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1、牛津英语模块四 Unit 2 重点词语单词讲解上Welcome to this unit & Reading 用所给首字母和句意完成以下句中所缺单词。1. Every athlete wants to win h_ for his or her own country.2. I felt d_ to have been invited to make a speech here.3. Over 20 candidates c_ for one job in the company, but I was the luckiest one.4. After graduation, they

2、 work in s_ cities, so they dont meet very often.5. It was Li Ning that was chosen to l_ the torch of the 29th Olympic Games. 6. He was praised by the government for the c_ he had made to his country.7. After 32 years a_, China returned to Olympic Games in 1984.8. The prisoner made an a_ to escape,

3、but he failed.【答案与讲解】1. 填honor. 作不可数名词时表示“尊敬;敬意;荣誉,win honor for为赢得荣誉;作可数名词时表示“引以为荣的人或物,He is an honor to his parents. 他是父母的骄傲。作动词时表示“尊敬,honor sb with sth用某物来敬重某人。He was honored with the Nobel Prize. 他被授予诺贝尔奖。【拓展】honored adj. 受到尊敬的,the honored guest贵宾。honorable表示“荣耀的; 荣耀的,the honorable history荣耀的历史;

4、 feel it honorable to do sth觉得做某事荣幸。2. 填delighted. feel/be delighted to do sth快乐做某事;delightful表示主动意味“令人快乐的,in delightful/ pleasant weather。【拓展】delight作动词时表示“使快乐。The news delighted everyone present. 这消息让在场的人感到快乐。作名词“快乐;快乐,take delight in (doing) sth以做某事为乐;to ones delight/joy 使某人快乐的是。3. 填competed. Com

5、pete为不及物动词“竞赛;竞争,compete in a game角逐一项比赛;compete with sb. for sth与某人争夺某物。如: Athletes take part in Olympic events and competed for medals.运发动参加奥运会工程争获奖牌。【拓展】competitor 竞争者;competition为名词“竞赛。National Oral English Competition for Senior High全国高中英语口语大赛,win the first prize in the maths competition 在数学竞赛中

6、获取第一名。4. 填separate. 作形容词时表示“单独的;分开的,go on separate holidays分别去度假;go to separate schools去不同的上学。【辨析】separate / divideseparate作动词时表示将原来结合或混合在一起的事物区分开。如:separate A from B表示“将A与B分开。如:separate right from wrong区分是非。divide表示将原是整体的事物分割成假设干份。如:divide sth into 将分成;divide sth into four parts将分成四局部。divide sth be

7、tween / among sb在某人之间分割某物。如:Mom told me to divide the cake among us three. 妈妈叫我把蛋糕在我们三个中分吃。5. 填light.作动词时表示“点燃;照亮,其过去式和过去分词有两种形式,即:light-lit-lit或light-lighted-lighted。在句中作谓语动词时其两种变化形式都可以。但用过去分词作定语表示“点燃了的时,只能用lighted,不能用lit。如:The lighted stick lit the whole cave. 点燃了的木棒照亮了整个洞穴。【拓展】Light作名词,指“光时不可数,指“

8、灯时可数。作形容词意为“轻的;亮的;颜色淡的,如:light blue淡蓝色。6. 填contributions.contribution为名词“奉献;稿件;捐献物,常见搭配有:make great contributes to为做出巨大的奉献。【拓展】Contribute为动词“奉献;捐助;投稿,contribute to “促进;促成;为作奉献,to为介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词。如:Regular exercise contributes to good health有规律的锻炼有利于健康。He often contributes articles to newspapers or m

9、agazines. 他常给报社或杂志社投稿。7. 填absence. absence为名词“缺席;不在,absence from school 缺课;in the absence of 缺乏;不在时。如:【拓展】absent为形容词,短语be absent from 缺席,不参加。相反词组为be present at出席。如:8. 填attempt.attempt可作名词或动词,表示“企图;努力,make an attempt at doing / to do sth 意图努力做某事;attempt to do sth 试图做某事; an attempted murder 蓄意谋杀。 【辨析】

