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1、高三英语模拟、月考试题分类汇编专版介词与介词短语【仿真一】27. Mr. Columbus was always ready to help others. _, he was liked by everyone.A. In conclusion B. In return C. In turn D. In particular【答案与解析】27. B此题考查介词词组。in return作为回报, 作为报答。句意 “他总是乐于助人, 作为回报, 大家都喜欢他。in conclusion 最后;in turn轮流;in particular尤其。【省级名校联考】23With your brothe

2、r's help, I've made great progress in English and I really want to do something for him _Ain turn Bby turns Cin return Din answer【答案与解析】23. C 考查固定词组。in turn依次;by turns轮流;in return作为汇报;in answer答复。根据前面的help判断,下文应为“我真的想做些事情来回报他。【仿真二】28. _ hard work, he gained high achievements in that area.A.

3、Owe to B. Owing to C. According to D. Stick to【答案与解析】28B(解析:此题考查介词的用法。根据句意“由于艰苦的工作,他在那个领域获得很高的成就。所以答案选B。)【仿真三】34. How the famous actor treated us made me feel he was not an important person out _ reach, but kind big brother.A. from B. of C. over D. to【答案与解析】34B。“out of reach"为固定搭配,表示“遥不可及,力所不能及

4、,应选B。【仿真五】25. Those overseas students volunteer 10 hours each week in Paris _ free food and accommodation.A. in search of B. in contact with C. in case of D. in exchange for【答案与解析】25D。考查介词短语辨析。in exchange for与交换。in search of寻找;in contact with与接触;in case of在情形下。句意为:为了换取免费的食宿,那些在巴黎的留学生们每周义务劳动10个小时。故正确

5、答案为D。【仿真六】22. _ the displays of culture and technology, the Shanghai Expo also Showcased the spirit of voluntarism. (志愿者精神)A. Apart from B. More than C. Instead of D. Other than【答案与解析】22A。Apart from除此之外(表示除以外尚有);More than超过,多于;Instead of(用)代替,【临考】24. Hearing the news of an accident, the police offic

6、er went out the heavy snow.A. in terms of B. in spite ofC. in case of D. in response of【答案与解析】24B考查介词短语。in spite of尽管,表示让步。句意为:听到了发生事故的消息,尽管下着大雪,警官还是立即就出去了。【仿真八】29. We had expected sales to pick up at the beginning of this year , but it was our imagination _ that it would be this good.A. beyond B. w

7、ithout C. outside D. through【答案】A【冲刺模拟】33. Einstein once refused to speak on the radio _ $1,000 a minute. Another time he was seen using a check _ $ 1,500 as a bookmark. A. for; of B. for; for C. at; for D. at; at【答案】B【二调】26. Johnson was to blame for the incident. But _ his positive attitude, we for

8、gave him because "Every man has his faults."A. in view of B. in search ofC. for fear of D. in exchange for【答案】A【示范校联考】30. The success of a government should be measured _ the health and happiness of the people as well as the development of economy.A. in face of B. in place of C. in terms o

9、f D. in line with【答案】C【一中冲刺卷】26_ the extremely hot weather, we continued having classesAThanks to BIn addition to CIn defence of DRegardless of【答案】D【冲刺模拟】27. What is the matter with you? Nothing_ I am in a hurry.A. except B. except that C. except for D. besides【答案】B【第一次质检】22. I should have to teach

10、all subjects_ art, which he taught_.A. except; it B. except; himself C. besides; it D. besides; himself【答案】B【第二次质检】29. The western restaurant is superior _ the one we went to last week. A. thanB. asC. butD. to【答案】D【第三次质检】24. My brother was against my suggestion while my sister was _ it. A. in honor of B. in search of C. in favor of D. in charge of【答案】C


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