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1、牛津高中英语模块三单词测验一、单词1分/个,共100分1. soft _ 2. step _3. deserted_ 4. rough _5. truth_ 6. fog _7. sense_ 8. observe_9. fear_ 10. nowhere _11. firmly_ 12. glance _13. confidently_ 14. misuse_15. stressed_ 16. unpleasant_17. rare_ 18. overall _19. personally_ 20. r_ 减少;减轻21. a_ 添加;补充 22. sniff _23. volunteer_

2、 24. ignore_25. destination_ 26. muscle_27. m_ 方法 28. a_ 接受29. fierce_ 30. ache_31. temporarily_ 32. hopefully_33. whisper_ 34. treatment_35. stick_ 36. latter _37. deadly adj._ 38. likely adj. _39.distance_ 40. panic _41. confusing_ 42. throughout_43. c_ 创造;创立;创作 44. d_ 开展;开发45. official_ 46. repla

3、ce_47. ending_ 48. adopt_49. raise_ 50. n_ 现今,现在51. r_ 统治 52. despite_53. occasion_ 54. c_ 奉献v.55. servant_ 56. upper class_59. modern_ 60. promise_61. standard_ 62. d_ n. 困难63. department_ 64. disagree_65. ban_ 66. s_ 传播67. s_ 风格 68. access_69. pure_ 70. combine_71. indicate_ 72. racial_73. represe

4、nt_ 74. eventually_75. symbol_ 76. physical _77. originally_ 78. square _ 79. reflect_ 80. complex_81. volcano_ 82. bury_83. destroy_ 84. commercial_85. cultural_ 86. erupt_87. house v._ 88. civilization_89. wealthy_ 90. material _91. s_ 解决方法 92. concerned_93. wise_ 94. faithfully_95. bomb_ 96. decl

5、are_97. explode_ 98. influence_99. trade_ 100. confusion_二、词组1分/个,共20分1. watch out for_ 2. be frozen with_3. be r_ _ 和.相关的 4. make sense _5. feed on_ 6._ _ 取得进步7. bang into_ . be_ _ of 由.组成9. all of a sudden_ 10. m_ _ _ of 充分利用11. reach out_ 12. depend on_13. care about_ 14. differ from_15. as a who

6、le_ 16. turn into_17. take over_ 18. on board_ 19. in good condition_ 20. carry out_三、根据句子意思及提示填空2分/个,共10分1. He spent a year on the d_ island and made a living on wild fruits.2. After years of hard study, now we can say c_ , “We can pass the entrance exam.3. This is only a t_ job for him; he is tryi

7、ng to find a new one, a full-time job.4. She hasnt been seen for four days and we are c_ for her safety.5. The terrible fire d_ most of the buildings within 20 minutes.趣味记单词1、败家女的生活:天生就很lazy(懒惰的) 生活就爱cozy(舒适的) 上街血拼crazy(疯狂的)     体胖心感uneasy(不安的) 减肥虚脱dizzy(头晕眼花的) 成天沉溺fantasy(梦想)2、:有一只pest(害虫) 穿一件vest(背心) 飞向southwest(西南)     撞树上nest(巢穴) 世道不公我protest(抗议)3、赤壁之战:赤壁军情很urgent(紧急) 孔明用兵是intelligent(有才智的)     帐下没有敢absent(缺席的) 唯有关二哥innocent(天真的)     捉放曹甘受punishment(惩罚)


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