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1、人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,获取竞争优势的人力资源管理,Human Resource Management Gaining A Competitive Advantage,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,1人力资源管理导论 Introduction to Human Resource Management,本章问题: l 什么是人力资源管理以及它在企业管理中的作用?Explain what human resource management is and the role it plays in the management process? l传统的人事管理如何发

2、展到现代人力资源管理? Compare the traditional personnel management and the modern human resource management. l 人力资源管理如何赢得竞争优势? How to gain the competitive advantage through HRM?,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,人是企业最宝贵的资源Human Being Is the Most Important Resource in the World,企业的资源包括:人财,物,时间, 技术,信息,软,活,感性,能动硬,死,理性,被动,人力

3、资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,1.2 Definition,l人力资源:企业内外具有劳动能力人的总和。Human resources the summation of manpower, including internal and external labor forces of the company.l 人力资源管理是指影响企业员工态度,行为和工作绩效的各种政策,实践和制度。Human resource management The policies, practices and systems one needs to impact the aspects of employ

4、ees, including their manners, behaviors and performances.,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,2 The Trend of HR Management 2.1 The early years 经验管理阶段(industrial revolution) The advent of machine power, mass production, and efficient transportation needs a formal theory to guide managers to running their organizat

5、ions.,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,2.2 classical management古典管理理论(1900s),lFayol Functions theory including planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, controlling.l Weber Bureaucracy a form of organization marked by division of labor, hierarchy and regulations, and impersonal relationshipsl Talor Princ

6、iples of scientific management. Four principles of management:,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,development a science for each element of an individuals work, which replaces the old rule of thumb methods. Scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the worker. Heartily cooperate with the workers s

7、o as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with the principles of the science that has been developed. Divide work and responsibility almost equally between management and workers. Management takes over all work for which it is better fitted than the workersTheory X. the set of assumptions w

8、hich holds that workers cannot be trusted and must be coerced into doing their jobs. Workers have little ambition, dislike work, want to void responsibility and need to be closely directed to work effectively.,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,2.3 Hawthorne Studies 霍桑实验(1927-1932),Mayo, Harvard professor. (1932

9、)Hawthorne Studies a series of studies that provided new insights in group norms and behavior. Including four studies: lighting intensities, incentive plan, informal organization, talking.,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,2.4 the human relations movement 人际关系运动(1960s1970s),Maslow, Humanistic Psychologist. Hier

10、archy of human needs:,physiological.safety Socialesteemself-actualization,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,2.5 Behavior Science Theories 行为科学(1960s1970s),A group of psychologists and sociologists who relied on the scientific method for the study of organizational behavior.Vroom, Herzberg, leadership, employee

11、motivation, job design, conflict, organization design.,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,2.6 Organizational Culture 企业文化(1980s),A system of shared meaning within an organization that determines, in large degree,how employees act. 7s: structure , strategy, skill, staff, style, systems, shared values.,人力资源管理知识-获取

12、竞争优势人力资源管理,2.7 Recent Trends and Issues 当代趋势(1990s),l workforce diversity(劳动力多元化), employees in organizations are heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, or other characteristics. lTotal quality management(全面质量管理) a philosophy of management that is driven by customer needs and expectation

13、s l Re-engineering(企业流程再造). A radical redesign of all or part of a companys work processes to improve productivity and financial performance.,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,l Bimodal workforce(双峰劳动力). Employees tend to perform either low-skilled service jobs for near-minimum wage or high-skilled will-paying

14、jobs.l Downsizing(下岗裁员). Organizational restructuring efforts in which individuals are laid off from their jobs.l Contingent workers(弹性工人). Part-time, temporary or freelance employees. Who are contingent workers? Laid offs, working parents, young people still experimenting with different job options

15、, seniors who dont want a full time position,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,从传统的人事管理到现代 人力资源管理,The evolution from traditional personnel to modern human resource management,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,3.1 影响变迁的因素 the factors impacting the transitions,l environment: development of high-tech, global economy, the emer

16、gence of a service economy, demographic trends, competitiveness in the markets, political legal change, human rights etc.l people : better education, self-expectation, white collar, treaty union movement,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,4. Strategic Function Of Human Resource Management,4

17、.1 企业战略 business strategy4.2 人力资源战略功能 function of HR strategies 迎接三大挑战three competitive challenges(1) 全球化globalization“world-is in-my-market” strategy, how to capture a piece of the global marketplace.,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,l Multinational corporation (MNC)多国公司Companies that maintain significant ope

