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1、省磐安县高中英语Book 6 unit3自编习题 新人教版选修6 一、 单项选择1He was ready to take the _of being drowned himself to save the drowning child.Arisk Btrouble Coffer Dblame2That money is _to me,but I havent got it yet.Acertain Bdue Cbelong Dowe3Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_.Aability Bforce Cstre

2、ngth Dmind4The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism_the wildlife in the area.Ain Bon Cat Dwith5It was reported yesterday that an official in the department of health was arrested for his_his power to get benefit for his relatives.Aprotecting Bcatching Cabusing Dtaking6In fact,s

3、mokers know that smoking has a bad_on their health,but they just cant stop it.Aresult Beffect Caspect Dimpress7There was a(n)_silence in the live interview,when on one knew what to say to the audience.Aashamed Bdisappointed Cdesperate Dawkward8The more English words you remember,the easier you will

4、find_to read English articles.Ait Byou Cthis Dthat9Children who are_to computer games will waste a lot of time playing them on the Internet.Aaddicted Baccustomed Cfamiliar Dsimilar10He was given a special medal,for he reached his goal in sports_his disability both in legs and in eyes.Ain case of Bin

5、 terms of Capart from Din spite of11Because its very cold,the little girl_to her mother.Agot close Bgot closely Cclosed Dcome closely12It is in Oxford University_he studied for 4 years_he got his graduate student degree.Athat;that Bthat;where Cwhere;that Dwhere;when13I would appreciate it_you call b

6、ack this afternoon for the doctors appointment.Auntil Bif Cwhen Dthat14Why dont you put the meat in the fridge?It will_fresh for several days. Abe stayed Bstay Cbe staying Dhave stayed二、阅读理解 Take a trip across America,by way of an advice column (专栏),and youll find plenty worth celebrating. I once as

7、ked my readers in the Chicago Sun­Times,where I took the place of Ann Landers,to name the person to whom they would say“I owe you one. Victor La Porte,45,wrote to me from his hospital bed about his kid brother,Tony.For three years,Victor had been terribly sick,His arms were black and blue. He o

8、ften passed out. His kidneys(肾) had failed,and dialysis(肾透析) wasnt working. Victor was dying.Doctors said a transplant(移植) would help,and Tony kept offering his kidney,but Victor refused. He didnt want to put his brother through the pain or the risk of living with one kidney. Tony insisted. “Hey,I l

9、ove you,he kept saying. Transplant doctors explained the reason God gave us two kidneys is that we can offer one. It took a long time to persuade Victor,but finally he agreed. Several times the brothers went to the hospital,only to have the operation put off because of Victors infections(感染)But Tony

10、 never thought of backing out. After each disappointment,he announced,“Were coming back!He even got Victor a T­shirt that read IM NO QUITTER.Finally the operations were arranged. The one on Tony was harder. Doctors had to remove part of his rib to get the kidney out. His recover took longer tha

11、n Victors, and he had more pain.Victor wrote:“Because of Tonys unselfishness,I have a chance to see my four children grow up. Ill never know my brothers pain,fears and feelings. All I know is the love we share. How can I tell him thanks?Maybe by letting everyone know I have the greatest brother in t

12、he world.1The writer tells us that if you want to find something worth celebrating,you can_.Aread some newspapers Blisten to the radioCtravel around America Dwatch TV2Which of the following is TRUE?AVictor asked Tony to offer his kidney.BA transplant may be the only way to save Victor.CTony gave his

13、 life to his brother.DVictor knew his brothers pain was not much more than his.3From this passage we know_.Aa person can live without kidneys BGod gives us each one kidneyCa person can hardly live with one kidney Da person can live with one kidney4“IM NO QUITTER. means_.AIm not disappointed BI wont

14、agreeCI wont back out DIm coming back三、短文改错 Last night I quarrelled with my roommate on a little thing, so we ignored with each other. But I watched her and hoped that she would speak to me firstly. I was waiting for her say something. Instead, the sounds of she pressing a keyboard came to me and sh

