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1、高二册 Unit17.单词拼写1Many athletes _(参加) in the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing.2At the _(典礼), the chairman gave an open lecture.3Our _(胜利) is well worth celebrating.4We want to see that this man get _(公正) treatment.5The childs reading _(能力) was satisfactory for his age level.6Her _(同情) for the old people

2、made her a good care worker.7Most of our schools fail to meet the needs of _(有天赋的) children.8I always turn to my father for _(指导) in these matters.9You have the _(潜力) to reach the top of your profession.10He is so clever that he knows how to _(适应) to the environment.答案.完成句子(专用)1We have worked out th

3、e plan and we must _(付诸实施)2_(在一次一次实验后) he succeeded.3That experience was _(对我来说非常有益)4The medical Team _(由10位大夫组成)5Sports and games help to _(身体健康)6In our country, the citizens who are 18 years old _(享有选举权和被选举权)7The PLA men liberated Beijing _(通过和平方式,而不是攻打)8_(用计算机工作) can save much more time than _(人工

4、工作)9The company manager ordered _(立即开始这项工作)10_(那次军事演习是要向全世界说明) that we Chinese had the ability to liberate Taiwan.答案1put it into practice2After experiment after experiment3of benefit to me4is made up of 10 doctors5keep people healthy6have the right to vote and stand for election7not by fighting but

5、by the peaceful liberation8Working by computers; working by hand9the work to be done at once10The war exercise was to show to the world.单项填空1Would you please do me a favor and check the information?Im _ glad to help.A. more thanB. by no meansC. less than D. far from2In order to keep the students dev

6、eloping healthily, we should not only develop their present abilities, but also develop their _ abilities.A. visual B. innerC. physical D. potential3Will you be sent abroad for further studies?I have _!A. such no luck B. no such luckC. no such a luck D. not such a luck4The poem is hard to understand

7、. Can you make _ of this poem?A. idea B. knowledgeC. sense D. no longer5You may not agree, but _ I think this plan is practical.A. generally B. trulyC. personally D. commonly6_ are that you will lose the job if you dont try to do it better.A. Chance B. ChancesC. Opportunity D. Opportunities7I feel s

8、trongly that each of us should _ a role in making the earth a better place to live in.A. play B. takeC. get D. find8Would you please do me a favor and check the information?Im _ glad to help.A. more than B. by no meansC. less than D. far from9He promised to send me an invitation to visit their count

9、ry _ until I was 60 years old.A. each two years B. each other yearC. every other year D. every second years10He soon _ himself to the way of life and has lived happily ever since.A. arranged B. adjustedC. admitted D. avoided11Today there are more opportunities for disabled people to make _ contribut

10、ion to _ society.A. a; the B. a; /C. /; the D. the; a12There is none _ can be done to persuade him to give up the idea.A. what B. itC. that D. who13Why dont you just _ your own business and leave me alone?A. make B. openC. consider D. mind14We hadnt planned to meet. We met _ chance.A. of B. inC. for

11、 D. by15(·湖南浏阳一中期末)How long _ you _ in the country with your uncle, Henry?About two weeks. Ill return as soon as school starts.A. had; stayed B. are; stayingC. did; stay D. do; stay答案1A。“more than形容词,表示“很,非常。句意:我非常快乐能帮你。2D。根据句意可知“也开展学生们潜在的能力。应选D项。3B。such与all, no, several, many, one连用时,置于其后,据此可排

12、除A项;no相当于not a或not any,不能再与a连用,可排除C项;D项中的not虽可以与a连用,但又因luck为不可数名词,故排除。4C。make sense of sth.“理解或弄懂困难的或无法理解的事物。注意sense还可作动词,意为“意识到(某事物);感觉到。5C。personally“我个人认为,依我之见。6B。opportunity和chance都有“时机的意思,但此处所需的不是这个含义。句意:如果你不努力改良你的工作,你将有可能失去这份工作。所以此处需用“可能这一含义的名词,而chance有此意并且常用于Chances are that.这一固定句式,该句相当于There

13、 are possibilities that.形式。7A。play a role in“在方面起作用。8A。考查固定短语的用法。more than在这个句子中是副词,意为“非常;很。句意为“我非常快乐能帮助。by no means“决不;less than“少于;far from“距远。9C。“每隔一年用every two years或every second year或every other year来表达。10B。从题意看,他很快适应了这种生活方式。adjust“调整,正合题意;arranged“安排;admitted“成认;avoided“防止,均不合题意。11B。contributi

14、on常用作可数名词,society作“社会解时,前面不加冠词。12C。句意:无法说服他放弃那个主意。13D。考查动词辨析。句意:你为什么不管好你自己的事而干扰我?mind ones own business为固定短语,“注意自己的事,少管闲事。其余三项均不符合搭配。14D。此题考查固定习语中介词的用法。by chance/by accident“偶然。15D.完形填空(·)The trip to that city was eyeopening for everyone, and near its end, all the young people in our group bega

15、n to reflect on what it has meant. We _1_ the first night we had arrived. We had all gone into the markets of the city _2_ the young people could experience its energy. But what we actually saw simply _3_ us allthe rundown houses, the children in rags, the people begging for money.Walking home, _4_

