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1、课后阅读训练十三Module 4 Period 1I.阅读理解AFarmer John and Farmer Bob were neighbours. For more than 30 years, they had been getting along very well.Then their good relationship broke. It began with a small thing, then bitter words, and then weeks of silence. One morning Farmer John woke up to find a stream be

2、tween the two farms. “ Itmust be Bob, ” John thought.Then one day there was a knock on John opsendeodori.t Htoefinda carpenter(木匠)standing at the doorway.“ I m looking for a few dwayosrk, ” thaerpcenter said.“ I do have a job for you,” John said. “ Look across the stream at tfarm. That msy neighbour

3、 Bob sH. e dug a stream between the two farms. I want you to build a fence an 8-foot fence. I don t want to see his place or his face any more. Idon t have such a neighbour! ”The carpenter said, “ I think I know what to do, sir, and I lldo a job that pleases you.”Farmer John helped the carpenter get

4、 the materials材 料)ready and then he was off for the day.About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had justfinished his job. The farmer eyes opened wide. There was no fence there at all!It was a bridge! And the neighbour, Bob, was coming across, with his hand outstretched(伸出).“ Hi, John! Y

5、ou re quite a fellow to build thisbridge! ”Then they met in the middle, taking each other hands. I m terribly sorry for what I have said and done. We should be good to each other, said Farmer Bob.Then they turned to see the carpenter, who was ready to go.Iwait! Stay a few days. I have a lot of other

6、 jobs for you, said FId love to stay, the carpenter said, “ but I have more bridges to b 【语篇概述】邻居之间如何相处?需要彼此真诚,想要别人如何对你, 你就要如何对别人。本文讲述了两个邻居在友谊破裂后又重归于好的 故事。1. Just before the carpenter came, John and Bob each other.A. didn t speak toB. were friendly toC. often fought withD. never had bitter words wit

7、h【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段 and then weeks of silence可 知答案。2. Farmer John asked the carpenter to build a fence because.A. he wanted to protect his farmB. he didn t want to do it himselfC. he wouldn t like to see BobD. he wanted to find him something to do【解析】 选 C。 细节理解题。由第五段 I don t wntato see his place or

8、hisface any more. 可知答案。3. What does the sentence “ You quriete a fellow to build this bridge! ” mean?A. It was great to build this bridge.B. John was not good at building bridges.C. John was foolish to build such a bridge.D. John should build the bridge earlier.【解析】选A。句意理解题。由这一句前后 Bob过桥,挥手高兴地打 招呼以及道

9、歉的表现可知,Bob是称赞John建桥一事。4. What is the best title for the passage?A. What a Big Fence!B. A Strong BridgeC. Three Kind MenD. A Fence or a Bridge?【解析】选D。主旨大意题。根据文章讲述的是围绕建篱笆还是建桥展开的邻里关系一事可知 D 项最佳。BHello! My name is Lisa, and I am a lioness. I live on the open grasslandsof Africa with my family. Lions livi

10、ng in a group are called apride.My father is strong and powerful. He and his cousin are the leaders of our pride.The other members are my mother, her sisters, and their children.The area where a pride lives is big! We roar(咆哮)to tell each other where we are and to warn strangers to stay away.Meet my

11、 new baby brother. His name is Leon. See the spots on his fur? We lions are born spotted or striped( 有条纹的 ). As we grow older, the spots gradually disappear.Lionesses usually spend their entire lives with their birth pride, butLeon will leave when he is about three years old. He ll run around witmal

12、e(雄性的)friend or relative for a few years until they take over a pride of their own.But for now, we have lots of fun together. We often play and fight for hours, which can help us practice skills that we will need for hunting.We lions keep ourselves very clean. Just like a house cat, I clean myfur wi

13、th my tongue. We clean for each other, too, to show we re frieLions like to sleep for most of the day. We hunt in the cool evening.Female雌性的)lions hunt more often than male lions. We work together as a team. At the right moment, we attack and kill our prey. Then we share it. Male lions usually eat f

14、irst. Females eat next. Baby lions are the last to eat. The smallest one gets the least food.Since we are full, it s time to go to find a nifcoer palascleeep. Bye!文章讲述了母狮子Lisa 以第一人称叙述的草原上的狮子群的日常生活。5. The passage is written for.A. doctorsB. touristsC. childrenD. hunters【解析】 选 C。 推理判断题。 根据最后一句话Since w

15、e are full, it s timeto go to find a nice place for a sleep. Bye! 可知这是以母狮子的口吻讲给孩子听的睡前故事, 所以选C。6. According to the passage, Leon.A. hunts more often than his sistersB. will have spots on his fur for the whole of his lifeC. will leave his birth pride when he is about threeD. will take over his birth p

16、ride when his father dies【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第六段的Lionesses usually spend theirentire lives with their birth pride, but Leon will leave when he is about three years old.可知Leon在3岁就会离开生长的狮子群,所以选C 7. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Lions sometimes clean their fur for each other.B. Lions also develop th

