den


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