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1、必修一 Unit1.用所给的词的适当形式填空1We are all _ about our childrens health. As far as I am_,lack of enough sleep _ the healthy growth of the children deeply. (concern)答案concernedconcernedconcerns2. There is so much _in this world. For example, many African people are_ hunger while some other people continue to

2、_from serious pollution. (suffer)答案sufferingsufferingsuffer3. He gave me some useful_. Can you _me on college courses? (advice)答案adviceadvise4. Poverty, disease and _ remain major world problems. It is not a question that can be_.(ignore)答案ignoranceignored5. After he came to_,everyone said he was a

3、_ leader, but now he felt so_ that he even couldnt save his daughter. (power)答案powerpowerfulpowerless.短语应用grow crazy about, laugh at, hide away, set down, go through, suffer from, get along well with ,join in, make an effort to, pay attention to1. Why dont you _ your ideas on paper?答案set down2. She

4、has _an unhappy time recently.答案gone through 3. Do you often _headaches?答案suffer from 4. Are you _ your classmates in the new school?答案getting along well with5. We all _Jane when she said she believed in ghost (鬼)答案laughed at 6. Young people have _pop music.答案grown crazy about 7. She has _somewhere.

5、答案hidden away 8. Can I _the game?答案join in 9. I will _finish the job ahead of time.答案make an effort to 10. Please _what I am saying.答案pay attention to .完成句子1. _(根据今天的报纸), we have won the game.答案According to today s newspaper 2. The country has always _(遭受水灾)答案suffered from floods 3. I _(发现非常有趣) to s

6、tudy English.答案found it very interesting 4. _ (起初) She thought she would_(发疯) but later she realized (意识到) that it was better to go through together.答案At firstgo mad/crazy5. After years of travelling, he decided to _(定居下来) here.答案settle down .翻译句子1那个哭闹的小孩很快就安静下来了。(calm down)_答案That crying child soon

7、 calmed down.2她为什么这么重视自己的分数呢?(be concerned about)_答案Why is she so concerned about her marks?3学生们对摇滚的喜爱近乎狂热。(grow/be crazy about)_答案Students have grown crazy about rock music.4这是她第三次到这个山村看望这些孩子们。(It was.that-clause)_答案It was the third time that she had come to this mountain village to see these child

8、ren.5丈夫被杀害后,她经历了许许多多的困难。(go through)_答案She has gone through a lot since her husband was killed.完形填空()A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had_1_a beautiful sports car in a dealer s showroom, and_2_his father could well_3_it, he told him that was all he wanted.On

9、 the morning of his graduation day his father called him into his own study and told him how_45_but slightly disappointed, the young man_67_, he raised his voice at his father and said,“with all your money you give me a book? and rushed out of the house leaving the book in the study.He did not conta

10、ct (联系) his father for a whole year until one day he saw in the street an old man who looked like his father. He_8_he had to go back home and see his father.When he arrived at his father s house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. The moment he was about to_9_the hospital,

11、he saw on the desk the still new book, just as he had left it one year ago. He opened it and began to_10_the pages. Suddenly, a car key_11_from an envelope taped behind the book. It had a tag (标签)with the dealers name, the_12_dealer who had the sports car he had_13_.On the tag was the_14_of his grad

12、uation, and the_15_PAID IN FULL.解读:一个年轻人大学毕业时,希望自己的父亲送一辆自己喜爱的车子作为礼物,而且他知道父亲完全可以买得起。然而父亲送给他的只是一本书。这个年轻人非常生气,一年都没有回家看望父亲。一年后,当他回家看望父亲时,却听说父亲生病住院一个星期了。就在他准备赶往医院时,无意间看到了一年前父亲送给他的那本书,而且从书里掉出了一把车钥匙。原来父亲当时就给他买了车,只是将钥匙放在了书里面。1. A. expectedB. enjoyedC. admired D. owned解析这里admire的意思是“喜欢,想要,即他非常喜爱那辆车。答案C2. A.

13、finding B. provingC. deciding D. knowing解析他知道父亲可以买得起那辆车。其他几个词不合语境。答案D3. A. afford B. offerC. keep D. like解析afford买得起,符合语境。答案A4. A. encouraged B. comfortableC. proud D. moved解析父亲告诉他,自己以他为骄傲。其他选项不合题意:encouraged表示“受到鼓舞的;comfortable表示“舒服的;moved表示“感动的。答案C5. A. Nervous B. SeriousC. Careful D. Curious解析cur

14、ious表示“好奇的。根据上下文语境可知,他对盒子里面的东西应该是感到好奇的,即选D。答案D6. A. packed B. openedC. picked up D. put aside解析他翻开盒子。应选B。答案B7. A. Angrily B. EagerlyC. Calmly D. Anxiously解析本来想要父亲送车给他的,而父亲却只送他一本书,因此他很生气。其他选项显然不符合语境。答案A8. A. learned B. realizedC. recognized D. admitted解析realize表示“意识到,即他意识到自己很久没有回家了,应该回家看看父亲了。答案B9. A.