10、attempt; try 表示“努力;企图时,attempt更为正式,而try口语化,两者主要的区别是: attempt含有“去做自己希望会成功的事,常常包含冒险的意义,而try表示试一试,意图证明或检验某件事,attempt 无此意。在表示致力于某事时,try 并不包含冒险的意思。【稳固自测】 I. 单项选择。1. I feel it _ to be invited to make a speech next week. A. honored B. honorable C. respectable D. respected2. All the students feel _ to be gi

11、ven textbook for free by the government. A. delight B. delightful C. delightfully D. delighted 3. Thirty athletes will _ this game _ only three medals. A. compete in; for B. compete; for C. compete for; in D. compete; in 4. North America is _ from South America by the Panama Canal. A. separating B.

12、separated C. dividing D. divided 5. He first _ a stick and then went into the cave with the _stick. A. lit; lighted B. lighted; lit C. lit; lit D. lighted; lighting 6. If everyone _ to protecting the environment, we will live in a much better world. A. leads B. prefers C. restarts D. contributes7. T

13、he party was dull because of the _ of Li Lei, who was great fun. A. absent B. present C. absence D. presence 8. A man is being questioned in relation to the _ murder last night. A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. admittedHonor, compete delight; separate contribute attempt, light, , absence, II.

14、根据所给汉语完成以下句子。1. 他第一次尝试参加演讲比赛,就为我校赢得荣誉。 He made the first _ at the speech_ and won _ for our school.2. 使我们快乐的是,他长大了能够分辨是非了。 To our _, he is old enough to _right from wrong.3. 如果每个人都为希望工程做出奉献,那会有更少的孩子辍学。 If everyone _ _ the Project Hope, fewer children will drop out of school.4. 没电时我只好用蜡烛照亮房间。 In the

15、_ of electricity, I have to use a candle to _the room.Key: I. 1-5 BDABA 6-8 DCCII. 1. attempt; competition; honor 2. delight; separate/tell 3. contributes to 4. absence; light单词讲解中(Word Power, Grammar& Task )从以下方框中选择适宜的词完成以下句子,每词限用一次。technique; plenty of; bid; joke; physical; otherwise, origin 1

16、. Rice should be grown in places where there is _ water.2. The whole China got excited when they won the _ for the 29th Olympic Games.3. Follow my advice, _ you will regret.4. The _ of the Yellow River is in the west of China. 5. That water freezes is a _ change.6. I followed him to learn the _ of p

17、ainting.7. Dont take it for serious, he was only _.【答案与讲解】1. 填 plenty of.表示“许多,可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词,但特别注意短语前不能加冠词a,即不能说:a plenty of,另外plenty也不能用复数形式。如:Plenty of vegetables are provided for people every day. 每天向人们供给大量的蔬菜。【拓展】表示“许多时只能修饰可数名词的短语有:a great many; a large number of; many a。通常只修饰不可数名词的有:a great de

18、al of, a large amount of。两者都可修饰的有:a lot of(lots of); a quantity of (quantities of)。2. 填bid. bid作名词时表示“投标;出价,make a bid for 竞标/ 争夺;win the bid for中标。作动词“出价;竞标,bid five dollars for the old book 喊价五美元购置那本旧书;bid against sb for sth与某人竞争某物。过去式或过去分词为bid-bid-bid或bid-bade-bidden。如:Which city will win the bid

19、 for Olympic Games? 哪个城市将获选主办奥运会呢?3. 填otherwise. otherwise作副词表示“否那么,表示以前句为条件下的相反假设,与连词or相当。又如: Put on more clothes before you go out at night, otherwise / or youll catch a cold. 夜间外出时要多穿些衣服,不然你会感冒的。【拓展】作副词“不同地;其它方式地。 We were going to play football, but it was so hot that we decided to do otherwise.

