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1、雅思写作,By Eileen,Task 2的分类和组成部分,要求: 一般要求考生按照题目所列的内容写一封不少于250个单词的议论文。要求考生在40分钟内完成。,根据Task2任务指令的不同及文章解题策略的不同,可以将Task2分为辩论类和论说类两大类。1.辩论类2.论说类,辩论类,1.agree/disagree(同意与否),或者for/against(赞成或反对)Task:It is often said that the subjects taught in schools are too academic in orientation and that it would be more

2、useful for children to learn about practical matters such as home management ,work and interpersonal skills.To what extent do you agree or disagree?,论说类,论说型文章的主要目的是提供事实和信息或提出问题和阐述解决问题的方法。这类问题会要求你找到某个现象为什么会发生以及这个现象可能会产生的利害后果。同时,也要求考生提出可以解决这个问题的方法和建议。在雅思写作考试中一般包括四种题型。,1.因果类:需要给出问题或情形的原因,并描述其带来的结果。例如:T

3、ask:Telecommuting refers to workers doing their jobs from home for part of each week and communicating with their office by computer.It is growing in mant countries,and is expected to be common for mant workers in the coming decades. How do you think society will be affected by the growth of telecom

4、muting?,2.问题解决类:就某一问题或现象进行阐述,并提出解决方法。例如:Task:Drugs are becoming more and more common in many countries.What are some of the problems associated with drugs abuse,and what are some of the possible solutions?,3.优点缺点类:实质上就是比较、对比。例如:Task:With the increasing popularity of computers and calculators,student

5、 literacy is decreasing dramatically。What are the positive and negative effects the progress of science and technology has brought about?,4.混合类Task: It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be.Give possible reasons and your recommendations.就是一个“problems+reasons

6、+recommendations”,即因果加上建议。除了分析现代家庭不像从前那样密切的原因结果外,还需要提出你的建议,即解决方法。,Task2的组成部分,一般由三部分组成:引言部分(introduction)主体部分(main body)结论部分(conclusion),同意与否类文章要求考生对某一观点表明自己的态度,是同意还是不同意。其写作指令中常出现的词语为:Do you agree or disagree?To what extent do you support this statement?To what extent do you agree or disagree?,同意与否类,

7、1.引言 写赞成/反对(同意/不同意)(For/Against,Agree/Disagree)类文章的引言的简单方法是只写三个句子:两个主题句一个论题句引言既可以用情景来写也可以用观点来写,1.情景引言,写两句话来描述当前情形的正反两个方面。第三个句子即论题句,描述你在文章中打算如何做。而不必先表明你的观点。for example:Who should take care of our old people?1.In my country, most old people live happily with their childern.2.In creasingly however,many

8、 families cannot take care of their parents.3.This essay will describe some of the problems involved with taking care of old people,and discuss who should be responsible.,Practice,Should daangerous sports be banned?,1.观点引言,在前两个句子中给出两个相反的观点。第三句说自己在文章中打算如何做。而不必先表明你的观点。for example:Does space exploratio

9、n benefit mankind?赞成句:Many people are excited about space exploration.反对句:However,others feel it is a massive waste of money.论题:This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against space exploration.,Practice,Do Athletes Deserve Their High Salaries?,最后,如果你对如何写出引言还不太确定,就留出一些空间,先写后面的部分,写完主体或结

10、论后再回来写引言。,2.主体 主体部分包括几个段落呢?既可以是两段(3773布局),也可以是三段(35553布局)。,什么时候采用3773或35553布局?,1.如果你给出了论点或情形的两个方面,就采用两段(3773布局)一段是赞成的,一段是反对的(或是反面的)。2.如果你只给出论点的一个方面,就采用三段。,(2)如何让文章主体看起来好看一些: 还是分段,这就是答案!如果段落布置得好,文章主体就会看起来舒服,让人感觉不错。下面是文章主体中应包括的内容:1.主题句;2.论据或原因1;3.举例、解释或可支持的事实;4.论据或原因2;5.举例、解释或可支持的事实;6.论据或原因3(3是个神奇数字,所

11、以记住要想出3个论点来!);7.举例、解释或可支持的事实;8.段落总结(可选),for example,Is Education Being Devalued?,people have seveal arguments against the need for degrees.They say that having so many graduates devalues a degree.People lose respect for the degree holder. It is also claimed that education has become a rat race,since

12、 graduates have to compete foe jobs even after years of studying.Another point is that studying for such a long time leads to learners becoming inflexible.By that I mean that they know a lot about one narrow subject,but are unable to apply their skills.Employers,on the other hand,prefer mpre flexibl

13、e and adaptable workers.,3.结论 结论是文章的结尾。是文章的最后部分,也是考官记忆最深刻的部分。所以叙述要清楚,不要把考官搞糊涂。 考官希望结论中包括下面的部分或全部内容: 1.对问题进行改写; 2.总结主要论点; 3.如果你还没有提出自己的看法,就提出来; 4.展望未来(说出如果情形继续下去或有所改变将会怎么样)。 考官不希望在结论中加入新的信息。所以绝不要仅仅因为你在结尾时想到一个新观点,就把它加在结论中! 结论必须用三四句话来完成!,常用连接词,表递进:in addition,similarly,likewise,as well as,besides,furth

14、ermore,moreover,not only.but also,表层次:first(ly),initially,second(ly)etc,to begin with,then,following this/that,afterwards表结果:as a result,therefore,consequently,eventually表转折:however,on the other hand,although,on the contrary,otherwise,yet,instead of,even though,compared wih,in contrast,表肯定:obviously

15、,certainly,undoubtedlly表条件:if,unless,whether,provided that,for ,so that,whether,depending on表定义:is refers to,means,that is,consists of表原因:since,as,so,because(of),due to,owing to,the reason why,in other words,leads to,表次序:before,as,until,meanwhile,at the moment,when,whenever,as soon as,表总结:in conclusion,in summary,lastly,finally,to sum up, to conclude, in short表举例:for instance,one example,just as,in particular,such as,namely表对比:while,more.than,on the other hand,nevertheless,although,on contrast ot,unlike表比较:likewise,similarity,as.as,just as,in the same way,


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