(整理版高中英语)必修三 Units35质量过关检测.doc

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1、必修三Units 35质量过关检测分值:150分时间:120分钟第一局部:听力(共两节,总分值30分)略第二局部:根底知识运用(共两节,总分值45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)从A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。21(·老牌高中一调)_successful docking of Shenzhou VIII with Tiangong­I means that China has managed to take_first important step to establish its own s

2、pace station.A./; / BA; a CThe, a D.The; the答案:D考查冠词。句意:神舟八号和天宫一号的成功对接意味着中国已经迈出了建立自己空间站重要的第一步。第一空动名词docking后有of短语限定,为特指,故应该用定冠词the;第二空特指第一步,为序数词,故应该用定冠词the。由此可知选D。22(·西城区期末统考)_you are familiar with the author's ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as possible.ANow that BEver since

3、 CIn case DAs long as答案:A考查短语。句意:既然你已经熟悉了作者的思路,那么请尽快阅读所有的章节。由句意可知,选now that,意为“既然;ever since“自;in case“以防,万一;as long as“只要。23(·普高联考)Jack can't concentrate on his lessons recently.Yes, that might_why he did so badly in the last test.A. lie in B. sort out C. account for D. depend on答案:C考查动词短语

4、。答语句意:杰克最近上课走神可能就是他上次考试如此差的原因吧。由句意可知,选accountfor,意为“是的原因;解释。liein“在于;sortout“分类;dependon“依靠,取决于。24(·省普高质检)More than 200 million people in China suffer high blood pressure, and 7026 of them are unaware of the fact_they have the illness.Awhat B. when Chow Dthat答案:D考查名词性从句。句意:中国2亿多人患高血压,其中7026人不知道

5、自己患有这种病。由句意可知,they have the illness与fact之间构成了同位语关系;同位语从句多由that引导。25(·一诊)It is the prevention of disease_its successful treatment that has led to the rapid increase of the world's population.A. more than B. rather than C. other than D. less than答案:B考查短语。句意:是疾病的预防而非疾病治疗导致了世界人口的增长。由句意可知,选rathe

6、r than“而非,而不是;more than“多于,不仅仅是;other than“除之外;less than“少于。26(·质检一)The constant rise of meat price requires that effective measures_by the government.A.must be taken B.be taken Cwill be taken Dshould take答案:B考查虚拟语气。require所接that从句中的谓语动词应该用“(should)动词原形的虚拟语气。27(·质检一)The disaster took away

7、his family but with a strong will he finally_.A.picked up B.pulled through Cgot across D worked out答案:B考查短语。句意:灾难夺走了他的家庭,但是由于有了坚强的意志,他最终挺了过来。pull through“挺过,度过,由句意可知,选B。28(·五市区调研)What do people normally put in a time capsule (时间舱)? They usually put in things_will show people in the future_life

8、is like now.A. what; thatB. that; whatC. that; thatD. what; what答案:B考查名词性从句。句意:“人们通常在时间舱里放什么东西?“人们通常放能向人们展示未来的生活会是什么样子的东西。第一空是定语从句,先行词是things,从句缺少主语,所以用关系代词,what不引导定语从句;第二空_life is like now是宾语从句,like缺少宾语,所以填起双重作用的what。29(· 质检一)Hello.Can I speak to Mr.Brown?I'm sorry, but it is 3 weeks_he wo

9、rked here.A.before B.since Cafter Dwhile答案:30(·万州区一诊)Some countries are taking actions to occupy the islands of the South China Sea.Yes, but I think they_be punished sooner or later.A. could B. can C. may D. shall答案:D考查情态动词。句意:“有些国家正在采取措施想占领中国南海的岛屿。“是啊,我认为他们迟早一定会受到惩罚的。由句意可知,选shall,表示意愿和决心。再如:He

10、 shall be given a fair trial.他一定可以得到公平审判的。31(·、防城港一调)It wasn't until nearly a month later_I received the manager's reply.Asince BwhenCas Dthat答案:D考查强调句型。句意:是直到接近一个月后我才收到了经理的回复。去掉强调句型的it was和that后,句子是完整的,即:I didn't receive the manager's reply until nearly a month later.。对含有not un

