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1、阶段验收七(Units 1921)第一卷第一局部听力(共两节,总分值30分)第一节(共5小题;每题1.5分,总分值7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来答复有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where did the dialogue probably take place?A. In a cafe.B. In a cinema.C. In a post office.2How does the woman feel?A. Angry.B. Happy.C. Sorr

2、y.3What was the score between the Los Angeles Galaxy and the Storm?A. 10. B. 11.C. 01.4Why does the woman thank the man?A. He lent her some money.B. He returned the lost money to her.C. He gave her a five­pound bill.5What does the woman mean?A. The teacher should teach better.B. The man should

3、study harder.C. It's never too late to learn.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,总分值22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,答复第6至7题。6Where does the conversation probably take place?A. On platform 4.B. At State Street Station

4、.C. By the ticket machines.7What do we know about the man?A. He missed his train.B. He doesn't know where to go.C. He got much help from the woman.听第7段材料,答复第8至10题。8Where will the woman go to see a palace?A. Notre Dame.B. Versailles.C. Louvre.9Which is a good place to eat according to the man?A.

5、Notre Dame.B. Maxim's.C. The Eiffel Tower.10What does the man ask the woman to do?A. Eat at the Louvre.B. Send some pictures.C. Send him a postcard.听第8段材料,答复第11至13题。11Where does the woman want to go?A. The airport.B. The bus stop.C. Her hotel.12When does the woman take the taxi?A. At 1700.B. At

6、1635.C. At 1625.13How much should the taxi cost except the tip after arriving on time?A. 5 dollars.B. 10 dollars.C. 20 dollars.听第9段材料,答复第14至17题。14What is the woman's shoulder bag like?A. It's red and plastic.B. It has a button at the back.C. It's brown and leather.15What is in the bag?A.

7、 Thousands of dollars.B. Some keys.C. Some dresses.16What was the woman going to do after lunch?A. Look for a cafe.B. Buy a coffee.C. Fix the machine.17What will the man probably do next?A. Go to where the woman had lunch.B. Look for a chair to hang the bag on.C. Buy a cup of coffee for the woman.听第

8、10段材料,答复第18至20题。18What happened to Charles Chaplin?A. He was shot by a robber.B. He was stopped by a robber.C. He was threatened by his master.19Which of the following wasn't shot?A. The hat.B. The trousers.C. The shoes.20What happened at the end of the story?A. Chaplin rode away with his money.

9、B. The robber rode away with the money.C. The robber picked up the bag and rode away.听力材料(Text 1)W:Just let me wipe your table and then I'll take your order, OK?M:I'll have a ham salad, please.(Text 2)M:Honey, I invited one of my friends home for supper.W:What? Are you crazy? The house is di

10、rty. I haven't been shopping, and I don't feel like cooking a meal!(Text 3)W:Did you hear the Sports News last night?M:Of course. The Los Angeles Galaxy lost again. The Storm beat them 1 to nothing.(Text 4)M:Does this bill belong to you?W:Oh, thanks, I've just lost five pounds.M:I'm

11、glad that I've found the owner, otherwise, I would have to go to the Lost and Found.(Text 5)M:I don't understand my math teacher.W:Well, a teacher can teach you things, but they cannot make you learn.(Text 6)W:Excuse me,do you need any help?M:Nah, I. I'm just looking. well, I want to go

12、to the science museum, but I've been lost, and I can't understand these ticket machines.W:Ah, well, just press this button. And from here, it's a dollar fifty.M:Okay.W:Then, get on the train at number 4 platform.M:All right. And where do I get off the train?W:Get off at State Street Stat

13、ion, three stops from here.M:Okay, I got it. Thanks for your help.W:My pleasure.(Text 7)W:You've been to Paris, haven't you?M:Yes. As a matter of fact, I used to live in Paris.W:Well, I'm planning to visit there soon. Do you have any suggestions?M:Sure. You should go and see Notre Dame a

14、nd the palace at Versailles. You must also visit Louvre and be sure to have your photos taken in front of the Eiffel Tower.W:OK. What about good places to eat?M:You can eat at Maxim's. The duck there is delicious.W:Good. Thanks a lot.M:Don't forget to send me a postcard.W:Don't worry. I

15、won't.(Text 8)M:Where to?W:Take me to the airport, please.M:(while driving)Are you in a hurry?W:I have to be there before 1700.M:There's 35 minutes left. We'll make it unless there's a jam. You know, it is rush hour.W:There's an extra ten dollars in it for you if you could get me

16、 there on time.M:I'll do my best.W:(after arriving on time) Here's twenty dollars.M:Do you have any change?W:No. If you can't break it, keep the extra five. But can you give me the receipt?M:Here is your receipt. Thank you.(Text 9)M:What's the matter, madam?W:I can't find my shou

