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1、.天马行空官方博客: ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task 任务:Press Release 发布酒店新闻Code 序号:OH-SM-MC-D101Objectives目的:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to issue press releases efficiently.课程结束后,每个学员都能够高效地发布饭店新闻。Standard标准:1.The Marketing Communications Manager will

2、issue Press Releases on development and news about:a. Brand and the Hotelb. Special promotions and seasonal productsc. Hotel Appointments d. Visits of Dignitaries and Celebritiese. Events and activities that are of interest to the community and the general public公关部经理负责发布有关以下内容的新闻消息:a. 集团品牌和饭店b. 特别促

3、销及季节性饭店产品服务c. 人事任命d. 贵族名人下榻e. 社会公众感兴趣的事件和活动2.A standardized format in line with corporate Press Release format will be used for all Press Releases, which carries: a. Starwood boilerplate as updated from corporate office. b. Hotel logo, hotel address and telephone and fax number. c. The name of Marke

4、ting Communications Manager and his/ her contact info will be indicated in every Press Release. 所有的新闻发布将采用与集团格式一致的标准格式:a. 喜达屋集团总部最新的统一声明b. 饭店标识、饭店地址、电话传真号码c. 每篇新闻发布里都要有公关部经理姓名及联系方式3. Depending on the media to which they are delivered, Press Releases will be written in the language used by the public

5、ations and the media.根据每篇发送的媒体,新闻发布将以该媒体或刊物使用的语言书写。4. Whenever possible, photographs or digital images will be used as part of a Press Release.只要有可能,就在新闻发布中使用相片或数字图像。*;5. Use 7 inch one in case of digital image. The image file will be saved in JPEG format and up to 300 dpi and above.如果使用相片,则采用七寸相片。数

6、字图像应存为分辨率300dpi 以上的JPEG格式。6. 6. If delivered electronically, large size file will be compressed with WINZIP to minimize recipient inconvenience.如果是通过电子传输,较大的文件须用WINZIP压缩,以减少对收件者的不便。Resources培训器材:Method培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间IntroductionLecture介绍讲座式- Ask question for discussionWhat kind of press

7、 release can be issued and what means can be used?提出问题什么样的新闻可以发布,可以使用何种手段?- See the above standard 1 and 2 for answer.参见标准第1及第2条。- Introduce the standard format for issuing press release.介绍新闻发布的标准格式。20Minutes20分钟Show steps one by one演示以下步骤1. A Press Release schedule will be planned according to the

8、issue date of publications and 2. MarCom Manager will initiate topics of Press Releases.新闻发布将根据出版物的出版日期事先做好计划,公关部经理将主动地发掘新闻题材。2. After Marketing Communications Manager finishes composing the Press Releases, it will be submitted to Director of Sales & Marketing and General Manager for review.公关部经理撰写完

9、新闻稿件后,应呈交给市场销售总监和总经理审阅。3. Upon approval of General Manager, Marketing Communications Coordinator will distribute the Press Releases according to the pre-determined mailing list.总经理批准后,公关助理将负责按事先定好的邮件列表发布发布新闻。Note: Marketing Communications Manager will initiate topics of Press Releases.注意:公关部经理将从饭店的数据库中生成一个分发新闻的邮件列表。30Minutes30分钟Summary总结- Review the above standard again.重新回顾上述标准。10Minutes10分钟


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