15、e just kept pressing them. Suddenly, the sound stopped and my mobile phone rang. There was a message. I read it and was surprising to find that it was from her. I was very excited that I replied to her at once. Now you know what you can do if you will have a quarrel with your roommate.高二选修6 Unit 3 自

16、编练习(二)一、单项选择1. In order to create a comfortable shopping environment, the mall placed a(n) on smoking.A. judgement B. ban C. suggestion D. attack2. Where are you going for your next summer vacation? I going to Europe for a visit. A. feel like B. would rather C. prefer to D. would like3. Id appreciat

17、e if you dont tell anybody about this secret. A. this B. you C. that D. it4. He made a lot of mistakes carelessness. A. due to B. along with C. but for D. instead of5. If you do it without others help, you will only difficulty. A. turn into B. put into C. get into D. break into6. I want to buy a car

18、 for my father, but havent found he likes yet. A. it B. that C. one D. this7. The coach the importance of teamwork again and again when training the basketball players. A. strengthened B. recognized C. stressed D. appreciated8. is known to us that Yao Ming is one of the most famous basketball player

19、s in the world. A. As B. It C. Which D. That9. Do you drink alcohol? No, but I used to be a man alcohol. A. addicted to B. was addicted to C. addicted myself to D. had addicted to10. Both of the dresses are very beautiful. I cant which one to buy.A. depend on B. insist on C. try onD. decide on11. Th

20、e exploration is very dangerous, but that is a risk we have to . A. have B. take C. perform D. make12. The fact that she was foreign made _ difficult for her to get a job in that country. () A. so B. much C. that D. it13. The two girls are so alike that strangers find _ difficult to tell one from th

21、e other. () A. it B. them C. her D. that14. We feel _ our duty to make our country a better place. () A. it B. this C. that D. one15. No matter where he is, he makes _ a rule to go for a walk before breakfast. () A. him B. this C. that D. it 16. New technologies have made _ possible to turn out new

22、products faster and at a lower cost. () A. that B. this C. one D. it 二、完形填空It was a Friday afternoon. An elderly lady was doing the 1 in a supermarket. When she returned to her 2 , she found four men in the act of 3 her car. So she 4 her shopping bags and took out her 5 , screaming at the top of her

23、 voice, “I have a gun, and I know how to use it! 6 the car!The four men didnt 7 for a second threat. They all got out immediately and 8 like mad.After she got into the 9 seat and prepared to drive away, she was 10 that she could not get her key into the ignition (点火开关). She 11 over and over again, a

24、nd then she suddenly realized why, 12 she found that there was a football, a jacket and two packs of cigarettes in the front seat.A few minutes later, she saw her own car 13 four or five spaces farther down. She put her bags into the car and drove to the police station to report her 14 .The police o

25、fficer to whom she told the story couldnt stop 15 . He pointed to the other end of the corner, where four 16 men were reporting that their car was 17 by a mad, elderly woman 18 as white, less than five feet tall, glasses, curly white hair, and 19 a large handgun. Not surprisingly, the elderly lady f

26、elt very sorry for what she had done, and 20 to the four men. 1. A. experiment B. business C. shopping D. research2. A. garden B. house C. garage D. car3. A. running afterB. leaving withC. looking at D. taking apart4. A. hidB. brought C. showed D. dropped5. A. glasses B. key C. handgun D. beer 6. A.

27、 Get out of B. Go away withC. Take away D. Watch out7. A. leave B. ask C. wait D. stand8. A. spokeB. ran C. laughed D. stood9. A. drivers B. passengersC. back D. middle10. A. guilty B. embarrassed C. surprised D. disappointed11. A. triedB. closedC. stopped D. found12. A. before B. though C. as D. if

28、 13. A. passed B. moved C. driven D. parked14. A. trouble B. mistake C. news D. joke15. A. talking B. laughing C. worrying D. arguing16. A. stupidB. strongC. typical D. frightened17. A. bought B. stolen C. robbed D. sold18. A. treated B. painted C. considered D. described 19. A. firingB. carrying C. buying D. finding20. A. apologizedB. shoutedC. waved D. walked


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