15、 get to B. search forC. turn to D. leave for解析leave for为固定短语,意思是“出发去某地,即他动身去医院。其他几个选项不合语境:get to表示“到达;search for表示“搜寻,查找;turn to表示“转向,求助于。答案D10. A. clean B. readC. turn D. count解析turn表示“翻的意思。答案C11. A. lost B. cameC. appeared D. dropped解析车钥匙从书里掉到了地上。应选D。答案D12. A. old B. sameC. special D. new解析与第一段中提到

16、的dealer是同一个人,意思是说父亲给他买的这辆车正是年轻人当时看中的那辆。答案B13. A. remembered B. desiredC. found D. met解析desire表示“渴望,即这正是他想要得到的车。答案B14. A. picture B. placeC. date D. sign解析标签上是他毕业那天的日期。答案C15. A. words B. informationC. messages D. card解析words即指后面的PAID IN FULL几个字。答案A.阅读理解A(,C)Honesty comes in many forms. First theres s

17、elf-honesty. Is what people see the real article or do you appear_through_smoke_and_mirrors? I find that if I try to be something Im not,I feel unsure of myself and take out a part from my PBA(personal bank account). I love how singer Judy Garland put it, “Always be a firstclass version (版本) of your

18、self, instead of a secondclass version of somebody else.Then theres honesty in our actions. Are you honest at school,with your parents, and with your boss? If youve ever been dishonest,I think we all have, try being honest, and notice how whole it makes you feel. Remember, you cant do wrong and feel

19、 right. This story by Jeff is a good example of that:In my second year of study, there were three kids in my math class who didnt do well. I was really good at it. I would charge them three dollars for each test that I helped them pass. Id write on a little piece of paper all the right answers, and

20、hand them off.At first I felt like I was making money, kind of a nice job. I wasnt thinking about how it could hurt all of us. After a while I realized I shouldnt do that anymore, because I wasnt really helping them. They werent learning anything, and it would only get harder down the road. Cheating

21、 certainly wasnt helping me.It takes courage to be honest when people all around you are getting away with cheating on tests, lying to their parents, and stealing at work. But, remember, every act of honesty is a deposit(储蓄)into your PBA and will build strength.语篇解读老实可以反映在生活的各个方面,对于我们来说,首先要做一个老实的自我。

22、1The underlined part “appear through smoke and mirrors in the first paragraph means“_A. to be honestB. to he unrealC. to become clearD. to come from an imagined world解析猜想词义题。第一段第二句:人们看到的是真实的你还是出现在雾里、镜里的你?由此可知:appear through smoke and mirrors为“to be unreal,表示“不真实的意思。答案B2Which of the following can bes

23、t explain Judy Garlands words?A. Be your true self rather than follow others.B. Dont copy others or you cant be the first class.C. Make efforts to be the first instead of the second.D. Dont learn from others unless theyre excellent.解析推理判断题。综观全文,这句话可以理解为:做一个真正的自我,不要一味效仿别人。答案A3What does the author exp

24、ect to show by Jeffs story?A. Honesty can be of great help.B. A bad thing can be turned into a good one.C. Helping others cheat can do good to nobody.D. One should realize the wrong in his bad deeds.解析事实细节题。第二段最后一句告诉我们:通过讲述Jeff的故事,作者希望人们做错了事情,应该自己意识到错误。答案D4In the last paragraph the author mainly wan

25、ts to express_.A. one must be brave to be honestB. its difficult to be honest when others are notC. one should be honest when making a depositD. honesty in ones actions can help him in the future解析主旨大意题。最后一段告诉我们:人们减实的举动,会对自己的未来有益。答案DB(,B)July 21st, was a typical English summers dayit rained for 24 h

26、ours! As usual, I rushed home from work at midday to check on the house. Nothing was amiss. By the time I left work at 5 pm, however,the road into our village was flooded. Our house had never been flooded but, as I opened the front door, a wave of water greeted me. Thank God the kids werent with me,

27、 because the house was 5 feet deep in water. We lost everything downstairs. And the plaster had to be torn off the walls, ceilings pulled down.At first we tried to push on through. We didnt want to move the children out of home, so we camped upstairs. We put a sheet of plastic across the floor to pr