16、under a low bridge, we came across _5_ families of homeless people seeking a bit of dry ground to sleep on _6_ the night. We had to step over bodies as we found our way through the darkness.The poverty(贫困) was _7_ than anything my young companions had ever imagined. Back in the hotel, an air of sadn

17、ess settled over the group. Many _8_ and cried. Spending time in this _9_ moves a person to care about humanity.That evening, our group spent hours talking about what we had _10_. Gently, I encouraged everyone to talk about the difficult _11_ that days discoveries had inspired. Sitting together _12_

18、 a circle as everyone had a chance to speak, we all began to realize that _13_ of us was alone in our struggle to cope with our reactions.Based on my _14_ in povertystricken areas, I suggested that _15_ the emotions we had were painful, they could also be important in helping us to move forward. We

19、all _16_ that we had seen things that should never be allowed to happen. _17_, what could we do about it? Together, we began to brainstorm ways we could help to ease the _18_ we had seen. As I encouraged group members to focus on _19_ they could do, a sense of determination _20_ the previous sadness

20、. Instead of despair, these young people began to feel a call to action.1 A. put up with B. got back toC. looked back on D. made up for2 A. now that B. so thatC. as if D. even if3 A. puzzled B. annoyedC. embarrassed D. shocked4 A. marching B. runningC. passing D. moving5 A. entire B. normalC. averag

21、e D. general6 A. beyond B. withC. till D. for7 A. stronger B. deeperC. worse D. less8 A. gave up B. broke downC. set off D. held on9 A. environment B. hotelC. house D. background10A. inspected B. attemptedC. witnessed D. challenged11A. feelings B. decisionsC. thoughts D. impressions12A. along B. aro

22、undC. by D. in13A. neither B. eitherC. none D. each14A. experiences B. schedulesC. data D. position15A. once B. whileC. since D. unless16A. supposed B. advisedC. confirmed D. agreed17A. Surely B. RatherC. Now D. Indeed18A. burden B. sufferingC. anxiety D. difficulty19A. how B. whereC. what D. when20

23、A. replaced B. changedC. covered D. improved答案我们目睹了破旧的房子,衣衫褴褛的孩子、讨钱的人们我们能做什么?1C。从上文to reflect on可知,“我们这是在回忆“我们来到这儿的第一个晚上,用look back on“回忆比拟贴切,其他都不符合语境。2B。从上下文可知,此处用so that表示“目的去感受城市的活力。3D。从下文可知,“我们真正看到的一切令“我们非常“吃惊,故用动词shock。4C。当经过(pass)矮桥的时候,“我们碰到了很多无家可归的老老少少(entire families),寻找干点的地方过夜(for the night

24、)。在黑夜中,“我们不得不摸黑跨过他们的身体而通行。5A。参见4题解析。6D。参见4题解析。7C。根据上下文可知,这里人们的贫穷远远要比“我年轻的同伴们所能想象的还要糟糕(worse)。8B。回到宾馆,人人都感到悲伤,很多人失声痛哭。根据语境选B项。9A。从上下文可知,此处应该表示这个城市的这种“环境,所以选A。10C。那天晚上,“我们一行人花了好几个小时讨论“我们的所见所闻(witness),witness“亲眼看见,目击;inspect“检查;attempt“试图;challenge“挑战,根据语境选C项。11A。此处为“我鼓励每个人来谈谈自己的感受(feelings)。12D。in a

25、circle表示“围成一圈。13C。从语境可知,此处表示“我们没有一个人(none of us),答案选C。14A。从上下文可知,这里表示“基于我在穷困地区的经历(experiences)。15B。从上下文可知,此处用while表示“虽然,语境为“虽然我们很难过。16D。从语境可知,“我们通过讨论,都一致认为(agree)“我们看到了一些本不该发生的事情,所以选D项。17C。从上下文可知,此处表示“那么现在我们该怎么做?,所以用now。18B。“我们开始集体探讨一些方法来减轻“我们所看到的(人们所遭受的)苦难(suffering)。19C。此处是what引导的宾语从句,表示“集中于我们能做的事

26、情上。20A。通过讨论,大家都觉得应该做一些事情来帮助那些受苦的人,于是决心代替了(replace)悲伤。.短文改错Dear Mr Li,答案1acceptreceive。考查动词receive和accept的辨析。accept“接受(建议,邀请等);receive“接到,收到。此处应用receive。2dontdidnt。考查动词的时态。表示在过去某一时间发生的事,用一般过去时。3mustshould或去掉must。考查虚拟语气中情态动词的用法。suggest意为“建议时,它后面的宾语从句应使用虚拟语气,谓语局部用“should动词原形,should可省略。4needneeds。考查主谓一致。代词one作从句的主语,从句的谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。5likeas。考查固定搭配。the same as“和一样。6ifunless。考查连词unless的用法。不下水就学不会游泳。连词unless意为“除非,相当于if.not.。78readreading。考查短语的习惯用法。get down to意为“开始认真做,to是介词,后跟动词ing形式,故read应改为reading。9kind后加of。考查固定搭配。the kind of“某种,某类。10去掉but。although“尽管,即使,不与but连用。


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