20、我们原打算踢足球,可是天很热,我们就决定干别的了。He is noisy, but otherwise a nice boy. 他爱吵闹,但在其他方面倒是一个好孩子。4. 填origin. origin为名词“起源;开端;出身;血统, the origins of civilization文明的起源;be of noble origin出身高贵;He is a German by origin.他原籍德国。【拓展】 original为形容词“原来的;原创的;独特的;新颖的, the original writer原创作者;an original idea 独到的见解;This is the o

21、riginal painting, and these others are copies. 这画是原作,其他的是复制品。副词为originally “最初;原先。 originate 为动词“起源;产生。Plays originated in Italy. 戏剧源于意大利。5. 填physical.physical为形容词“物理学的;肉体上的;体格上的。如:a physical change物理变化;physical education 体育缩略形式P.E、have a physical examination 进行体格检查。physics“物理,表示学科名称,该名词作定语时表示“物理的而不

22、是其它门类的。如:a physics teacher book class lab等。6. 填techniques可数名词表示“技术, 技巧, 手法, modern management techniques 现代管理技术; techniques of computer电脑技术;boxing techniques 拳击技巧。【辨析】technique / technology technique指具体的“技能;技巧;手法,多用复数形式。如:techniques of fishing捕鱼技术。而technologies指从大处泛指“工艺、技术, 一般用名词原形。如:science and tec

23、hnology科学与技术;space technology太空技术;industrial / agricultural technology工业/农业技术。7. 填joking.“玩笑;笑话,短语play a joke on sb 跟某人开玩笑;I was only joking. 我只是开玩笑的。 【拓展】joke with sb 与某人开玩笑;no joke不是闹着玩的; practical joke恶作剧; Joking apart撇开玩笑不说。【稳固自测】 I. 单项选择。1. The basketball was so exciting that _ people cheered f

24、or their favorite players. A. a great deal of B. a large number C. many a D. plenty of 2. It was in that their company won the _ for building the stadium. A. bit B. bid C. fit D. tip 3. Lets start out right now, _ well not be able to buy tickets for the concert tonight. A. therefore B. likewise C. h

25、owever D. otherwise4. The _ of this word is unknown, but it is so widely used nowadays. A. origin B. original C. originally D. originate5. The _ teacher is doing a _ experiment in the _ lab. A. physics; physical; physics B. physical; physical; physics C. physical; physics; physics D. physics; physic

26、s; physical6. Mark Twins, a famous writer, was humorous and liked to play _ on others. A. trick B. fun C. laugh D. jokes 7. To make members of a team perform better, the trainer had to teach them _ of football and keep them practicing every day. A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. technologyII

27、. 根据所给汉语完整以下句子。technique; plenty of; otherwise, bid; joke; physical; origin1. 你没有听讲座,要不然你会学到许多技巧的。 He didnt attend the lecture, _ you would have learned _ of _.2. 不要和我开玩笑。你真的竞标购置那辆二手车吗? Dont _ _ me. Do you really want to make a _ for the second-handed car?3. 木头燃烧是化学变化而不是物理变化。 That wood is burning is

28、 called a _ change, not a _ one.4. 许多美国人是欧洲或非洲血统。 Many Americans are European or African _ _.Key:I. 1-5 DBDAA 6-7 DCII. 1. otherwise; plenty / lots; techniques 2. joke with; bid 3. chemical; physical 4. by origin单词讲解下(Project)根据所给汉语完成以下句子。1. The _(要求) of using my car is that you should have a drivin

29、g license. 2. Keep_ (练习) speaking English, you will surely improve it little by little.3. A lot of police were send to guard the lecture hall to _(确保) peoples safety.4. The doctor told me _(脱去) my trousers so that he could examine my injured leg.5. A lot of old houses will be pulled down _(让位于) a ne

30、w hospital.6. We need a secretary with at least two years of _(先前的) working experience.7. The police have questioned everyone _(涉及) in the case.【答案与讲解】 1. 填requirement. 作名词“要求,其后接表语从句或同位语从句时,从句应用虚拟语气should+do。如:The requirement is that you shouldnt talk or laugh in it. 要求是你不能在里面谈笑。【拓展】require为动词“需要;需