17、eir skills of hunting by having fun.C. Lions in Africa usually hunt for food in the evening.D. Baby lions are often the first to get food in their group.【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段 Male lions usually eat first. Females eat next. Baby lions are the last to eat.可知,在狮子群里, 公 狮子们先吃食物,然后是母狮子们,最后是幼狮子们。故选 DoA 16-y

18、ear-old student has wona televised Chinese poetry competition winning fans over with her keen knowledge of the country s ancient culture and worWu Yishu, a student at the High School Affiliated(隶属的)to Fudan University in Shanghai, beat other competitors in the second season of the Chinese Poetry Con

19、ferencen China Central Television on Feb 7.“I get feelings from ancient poetry that modern people cannot giveme. I pay little attention to the competition result, but I love poetry, and it is enough as long as I enjoy the happiness brought by the poetry. ” Wu said.In the final, Wu performed strongly

20、 in many sections, such as competitors recalling poems by looking at sand paintings and reciting poems as many as they could think of relating to the Chinese character “Jiu ” , meaning liquor.As early as Feb 1, when Wu recited an ancient Chinese poem about the months of the year, the judges estimate

21、d that Wu must have remembered at least more than 2, 000 Chinese ancient works.Wd sstrong performance in the Chinese ancient rhythm works earned her many fans and inspired others to learn ancient works.The 1.8-meter tall Wu said that she kept only one ancient poetry book on bookshelves at her dormit

22、ory room instead of other books such as math, physics and chemistry books that her classmates have kept on their bookshelves.She is known among her classmates and teachers as she loves reading poetry and wearing ancient Chinese clothes.Zhou Hong, a professor from the Department of Chinese language a

23、nd literature of East China Normal University, said that he had read some of the girl s p2oe0t2r0y,inand had published some on his blog. 【语篇概述】 本文主要为我们介绍了一位中学女孩凭借丰富的古文化 和古诗知识赢得了中国诗词大会冠军。8. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Wu Yishu, a student of a high school, loves ancient poetry very much

24、.B. A student of a high school attended a poetry competition.C. A 16-year-old student won Chinese ancient poetry competitionD. Wu Yishu s performance in the competition earned her many fans. 【解析】选C。主旨大意题。本文第一段 复旦附中16岁学生武亦姝 赢得了中国诗词大会冠军 , 凭借丰富的古文化和古诗知识圈了一 大票粉丝。 ”点出了文章主旨。9. What does Wu Yishu think of

25、the poetry according to her words?A. The poetry can give her an honour.B. The poetry can bring her happiness.C. The poetry can help her know how to love.D. The poetry can help her to win.【解析】选Bo细节理解题。根据第三段武亦姝的话 我从古诗中得 到了一种现代人无法给予我的感觉。我对比赛结果并不太在意 ,但我 喜欢诗歌,只要能够享受诗歌带来的乐趣对我而言就已经足够了。”可知选B。10. According t

26、o the passage, we can infer.A. Wu has remembered at least more than 2, 000 Chinese ancient works.B. her excellent performance in the poems earned her many fans.C. Wu loves reading poetry and wearing ancient Chinese clothes.D. many people have begun to become interested in learning ancient works beca

27、use of Wu.【解析】选D。推理判断题。A、B、C三个选项为文中的直接表达,不 属于推断的答案。而D选项则是根据第六段中“Wu器trong performance in the Chinese ancient rhythm works earned her many fans and inspired others to learn ancient works.武亦姝在古诗词方面的出 色表现圈了一大票粉丝,也激励了许多人去学习古代诗歌。”故可推 断出D项正确。n.阅读填句Once there was a very poor villager. He found it difficult

28、even to support his family. -1-He walked about in the streets, but he did not get a job. One day, he met a rich businessman, who gave him the job of cleaning the office. The villager began his work and he even started reading and writing in his spare time.One day, the businessman saw that the villag

29、er was writing something. He said, “ Yocan also read and write! Your handwriting is very good. 2 The villager began to do this job as best as he could.Later, the businessman learnt that the villager was good at accounting, and he made him his shop accountant. The other accountants were very jealous

30、of the villager a bilsties. They told the businessman that the villager had a small room where he hid the money stolen from him. 3One day, they had their chance. They saw the villager going into “that ” room.4 When they came back and opened the door, there was nothing in that room except an ordinary

31、 box.The villager was ordered to open the box with his own hands. And there was only a pair of dirty shoes and some old clothes. 5 At the same time, he was so angry with the jealous accountants that he fired them at once. The villager was made the only accountant for his office. A. He came to a big

32、city hoping to find a job.B. They closed the door behind him and ran to the businessman.C. So the businessman decided to give the villager a good lesson.D. Seeing this, the businessman was moved by what he had seen.E. So the villager was given the work of writing business letters for him.F. The villager wished that some kind people might give him a good job.G. But the businessman refused to believe them unless he had seen it with his own eyes.答案 : 15. AEGBD


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