11、til的句型进行强调时,应该采用“It was not until.that.句型。32(·四校协作体月考)Do you still remember her?Certainly, and I_her as much as I do now for a long time.A. don't missB. haven't missedC. am not missingD. didn't miss答案:B考查时态。答语句意:当然记得她。好久没有像现在这么想她了。由句意可知,选现在完成时,强调对现在的影响。33(· 二诊)With no more than

12、 2 years_the London Olympic organizers have promised to deliver an excellent ceremony.A. going B. to go C. gone D. go答案:B考查with的复合结构。此处“with名词不定式表示将来动作。34(·期末)I never saw him,_I can remember,reading anything but newspapers.A. as far as B. as soon as Cunless D. until答案:A考查固定搭配。句意:据我所知,他总是读报纸。as

13、far as I can remember“据我所知。35(·二诊)I can't stand you! I'm leaving._. See if I care.A.No problem BCome onCNo doubt DGo ahead答案:D考查交际英语。由答语“看看我是否在意可知,选go ahead表示“去做吧,在此意为“你走啊!。第二节:完形填空(共20小题:每题1.5分,总分值30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(·二诊)Bill Trew worked

14、 on the night shift(夜班) in an old coal mine called Park Deep.Day and night 180 miners worked underground there, more than 6,00 feet_36_.They all took their_37_of night work, but Bill always worked at night.He said he_38_it.One day he came home as usual at half past seven in the morning.He had his “S

15、upper,_394041_, the only thing he remembered about it wasa throbbing(跳动) blue light.Bill got up in the afternoon as usual.It was a_42_getting upbecause he could still see the blue light in front of his eyes.As the evening_43_darker, the light grew stronger.Bill got ready for the night shift.But by 8

16、 o'clock the blue light was so bright that he could_44_see anything else.He and his wife were very puzzled.Bill had never been _45_before. “Don't go to work, Mrs.Trew said.“If it isn't better_46_tomorrow, I'll have to send for the doctor.Bill didn't go to work.He sat in an armcha

17、ir,_4748_then the blueness was like a living thing.It surrounded him, silent, throbbing.The family went to bed but Bill wasn't_49_: he stayed in his armchair.At 11 o'clock a long, loud explosion(爆炸)_50_the ground.Bill opened his eyes and_51_to his feet.The blue light was_52_! He rushed outsi

18、de.Someone shouted, “Gas! gas in Park Deep! Oh pity the night shift!The gas explosion killed 179 men in Park Deep.The mine was destroyed_53_.Bill Trew has never_54_wondering. The blue light: why did it make him the only man_55_for work that night?文章大意:本文讲述了一个令人不可思议的事件。36A.downBaroundCoff Daway答案:A由常

19、识及前句中的“underground可知,选down。37A.order BtimeCshare Dlist答案:C他们轮着上夜班,但是比尔一直上夜班。由后句句意“但是比尔一直上夜班可推知,选share,表示“分享。38A.decided BpreferredCsuited Dneeded答案:B他说他“喜欢上夜班。prefer“更喜欢;decide“决定;suit“适合;need“需要。39A.what BbecauseCwhen Das答案:D由前句时间“at half past seven in the morning可知,这个晚饭,是他所给的称谓。as在此引导非限制性定语从句。他吃了他

20、为之命名的“晚饭,然后睡觉了。40A.uneasy BunusualCextra Dordinary答案:B一个“不寻常的梦打搅了他的睡眠。unusual“不寻常的;uneasy“不安的,忧虑的,令人不安的;extra“额外的;ordinary“普通的。ards BHoweverCTherefore DMeanwhile答案:A“后来,他唯一记得的事情是一团蓝色的光。42A.regular BfreshClate Dstrange答案:D由该空破折号后的“because he could still see the blue light in front of his eyes可知,这次起床是

21、很“奇怪的。43A.turned BdevelopedCgrew Dfell答案:C当天“变黑时,蓝光越亮了。grow“逐渐变成新的状态;turn“成为与以前完全不同的东西。B项不是系动词;D项一般只用在固定表达fall ill,fall asleep中。44A.possibly BhardlyCprobably Dimmediately答案:B眼前的蓝光变得如此明亮以至于他“几乎看不见东西了。hardly“几乎不。45A.fearful BcalmCsafe Dsick答案:D由下文“看医生可知,此处指“他以前从未生过病。46A.for BwithinCby Don答案:C明天前还不好的话,