28、otect us from the damp. But after three months, we felt very sick, so we moved to a wooden house in a park. The house was small, but at first we were all just delighted to be in a new place. Unfortunately, things took longer than expected and we were there for 10 months. The life there was inconveni

29、ent. What surprised me most was how much I missed being part of a community (社区). We had lived in a friendly village with good neighbours,and Id never thought how much Id miss that.Although our situation was very bad, its difficult to feel too sorry for yourself when you look at whats happening else

30、where. I watched a news report about floods in Northern India and thought,“We didnt have a straw hut(茅草房) that was swept away, and our house is still standing. Were lucky.We moved back home in August. With December coming,theres still reconstruction work to be done, so its difficult to prepare for C

31、hristmas. But I cant waitIm going to throw a party for our friends in the village to say thanks for their support. This year, I wont need any gifts living away from home for months has made me realize how little we actually need or miss all our possessions. Although we are replacing things, theres r

32、eally no rushwe have our home back, and thats the main thing.语篇解读洪水给生活带来了困难,但在灾害面前,也能获得更多对人生的认识。5What does the underlined word “amiss in the first paragraph mean?A. Wrong.B. Missing.C. Right. D. Found.解析猜想词义题。从第一段中“As usual,I rushed home from work.可知作者还是像往常那样赶回家,因此没有什么不正常的,应选择A。答案A6It can be inferre

33、d from the text that the author_.A. was sick of staying upstairsB. cared much about her childrenC. could not stand living in a wooden houseD. did not deal well with her family affairs during the flood解析推理判断题。从第一段第五句Thank God the kids werent with me,.可以看出作者最关心(在意)孩子。答案B7Why does the author say that t

34、hey were lucky in the third paragraph?A. Because her situation was not serious.B. Because many other places were flooded.C. Because she had been to Northern India.D. Because some others suffered even more.解析事实细节题。当作者看到印度北部遭受的洪水灾难比自己的更惨痛的报道时,深感自己应该庆幸。答案D8What does the author mainly want to express by

35、 telling her story?A. She valued human feelings more than before.B. She realized she almost didnt need possessions.C. She found Christmas gifts no longer badly needed.D. She thought her own home was the most important.解析主旨大意题。从最后一段对即将来临的圣诞节的准备“.theres really no rushwe have our home back,and thats th

36、e main thing.可知作者通过这次洪水认识到了她比以前更加珍惜人们之间的情感,应选择A。答案A.话题写作训练读写任务阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。It is an in depth relationship combining trust, support, communication,loyalty, understanding, sympathy and intimacy. These are certainly aspects of life that all of us desire. Being able to trust and relax wi

37、th your friend is a big part of friendship. Remember when you were young you went with a friend to her grandmas for the weekend. It was fun but when you got home, home was wonderful. Your feeling was “ I am home. I can relax now. Thats what a friendship should be. You go out into the world and do yo

38、ur best. You have your ups and downs, your problems and triumphs, your fun and tribulations. You charm and perform. Then you come “home to a friend. You can relax, put up your feet; you are relieved. If you still have to be charming and / or performing, its not a relief. Friendship is a comfortable

39、situation like home. You get home, kick off your shoes. Relax and sigh, “Ahh, home. But no one can form a friendship until he / she realizes that the basis of being friends is meeting the needs of the other person. One must be a friend to have a friend.Never forget that friends relate. Relating is t

40、he basis of friendship.【写作内容】1以约30个词概括短文的要点;2然后以约120个就“On Friendship这个主题发表看法,并包括如下要点:(1)根据你的亲身经历,你觉得朋友给你的生活带来了什么?(2)你对友谊的理解是什么?(3)你觉得如何才能建立起真正的友谊?【写作要求】你可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。【参考范文】Friendship plays a big part in our life, just like a home where you can get relaxed. But to ke

41、ep and form it needs relating and being ready to help other.According to my experience, I think friends bring me not only trust, understanding but also warmth. Once on a weekend I fell badly ill. Unfortunately, I lived at school and my parents had no idea of my illness. I had thought about lying in

42、bed all day. But one of my friends had me sent to hospital and looked after me without having a rest, which moved me a lot. It is friendship that gives me a hand when Im in trouble.As I enjoy making friends, I value friendship a lot. And I think friendship is a relationship which requires both honesty with each other and sharing.Thus, to my mind, to build up real friendship, we should make friends with those who we can trust, then take serious concerns on our friendship and always get ready to help each other.


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