18、rations in more than one country simultaneously but manage them all from one base in a home country. Transnational corporation (TNC).跨国公司 A company that maintains significant operations in more than one country simultaneously and decentralizes decision making in each operation to the local countryDu

19、ring the 1990s,global competition is being reshaped by the creation of regional cooperation agreements.,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,UNILEVER CROSS-CULTURAL TRAINING,TRAINING GOALS understanding of Chinese circumstances, culture and markets ; finding a good march between Unilevers products and the style of

20、 Chinese consumers and markets. TRAINING PROGRAM step 2. A lecture about cross-cultural adaptability step3. Visit a Chinese culture market street (food, cloth, arts, crafts, writings etc.) step4. Talk with Chinese residents step5. Discuss in groups cultural characteristics of China,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力

21、资源管理,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,l The European Union(欧盟). The signing of the Masstricht Treaty in February 1992,created the formation of a 12 nations EU. This treaty united the 380 million people of Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Irelan

22、d, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany., Austria, Finland, and Sweden. As a single market, there are no national barriers to travel , employment, investment, and trade.EU is the largest economic market in the world with a gross domestic product in 1992 of

23、 $8 trillion. Now USA firms in such diverse industries as telecommunications, heavy equipment, pharmaceuticals, civilian aerospace, banking, automobiles, computers, electronics, food, beverages face vigorous challenges from their European counterparts.l North American Free Trade Agreement(北美自由贸易区).

24、Mexico, Canada, and U.S.A . it opened a vast market of over 363 million consumers, its gross domestic product of 8.7 trillion in 1992. All barriers to free trade such as tariffs, import licensing requirements, and customs user fees be limited, and the long term benefits of job creation , market deve

25、lopment and increasing living standards for all three countries. l Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation(亚太经济贸易区),人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,(2) 高绩效工作系统high-performance work system,The work system that combines social system and techniques system together in the enterprises.l New technology are increasing cl

26、erical functions such as technical, managerial, professional functions. Job , organization structure will be redesigned. New incentive and compensation plans, new job descriptions written, new employee selection, evaluation and new programs will be instituted.l Increased competition and shorter prod

27、uct life cycles are creating the need for more flexible, adaptable companies.,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,Aa Team work A worker should has a good sense of group that means has a capability of self-managed. The more complex the task, the more the group will benefit from discussion among group members. If t

28、here is a high degree of interdependence among the tasks that group members must perform, the members will need to interact more. Effective communication and controlled levels of conflict will relate to group performance when tasks are interdependent. l Job enlargement: training and encouraging empl

29、oyee to perform a range of jobs related to the ones they hold so that manpower can be used more flexibly. Assigning additional tasks to an employee in order to make his job more varied and interesting. Job enrichment: change figures of a job other than compensation,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,(3)满足相关群体的需求

30、 Satisfy the needs of the related groups, Stockholders Consumers Employees-quality of work life(QWL),人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,5. Coordination of human resource management and business strategies,5.1 cooperative line and staff human resource management,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,人力资源管理知

31、识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,5.2 企业战略和人力资源管理开发战略的协调 Coordinating Business Strategy And HRMD Strategy,人力资源战略HR Strategy 根据企业战略来制定人力资源管理计划和方法, 并通过人力资源管理活动来实现企业的战略目标。 Formulate HR management plans according to business strategic plan and execute business strategic objective through HR management.,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源

32、管理,人力资源战略的类型 TYPES OF HR STRATEGY,累积型战略 Accumulation 效用型战略 Utilization协助型战略 Facilitation,人力资源管理知识-获取竞争优势人力资源管理,RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HR STRATEGY AND BUSINESS STRATEGY,Business Strategy Organizational Action Hr Strategy防御者战略 内部稳定性 累积型战略部署Prevention Internal stability Accumulation产品市场狭窄 有限的环境侦察 集中化 追求员

33、工最大化的参与,重视技效率导向 控制系统标准化运作程序 能培训,获取员工的卓越潜能 分析者战略 弹性 协助型战略Analyzer Flexibility Facilitation追求新市场 严密和全面的规划 追求新知识的学习,创造性员工维持目前市场 提供低成本独特产品 正 确人员配置,组织结构化及协调探索者战略 不断改变性 效用型战略Explorer Continual Changing Utilization持续地寻求新市场 广泛的环境侦察,分权 不承担提高员工技能的培训;只雇佣外部导向 控制系统,快速资源配 具有岗位所需技能且能够立即工作的产品市场创新者 置,非正式化组织结构 员工,员工知识和岗位相适应,


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