22、我给你请医生。47A.awakeBfrightenedCclear Drelaxed答案:A由该句后面的“but with closed eyes可知,他“醒着但是眼睛合着。48A.JustBTillCFrom DEven答案:D“即使到这时,那团蓝光像生物一样围绕在他周围。even then“即使到这时,再如:Even then,he wouldn't admit his mistakes.即使在这种情况下,他还是不成认自己的错误。49A.serious BtiredCfree Dtroubled答案:B家人都上床睡觉了,但是比尔还在椅子里坐着,没睡觉,他“不累。因为前文说过他一直上

23、夜班。50A.shook BdestroyedCattacked Dbroke答案:A爆炸“震撼大地。shake“摇晃;destroy“破坏;attack“袭击;break“打破,打碎。51A.struggled BroseCjumped Dbent答案:C比尔睁开眼,跳了起来。符合听到一声巨响的自然反响。A项填上表示“挣扎着站起来;B项填上表示“站起来。52A.gone BleftCfrozen Dlost答案:A蓝光“消失了。be gone“消失了,不见了;be lost“丢了,迷路了。53A.at last Bat allCfor ever Dfor all答案:C煤矿被“彻底破坏了。f

24、or ever“永远。54A.stood BstoppedCkept Ddelayed答案:B他从没“停止思考。stop“停止;stand“站;keep“保持;delay“拖延。此处never stop wonderingkeep wondering。55A.unfair BunreasonableCunfit Dunacceptable答案:C那道蓝光使他成为了那一晚上夜班的人中唯一一个“不舒服从而不适宜上夜班的。unfair“不公平的;unreasonable“不合理的,无理的;unfit“(身体上)不强健的,不适宜的;unacceptable“不被接受的。第三局部:阅读理解(共两节,总分

25、值40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A(·省皖南高三联合测评)A spiraling (成螺旋形的) tower made from thousands of books in dozens of languages is the later landmark in Buenos Aires, named the World Book Capital this year.Called the Tower of Babel, the 25­meter high tower by Argentine arti

26、st Marta Minujin is made from 30,000 books, donated by readers, libraries and more than 50 embassies.Climbing up its seven floors, visitors to the tower hear music composed by Minujin and the voice of the artist repeating the word “book in scores of languages.“Building this tower is really a wonder,

27、 Minujin said, standing before the structure as curious passers­by looked at a downtown city square.“A hundred years from now, people will saythere was a Tower of Babel in Argentina.and it didn't need translation because art needs no translation'.Minujin, who worked with US artist Andy

28、Warhol, built a full­scale mode of the Parthenon in Buenos Aires in 1983, using books banned by the military dictatorship (专政) that ended that year.This year's book tower marks Buenos Aires' naming as the World Book Capital by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organ

29、ization (UNESCO)“We've been laying books for 10 days straight, said Sebastian Atienza, 26, who works for the company that built the tower under Minujin's command. “But it's worth it. It's where all languages come together.When the exhibit ends later this month, Minujin said literatur

30、e lovers will be allowed to come and pick one book each. The rest will be brought down to start a new archive (档案馆) that has already been named The Library of Babel, the name of a story by Argentina's most famous author, Jorge Luis Borges.56According to the passage, the Tower of Babel_.Ais made

31、from 30,000 books from nearly 50 countriesBis designed by American artist Matte MinujinCwill hold the book exhibition for 10 daysDhas a height of twenty­five meters答案:D细节分析题。从第一段第二句“called the Tower of Babel, the 25­meter high tower.可知。57After the book exhibition, most books will be_.A. ha

32、nded out among visitors B. donated to UNESCOC. sent to Argentina's new archive D. bought by Jorge Luis Borges答案:C细节分析题。从最后一段第二句“The rest will be brought down to start a new archive(档案馆) that has already been named The Library of Babel可知。58The passage is probably taken from a(n)_A. advertisement

33、B. tourism guide C. textbook D. newspaper答案:D推理判断题。文章主要讲述了阿根廷的“通天书塔,材料新颖,很可能出现在报纸上。B(·稳派教育新课改质检)My husband and I have always been friendly with the clerks at the local convenience store where we often get gasoline. I don't think people appreciate what a difficult job these folks have someti

