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1、2019 财务管理专业自荐信4篇首先感谢你在百忙之中浏览我的自荐信,我是杨凌职业技术学院06级财务信息管理专业的应届毕业生,名叫xxx 。我是一个农村的学生,农村的历炼使我体会到许多难以想象的艰苦,同时使我的性格稳重, 做事踏实,我相信这对我以后的人生发展有莫大的影响。大学期间,我特别注重专业知识的积累,有务实的专业基础,并且努力培养自己独立自主的能力和积极向上的心态, 由此我先后获得系级“三好”学生及二等奖学金;并通过了会计从业资格证考试。三年中我一直都积极参加和筹划各种活动, 这些都锻炼了我的办事能力,组织协调能力,沟通能力。我的专长:熟悉会计政策与法规,并且能够熟练运用,熟悉工业企业会计

2、(成本会计),管理会计,初级财务会计等,熟练掌握高级办公自动化和用友,金蝶等财务软件并能很好运用。作为一名刚从象牙塔里出来的学生,我的经验不足或让您犹豫不决,但请您相信我的干劲与努力将“祢补”这暂时的不足,也许我不是最好的,但我绝对是最努力的。我自信,我执着,我的付出定能使我在工作中有不俗的表现。我很期盼能加入到贵公司去发挥我的潜力,随信附上我的简历,如有机会与您面谈,我将十分感谢!beloved leaders: hello! first of all, i sincerely appreciate your taking the time in his busy schedule to r

3、ead my letter ofthe ordinary job-seekers. ordinary job in this letter you willsee i am a true. xx i am a university school of managementgraduates, the school is the financial managementprofessional, as a result of the baptism of four years, i have a solidtheoretical foundation for knowledge and prof

4、essional skills.in learning to be, keep atsuyuki; learning to do,entrepreneurial suess motto to live for four years has givenme a lot of people doing things in knowledge. while studyingat the school, in addition to my master the theoreticalknowledge of the profession, but also of other elective cour

5、ses, take full advantage of after-school time and school libraryresources, extensive knowledge of drawing a large number ofextra-curricular. in their continued efforts, the top academic performance, has won various honors in rating schools, thestate scholarship. at the sametime to participate in the

6、 school orchestra, playing musical instruments to learn, appreciate the art of washing people, enrich their college life. i justwant to set foot on as a munity college graduates, to work or lack of life experience may make you hesitate, but ask you to believe that my ability and confidence. i have b

7、een convinced that the not only can not unexpected. i hope you can give me a chance, your recognition will be the glory of mylife! again, thank you for reading my cover letter, no matter the oute, please aept myheartfelt good wishes! i wish you suessful work! sincerely, salute!dear leaders:hello!tha

8、nk you for your busy schedule to visit my cover letter,i was the development of jilin agricultural university, institute of financial management fresh graduates, known as long song.i ama student from rural areas, rural areas 历炼 makes me realize that many of unimaginable hardship, at the same timemy

9、character prudent, practical work, i believe that this life i will have an enormous influence over the development.university, i have a special focus on the aumulation ofexpertise, there are pragmatic basis of professional andindependent efforts to develop their ownabilities and positiveattitude, wh

10、ich i have aess to professional scholarship 2ndclass, professional third-class scholarship at a school 2ndlevel of outstanding members, the hospital grade 1 outstandingmembers; and jilin province has adopted the aounting test /examination of their qualification certificate; also, such as obtaining a

11、 drivers license. four years i have been learningas a squad leader, bedroomlong, curriculum design team leader, secretary and other job-graduates, all exercise of my ability, organization and coordination ability, munication skills.my expertise: familiar with the aounting policies andregulations, an

12、d to the use of skilled, familiar with theindustrial enterprises aounting (cost aounting), managementaounting, intermediate financial aounting, etc., and can well use.just as a student out of the ivory tower, my lack ofexperience or allow you to hesitate, but ask you to believe that my energy and ef

13、forts to fill thee this is a temporaryshortage, perhaps i am not the best, but i am absolutely themost effort. i amconfident, i ampersistent, i can set the paid work i have a good performance.i very much hope to join your pany, give play to my potential, i enclose curriculum vitae and, if the opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful!togao!财务管理专业大学生自荐信范文财务管理专业 - 应届毕业生自荐信范文 财务管理专业自荐信格式 财务管理专业自荐信参考格式 财务管理专业学生自荐书格式 财务管理专业毕业生的自荐信xx 届财务管理专业毕业生自荐信财务管理专业毕业生自荐信范文内容仅供参考


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