四年级下册英语课件-M10 U1 Did you fall off your bike |外研社.ppt

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1、Module 10 Unit 1,Did you fall off your bike?,动词过去式的变法口诀:,Yesterday,表过去,要用一般过去式;规则动词加 ed;有 e 直接加上 d;Talk, talk, talked;Listen, listen, listened;Watch, watch, watched;Phone, phone, phoned.不规则的特殊记,are 变 were;am/is 变 was; do/does 变 did。,小结:,ed, ed 小尾巴,动词后面跟着它,如果动作已发生,千万不要忘了它。,chant,“ed”,play,Yesterday 昨

2、天,today,talk phone walk rain cook play watch listen help learn,ed,ed,ed,ed,ed,d,ed,ed,ed,ed,小提示:ed在清辅音后读/t/,在浊辅音后/d/.,/t/,/d/,小试身手:快快说出下列动词的过去式吧.,cooked,talked,walked,played,helped,watched,listened,New words,fall 掉下,落下,摔倒fall off 跌落fell(fall的过去式)掉下,落下,摔倒fall down 摔倒,跌倒,坍塌found(find的过去式)发现,找到town 城镇,

3、市镇happen 发生,ride 骑车 then 然后thirsty (口)渴的 water 水bought(buy的过去式)买watermelon西瓜carried(carry的过去式)拿,搬bump撞伤 hospital医院,thirsty (口)渴的,water 水,bought(buy的过去式)买,watermelon西瓜,carried(carry的过去式)拿,搬,ride骑、乘,went for a bike ride 去 骑 自 行 车,thirsty口渴的,watermelon,bought,carry 运送,carried,bump撞伤,hospital医院,Jack and

4、 Jillwent up the hill.Jack fell down Jill found a town.,bought,carried,fell off,bumped,go,happen,carried,bumped,went,happened,大明,你的头怎么了?,Sam和我昨天骑自行车去了。,然后呢?,Did you buy some water?,No, we bought a watermelon.,然后我们又饿又渴。,你买了一些水吗?,不,我们买了一个西瓜。,Did you falloff your bike?,No,Sam fell off his bike.,Sam拿个西瓜

5、在自行车上。,你从自行车上跌落下来了吗?,不,是Sam从他的自行车上跌落下来了。,And I bumped my head!Then he took me and the watermelon to the hospital.,我撞到了我的头,然后他带着我和西瓜去了医院。,What happened to Damings head?,Sam and Daming went for a bike ride yesterday.,And then?,thirteen thirty thirsty(口渴的),And then they were hungry and thirsty.,So they

6、 bought a watermelon.,buybought(购买),Sam carried the watermelon on his bike.,carrycarried(携带,运送),Sam fell off his bike.,fall fell(跌落),The watermelon bumped Damings head.,bumpbumped(碰,磕),Then Sam took Daming and thewatermelon to the hospital.,本课学的动词的过去式,carry-carried bump-bumpedhappen-happened find-fo

7、und buy -bought fall-fell fall off-fell off do-did go - went have-had take-tookam / is - was are - were,bought,carried,fell off,bumped,buy买,carry,fall off,bump,buy,carry,fall off,bump,Did you .?Yes, I did./No, I didnt.,助动词是照妖镜,后面动词现原形。,dohave/hasgoseesingdrinkgiveeat takemakeis/amare,had 有,度过,went去,

8、saw看,sang唱歌,ate吃,drank喝,饮,took拍摄,gave给,made制作,did 助动词,was是,were是,原形,过去式,考考你?,选一选,你会吗?,1 Did you _ some water?A bought B buy C buys2 I _ for a bike ride last Sunday.A go B going C went3 - Did you take your book to school? - Yes, _ A I didnt B I did C I do4 Sam _ his bike.A fall off B fell off C fall down,B,c,B,B,


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