31、求,其后接宾语从句时也应用虚拟语气。此外require后还可接名词、代词、动名词或不定式作宾语。如: The manager required that all the work should be finished before Friday. 经理要求所有的工作都必须在星期五前完成。 This room is too dirty and requires a thorough cleaning. (或to be cleaned thoroughly). 这房间太脏了,需要彻底清扫一下了。2. 填practising. practise为动词时表示“练习;操练;从事,后接名词、代词或动名词作

32、宾语。 She practised doing it every day. 她每天练习做这件事。 My brother has practiced medicine for five years. 我哥哥已行医五年了。【拓展】名词形式为practice“练习;惯常做法。如: As the proverb goes, practice makes perfect. 正如谚语所说的那样,熟能生巧。 That is the common practice in America nowadays. 那是当今美国的通常做法。3. 填ensure.动词意为“确保;保证,其后接名词、代词、双宾语或宾语从句,

33、 不与of连用。ensure ones safety保证某人平安;ensure success 确保成功; ensure sb from/against danger保证某人没有危险。A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview.凭一封介绍信准保会接待你。4. 填to remove.remove作动词“移去;搬迁,remove ones trousers/ shoes/ gloves脱去裤子/鞋子/手套;be removed from school 被勒令退学;remove oneself走开, 离去; remove fr

34、om the table从桌了拿走。如:In cities in China, you have to remove your shoes before you get in someones house. 在中国城市里你进入某人家前必须脱鞋。5. 填to make way for. make way for “为让路;让位于。如:Please make way for the ambulance. 请为救护车让出道来。【拓展】含way的其它短语:push ones way to“挤向;make ones way to表示“艰难地向而去;mend ones way“改正;be on the w

35、ay to doing sth在去做某事的路上;就快做某事了。如: He is on the way to becoming a manager. 他就快当上经理了。6. 填previous. previous为形容词“先前的;早先的;过急的。如:He has had no previous experience of this kind of job. 他从前没有做这种工作的经验。You are a little previous in learning English. 你学英语方面有点过急了。【拓展】previous to“比早;在之前,有before之意。the day previou

36、s to Christmas圣诞节前的一天。如:Previous to their engagement, they had known each other for years. 订婚前他们已认识几年了。7. 填involved. involve为动词“使卷入;使涉及,The work involves a lot of time. 这项工作牵扯许多时间。它常与介词in连用, be involved in“卷入/参加中;专心地(做),be involved in trouble卷入纠纷。 如:The children who were involved in the school play

37、were all praised by the headmaster. 参加校戏剧排演的学生得到了校长的表扬。He was involved in working out a plan.他专心致志地制订方案。【及时稳固】I. 单项选择。1. The only _for this job is that you should have acquired a college diploma. A. improvement B. requirement C. management D. experiment 2. He _playing the violin before the competiti

38、on, as a result of which he won the first prize. A. practised B. wanted C. decided D. promised3. To _ everyones safety, they considered everything on all sides. A. make sure B. sure of C. ensure of D. ensure4. The doctor had me _ my trousers and examined my wound carefully. A. to remove B. removed C

39、. remove D. removing5. People all stepped backwards to_ the police to enter the hall. A. make way for B. push their way to C. make their way to D. mend their way 6. This accident happened on a day _ to Christmas Eve. A. earlier B. before C. previous D. former7. It is said that more than twenty offic

40、ials are _ in this financial case A. involve B. involved C. involving D. involvement II. 根据汉语完成以下句子。1. 树苗需要悉心保护。 Young trees require _good _ _.2. 他们坚持每天练习以确保表演成功。 They keep _ every day to _ the _ of their performance.3. 请将桌上的书拿走腾出地方放电脑。 Please _ the books on the desk to _ _ _ the computer.4. 她生日前的一天还参加植树了。 _ to her birthday, she was still _ _ planting trees.Key:I. 1-5 BADCA 6-7 CBII. 1. taking; care of 2. practsing; ensure; success 3. remove; make way for 4. Previous; involved in


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