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1、七年级英语教案活页纸总课题Unit5 Visit my school总课时4课题Welcome to the unit1.To master the question form of“there be”structure .教学目标2.To master the new words .3.To learn how to ask with “how many” .教学重点Aims 1,2&3第 1课时课型 New教学难点Aims 1&3教学过程教师活动Step . 准备:事先准备三张图片:一张学校,一张游泳池,一张足球场。复习:复习上单元学过的内容,与学生进行对话(指着教室实物)What s i

2、n our classroom?There s a picture in it.There are thirty desks and chairs in it. There are six windows and two doors in it . StepII 、呈现:1、练习 Is this?Yes, it is 句型,拿出图片或指实物:A 、老师与学生练习:Is this your school,Peter?(指图片) Yes, it is. Is this your classroom?Yes,it is. (指实物)B、学生与学生进行练习(全部指实物): Is this学生活动备课札

3、记Ss answer the Qs according to the picture.learn the wordsyour bag? Yes, it is. Is this your book? Yes, it is. Is this your pencil box?Yes, it is 等等。2、练习 Is there?Yes, there is .No, there isnA 、老师拿出游泳池、足球场的图片,与学生进行练习: Is there a swimming pool in your school? No, t.Ss answer the Qsaccording to the re

4、al situation.there isn t. Is there a football field in your school?在黑板上呈现 swimming pool 、 football field 两个词,教学生读会,然后叫学生起来朗读。B、学生与学生进行练习,就图片和实物训练:Isthere a blackboard in our classroom?prctise in pairs教师活动学生活动备课札记Yes, there is. Is there a teacherdesk in our classroom?Yes, there is. Is there a swimmin

5、g pool in our classroom?No, there isn Ist. there a football field in our classroom?prctise in pairsNo, there isn t.3、重点练习句型HowThere are。many+名词复数in our school?A 、老师与学生练习: Excuse me, how many books are there in your bag? 引导学生回答: There are twelve 或 twenty books 。 Excuse me, how many pencils are there

6、in your pencil box? There are two.B 、学生与学生练习:C、分小组训练How many ? There areStepIV 、听录音, 回答问题:听录音, 并回答以下问题:Is this Peter s school?Is there a swimming pool in his school?Is there a football field in his school?How many classrooms are there in his school?StepV、朗读课文:1、教师领读课文。2、学生集体朗读课文。3、男女生分角色朗读。4、让同桌的学生上

7、台表演对话。StepVI 、拓展训练:让学生就身边的实物进行开展对话:Is there/Are there in our classroom/bag/pencil box?Yes, there is /No, there isn tYes,. there are./No, there aren t.How many are there in your classroom/bag/pencil/box?There is /are in my classroom/bag/pencil box.Step Homework1. Recite and act the dialogue2. Finish

8、the workbook总课题Unit5 Visit my school总课时4第2课时课题Listening&Speaking课型New学生活动Ss answer the Qs according to the real situation.there in classroom.1.To master the question form of“there be”structure .教学目标2.To master the new words .3.To learn how to ask with “how many” .教学重点Aims 1,2&3教学难点Aims 1&3教学过程教师活动学生

9、活动备课札记Step1. RevisionShow Ss a picture of Tony. Ask the Ss to Ssguess whatsguess whats there in Tonys classroom to reviseTonys“there be”structure.Step2. Presentation1) Show Ss a picture of their school.Ask: Whats it?Ss answertheHelp to answer: ItsaccordingtoAsk individual Ss: Is this your school?pic

10、ture.2) Show Ss some pictures to present football learn the words field, ,computer room. swimming poolAsk: Is there a football field/computer room/ swimming pool in your school?Help them to answer: Yes, there is. / No, thereisnt.Ask: How many football fields/ computer room in your school?Help them t