34、mes. They work for a little over minimum wage and I often wonder how they make ends meet.One of the clerks, “Charlie, was missing her glasses one day. I commented on it and she said they'd been broken and that she couldn't afford a new pair. It was obvious that she was having a difficult tim

35、e.We wondered how we could help, so turned to our own eye doctor for assistance with a plan. We had his secretary contact her, asking her to come in for an eye exam free of charge. We told the doctor to let her order whatever glasses she wanted and that we would pay for them. Although Charlie questi

36、oned what was going on, the doctor just told her that someone had anonymously(用匿名的方式) donated the money for her new glasses. When we went in to pay the bill, the doctor told us he was so touched by our idea that he waived the exam fee and only charged us for half the price of the glasses!It was so w

37、onderful to see Charlie in her new glasses and she enjoyed telling all the regular customers how it came about. I'm sure that upon hearing her story, ideas of kindness may have emerged in the minds of many. She will never know who the gift was from and I hope the idea that good guys really do ge

38、t a break sometimes was planted for her. 文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者帮助自己常去的便利店中的职员买了一副新眼镜的故事。59Why didn't the clerk “Charlie wear glasses one day?A. A pair of glasses was too expensive for him.B. Her old glasses were broken. C. Her glasses were missing.D. She forgot to wear glasses.答案:B细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中

39、的“I commented on it and she said they'd been broken.可知,B项是正确的。60From the passage, we can infer that_.ACharlie was a young man BCharlie knew who donated money for the new glassesCthe Charlie's income was very little DCharlie must be near­sighted答案:C推理判断题。根据第一段第三句的“They work for a little

40、over minimum wage and I often wonder how they make ends meet.可知,Charlie作为该便利店的一员,工资只能比最低收入多一点。故C项是正确的。而D项文中并未提及,故排除;根据第三段的“.asking her to come in for an eye exam free of charge.可知,Charlie是女性,故A项错;由最后一段的“She will never know who the gift was from.可知,B项也不对。61The underlined word “waived in the third par

41、agraph can be replaced by_.A. gave up B. took upC. cut downD. put off 答案:A词义猜想题。根据下文的“.and only charged us for half the price of the glasses!可知,医生因我们的行为而备受感动,因此没有索要检查费并且仅向我们要了眼镜的一半的费用。故可知A项正确。短语give up“放弃;take up“从事,占据;cut down“削减;put off“推迟。62The best title of the passage should be_.A. The Wonderfu

42、l Feeling of Helping OthersB. Customer's Gift to an EmployeeC. A Friendly ClerkCharlieD. A New Pair of Glasses答案:B主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了一位常去当地便利店的顾客看到一位职员眼镜坏了,却买不起一副新的眼镜,从而产生要帮助她的想法。并通过自己眼科医生的帮助给这位职员买了一副新的眼镜的故事。应选B项。C(·一诊)A dead six­ton satellite passed over the West Coast and near Auckland bef

43、ore burning up over a remote area of the Pacific Ocean, Nasa maps show.The 20­year­old Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS) dropped about 24 pieces of metal debris (碎片) over 800 km as it entered Earth's atmosphere on Saturday.Nasa data tracks its descent (下落) from above the Indi

44、an Ocean off the coast of Africa to the Pacific Ocean at 14.1 degrees south latitude and 189.8 degrees east longitude.New Zealand was the only major land mass on its re­entry path.Nasa says satellite debris scattered (撒落) over the south Pacific Ocean about as far away from large land masses as

45、you can get.It says the US Air Force calculated the satellite entered Earth's atmosphere generally above American Samoa.But pieces of it did not start hitting the water for another 480 kilometers to the northeast, southwest of Christmas Island.Experts believe the metal pieces fell over an 800

46、73;kilometre span.On Saturday, scientists said it was possible some pieces could have reached northwestern Canada, but Nasa said overnight that new calculations show it landed earlier than they thought, nowhere near North America.Nick Johnson, Nasa's chief scientist for orbital debris, said the satellite had descended “well within the range predicted (预测) by the Joint Space Operations Center (JSOC)“This was not an easy re­entry to predict because of the natural forces acting on the satellite as its orbit decayed (轨道变形)Some other nations around the world also wer


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