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1、高中英语 Unit3Section速效提能演练 北师大版必修1.词汇知识1_ adj.保守的,旧式的2_ n. 作业;任务,工作3_ adj. 可选择的;另类的4_ n. 惩罚,处分5_ n. 名誉,名声6_ adj. 少量的,微小的7_ adj. 杰出的,优秀的8_ vt. 反映;反射9_ vt. 挑选10_ v. 误解11_ n. 接近或进入之路12_ adj. 值得努力的.重点短语1_ 有助于,为做奉献2_ 由于;到期的3_ 心情不好,情绪低落4_ 使遭遇5_ 总共,总计6_ 出发;引爆7_ 当场发现某人干某事8_ 至少9_ 侦查,暗中监视10_ 首先,起初答案:1.contribute

2、 to2.due to3.be in a bad mood4.become of5.add up to6.set off7.catch sb. doing sth.8.at least9.spy on10.to start with.必背句型1Education is _ when we have forgotten _.教育就是当我们忘记所有被教的东西后剩余的东西。答案:what remainsall we have been taught2_ can remember from school maths _ the angles of a triangle _ 180 degrees!现在

3、我对所学的数学能够记得的惟一的东西是一个三角形的角度总和等于180度!答案:The only thing Iis thatadd up to3_ Mr.Jenkins _ school but I often think about him.自从我离开后再也没有见过詹金斯先生,但我经常想起他。答案:I havent seensince I left4That was really _ I ever tried to explain science to an audience and now its my job!那是我第一次面对听众讲解科学知识,而现在这成了我的工作!答案:the first time5And _ can help turn a child like Graham into such a successful adult,then I know _.答案:if what I do as a teacherwhat Im doing is worthwhile温馨提示:稳固学习效果,检验教学成果。请进入“课时训练9,指导学生每课一练,成功提升成绩。


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