17、lder bag.M:I'm sorry to hear that. Are you sure you've searched everywhere?W:Yes. I can't find it anywhere.M:Can you describe it to me?W:Yes. It's brown leather and it's got a red button at the front.M:And what's in it?W:About $1000, some keys, an address book and a letter wi

18、th my name on it.M:When did you last have it?W:I had it with me at lunchtime in the restaurant and I hung it on the side of my chair while I was eating.M:And when did you first notice that it was missing?W:After lunch. I was going to buy a coffee from the machine and then I noticed I didn't have

19、 it.M:All right. I'll see what I can do.(Text 10) One day, Charles Chaplin, the famous humorist, was on his way home with a lot of money in his bag. He was riding a new bicycle. Suddenly a robber stopped him, holding a gun in his hand. “Bring out all your money, or I'll kill you, threatened

20、the robber. Mr. Chaplin agreed. He put his bag on the ground, but then he begged, “Please shoot my hat twice. I have to go back to tell my master what happened to me. The robber took off Chaplin's hat and shot it twice. Then Chaplin said,“Please shoot my coat! The robber wasn't happy,but he

21、shot the coat twice. Then Chaplin asked the robber to shoot the legs of his trousers. He said,“This will look very real, my master will believe me. The robber got very angry, but he shot the legs of the trousers several times until there were no more bullets left in his gun. Now there was nothing le

22、ft to worry about, so Mr. Chaplin quickly picked up his bag, jumped onto his bicycle and rode away.答案:1­5AACBB6­10CCBBC11­15ACACB16­20BABCA第二局部英语知识运用(共两节,总分值45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。21If I were in _ position of the mayor, I wouldn't allow _

23、factory like this standing in the center of the town.Aa; the Bthe ;/ Cthe ; a D/ ; the 答案与解析:C考查冠词。第一空为短语in the position of sb.处于某人的地位/位置;第二空为a factory like this,像这样一座工厂。应选C项。22Many a student has a _ opinion of him. But he is spoken _ of by the leaders. Abad; worse Bbadly; highly Cbad; more Dbad; be

24、tter 答案与解析:D考查动词短语。have a bad opinion of sb.对某人评价不高;speak highly/ well of sb.对某人评价很高。据句意,选D项。23Near the table _ a poor dog, who desired to satisfy his hunger with _ fell down the table.Alaid; something Blay; whatClaid; that Dlay; that答案与解析:B据句意Near the table置于句首,构成完全倒装句。B项中lay为lie(躺)的过去式。第二空考查名词性从句,

25、句中缺少主语,选what,综合两空选B项。在此题中还要区别lie(说谎),lied, lied; lie(躺), lay, lain; lay(放置;产卵),laid, laid。24The early warning of floods,_over the radio and on TV, spread quickly through the area.Ahaving broadcast BbroadcastingCbroadcast Dto be broadcast答案与解析:Cbroadcast与句子主语the early warning之间存有逻辑上的被动关系,所以应选用过去分词bro

26、adcast。25I suggest we set up an out­of­class club.Great! That's exactly what I _.Ahave been thinking BthinkChad thought Dwill think答案与解析:A考查时态。根据句意“这正是我一直在想的事,选择A项,为现在完成进行时。26The lesson we can learn from Chuck Wand and the others who have unusual friends is_friends are teachers.Awhat B

27、thatChow Dwhether答案与解析:B此句是考查连词that引导的表语从句。27The president stated that his country would not _ anybody who raised a hand against their Allies.Atolerate BopposeCgo against Ddistinguish答案与解析:Aoppose反对;go against反对;distinguish区别。tolerate意为“容忍,符合句意。句意:总统宣布说,他的国家不能容忍任何威胁要攻击其盟国的人。28There are still many pe

28、ople suffering a lot, and we are to do something to _ poverty.Akeep out Bwipe outCgive out Drun out答案与解析:Bwipe out意为“消除,符合句意。句意:仍然有许多人在遭受痛苦,我们应该做些事情来消除贫穷。keep out使在外;give out分发,发出(气味、热等),发表;run out用光。29Food safety is_important, so the government spares no efforts to prevent food pollution.Ahighly Br

29、easonablyCstrongly Dnaturally答案与解析:Ahighly意为“非常,高度地;reasonably意为“合理地,明智地;strongly意为“强劲地,坚决地,强烈地;naturally意为“自然地,天生地。因此,在这里应用highly“非常这个副词。30Carbon dioxide _ from burning fuels is the most common of the so­called greenhouse gases.AproducingBhaving been producedCto be producedDproduced答案与解析:D考查非谓

30、语动词。由句意知空中填一个非谓语动词做后置定语,与其前的carbon dioxide为动宾关系,应选produced表被动。31_that all mountain roads were closed.ASo became the dangerous weatherBSo dangerous did the weather becomeCSo dangerous became the weatherDDangerous the weather became so答案与解析:B考查倒装语序。在so.that.结构中,当soadj./adv.提到句首时,句子要使用局部倒装,应选B项。32He th

