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1、1 00:00:13,000 - 00:00:16,000 案例十六:遇险报警和遇险通信 Distress alerting and communication 2 00:00:16,000 - 00:00:52,400 A Dutch freighter has sank after colliding nearly head on with the Marshall Islands-flagged LNG carrier Al-Oraiq in the North Sea off Belgium on Tuesday morning. All 12 crew members from th

2、e freighter, named Flinterstar, have been rescued. The crew members were rescued from the cold North Sea, including one person who was reportedly suffering from hypothermia. 3 00:00:54,200 - 00:01:11,800 当地时间 2015 年 10 月 6 日凌晨 4 时, 荷兰货船 “Flinterstar ”号于一艘天然气运输船在比利 时海岸碰撞,造成荷兰货船 Flinterstar 号沉没。该船 12

3、名船员全部获救。 4 00:01:16,800 - 00:01:20,720 后期虚拟回放的通信程序 5 00:01:22,200 - 00:01:32,280 MV Flinterstar 使用 VHF DSC 发出遇险报警,并在 VHF Ch16 与 MRCC Oostende 遇险通信。 6 00:01:41,080 - 00:01:56,720 Mayday Mayday Mayday All stations All stations All stations This is MV Flinterstar, MV Flinterstar, MV Flinterstar. Mayday

4、, MV Flinterstar. I am collided with a gas tanker off the coast of Belgium. I am sinking. There are 12 crew members on board. I need immediate assistance. Over. 7 00:01:56,720 - 00:02:07,920 Mayday. This is MRCC Oostende. Mayday received. Were dispatching assistance to your location with an arrival

5、time of approximately 15 minutes. Have everyone on board put on life jackets. Over. 8 00:02:10,800 - 00:02:13,800 MV Flinterstar 与救援直升机通信。 9 00:02:17,960 - 00:02:25,040 Vessel Flinterstar. Ready for helicopter? 10 00:02:28,280 - 00:02:35,600 Helicopter. This is Flinterstar. Ready for helicopter. Ove

6、r. 11 00:02:38,760 - 00:02:44,920 Flinterstar. This is helicopter. Identify yourself by directing signal lamp at me. Over. 12 00:02:46,960 - 00:02:51,600 Helicopter. This is Flinterstar. I am now making identification signal. Over. 13 00:02:53,320 - 00:02:57,920 Flinterstar. This is helicopter. You are identified. Indicate contact point. Over. 14 00:03:00,920 - 00:03:05,440 Helicopter. This is Flinterstar. I am now indicating contact point. Over. 15 00:03:08,120 - 00:03:12,160 Flinterstar. This is helicopter. I am commencing operation now. Over.


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