31、ought _ was wise to give up his job security and salary in an international information business to risk starting his own business.Athat BwhichCit Dwhat答案与解析:C宾语从句省略了that,从句中用it作形式主语。33If you want to win your case, you'd better accept the offer _ the advice of your lawyer.Aof BforCon Dwhy答案与解析:C

32、考查介词用法,句意:如果想赢这场官司,你得接受按你律师建议而修改的提案。34In his victory speech, _ before a huge crowd of his supporters, Obama declared that change has come to America.Ahaving delivered Bto be delivered Cdelivering Ddelivered答案与解析:D考查非谓语动词。据句意知选delivered作后置定语,表被动和完成。35Do you remember to go to see a doctor tomorrow?_.A

33、Got it BHeard it CMake it DTaken it答案与解析:A考查口语。A项“明白了;C项“成功。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,总分值30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。 In some areas of the world the weather is very _36_ and this fact plays an important part in the daily lives of the people. _37_ they are farmers, fishermen, or sai

34、lors, for instance, they _38_ know about these changes ahead of time. Space scientists and airplane pilots _39_ need weather _40_. _41_ earliest time, men have _42_ the sky, the wind, and the atmosphere, as well as a variety of other weather signs, in order to make weather _43_. But often their weat

35、her predictions have not been accurate. Now there are government bureaus in many places that _44_ weather conditions very carefully. They use a lot of scientific _45_ to help them make their forecasts. For instance, they have instruments to _46_ speed and direction of the wind. Thus they can predict

36、 the _47_ of a storm. They have special balloons, ships, and airplanes to help them _48_ their accuracy, and they make use of radar, satellites and computers to gather _49_ information. Today when a _50_ takes off from an airport, he _51_ know what kind of weather to expect when he reaches his desti

37、nation. If there is _52_ rain or snow in the mountains, a weather bureau can predict the day and _53_ the hour that a river may overflow its banks many miles away. When a storm is moving in a certain _54_, the people in that area can learn of it ahead of time and _55_ it.36. A. fine B. terrible C. c

38、hangeable D. changeless37. A. Because B. Though C. If D. When38. A. can B. may C. will D. need to39. A. generally B. especially C. usually D. seldom40. A. information B. fact C. advice D. result41. A. From B. By C. Since D. After42. A. noticed B. observed C. saw D. discovered43. A. study B. result C

39、. information D. predictions44. A. research B. study C. learn D. watch45. A. ways B. assistants C. instruments D. equipments46. A. measure B. make C. find D. discover47. A. time B. direction C. speed D. path48. A. study B. predict C. increase D. know49. A. necessary B. impossible C. foreign D. price

40、less50. A. pilot B. plane C. person D. space51. A. should B. can C. must D. might52. A. light B. slight C. large D. heavy53. A. even B. also C. besides D. including54. A. way B. direction C. strength D. speed55. A. leave B. change C. prepare D. prepare for答案与解析:36C由下文看,是说天气多变,应选C项。37C“如果他们是农民、渔民或海员,


42、serve观察;see看见;discover发现。由文章可知B项正确。43Dweather predictions为固定搭配,“天气预报。44Bstudy研究。45C名词词义辨析。way方法,途径;assistant助手,助理;instrument器具,仪器,常指科学上精密操作过程中所需的工具;equipment为不可数名词,不能加复数形式。应选C项。46Ameasure测量;make制作;find发现;discover发现。只有A项符合文意。47D上文已说明“他们用仪器测定风速和方向,故此处不必再预测暴风的“speed和direction,只是由此预计出暴风的路径。48C由文意知此处为“in

43、crease their accuracy,提高精确度。49A由文意知此处为“必要的信息。50A由下文知此处指人,故用pilot。51B由下一句“a weather bureau can.可知选B项。can指一个人有能力或条件许可。52D由下文“a river may overflow its banks many miles away知是“大雨。53A此处是递进,在上文predict the day的根底上更进一步,“甚至能够预测时间,故用even。54B由上文可知此处应为“direction,方向。55D此处prepare for sth.为做准备,prepare sth.准备某事物,由句

44、意知,it指代storm,应是人们为暴风雨做准备,应选D项。第三局部阅读理解(共两节,总分值40分)第一节(共15小题;每题2分,总分值30分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最正确选项。A Five people are at our table, including myself. I've already learnt a great deal about them in the short time we've been at sea, although we rarely meet except at mealtimes. First of

45、 all, there's Dr Stone. He's a man of about sixty­five, with gray hair and a friendly face. He gave up his work a short while ago and is now traveling round the world before he retires to some quiet country village. As a young man, he served for many years as a doctor in the army and visited many countries. He's told us a great deal about the city to which we are going. Then there's “Grandmother. I call her that because her name escap


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