11、o answer : There is only one. / There are two/Step 3. PracticeQsthe教师活动备课札记1Ask the Ss to make a dialogue according to the objects around them.Use: Is / Are there a / in your?How many?Step 4 Presentation1) Ask: Whats there in our school?Help to answer: There is a football field in our school. There

12、are many classrooms in it.2)Show Ss the picture and ask: Look, this is a building. Is it tall?Help them to answer:Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Ask: Is there any buildings in our school?Help to answer: Yes, there is.Ask How many buildings are there in our school? Present: a building , buildingsIs there

13、a toilet in our school?Is there a toilet in our building?Is there a library in our school?Is there a library in our building?Is there a playground in our school?Is there a playground in our building? How many offices / toilets / libraries / playgrounds are there in?Step5 Listening1) Ask the Ss to fi

14、nish the Part B according to the tape.2)Get the Ss to make dialogues withtheirneighbour. Use the five dialogues in yourbooks.How many are thereStep6Test in class.prctise in pairslearnthewords:building/ buildings;office/offices;toilet/toilets;library/libraries.learn there bestructure.Finish the Part

15、B教师巡视,个别指导,并且及时表扬。重点学习 there be 的一般疑问句及肯定和否定回答让学生观察 how many 后名词的形式。当堂巩固,检测课堂效果。七年级英语教案活页纸总课题Unit5 Visit my school总课时4第 3 课时课题Reading课型New1.To master some new words.教学目标2.To learn how to describe the schooland other places.3.To make the Ss love their family members .教学重点The new words and there be st

16、ructure.教学难点.How to describe the school land other place教学过程教师活动学生活动备课札记Step1. RevisionRevise the different parts of the school with some pictures.Step 2. Presentation1) Show Ss a picture of a swimming pool. Ask: Look, whats this?Help to answer: This is a swimming pool. In the same way to teach:play

17、 ground hallAsk: Is this a classroom?Help to answer: No, it isnt.Ask: is there a hall in our school?Help to answer: Yes, there is.Ask: how many halls are there in our school?Help to answer: There is only one.2)Ask the Ss to look at the picture in their books carefully and answer the Ts Qs.Step 3. Pr

18、acticeAsk the Ss to ask and answer according to the real situation.Eg, Is there in your school?Ss answer the Qs according to the picture.-Ss answer the Qs according to the real situation.教师活动学生活动备课札记Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.How many are there in the school?There are/ There is only one.Step 4

19、PresentationShow Ss a picture of a building with twofloors.T: Look, this is a building. It has two floors. How many floors are there in our building?Help to answer: There are floors.Present a boy and a girl and say: Look, he is on the ground floor and she is on the first floor.Ask the Ss to practice

20、 the structures.Step 5 ReadingAsk the Ss to read the text and finish the exercises.Explain : one hundredGet the Ss to ask and answer in pairs:Step6 PracticeAsk the Ss to read the text after the tape and role play.Step7 Homework1. Recite and act the dialogue2. 2.Finish the workbookMakeupdialougeswith

21、the neighbourssayaftertheteacher.readthetextandfinishtheexercise.read the text.七年级英语教案活页纸总课题Unit5 Visit my school总课时4第 4 课时课题Grammar and Task课型Revision1To grasp the plural forms of some nouns.教学目标2.To revise “there be”structure.教学重点Aim1教学难点Aim1教学过程教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1. RevisionRevise : How many are th

22、ere in our school?Helptoanswer: There areinourschool.Is there in our school/ on the floor?Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.Step 2. PresentationPresent : family, hall, dog, box, girl, sister, class, library, nurse.Ask the Ss to make sentenceswith the wordssingle form and plural form.Read the words tog

23、ether.Sum up the rule.Step3.Practice1Ask the students to do the exercise in Part B.Answer the teachers questionsask and answerMake sentencesDo the exercise.引导学 生观察名 词词尾变 化规律, 小结名词 变复数的 规则。教师活动学生活动备课札记draw and plete the questionnairetalk about the questionnaire.2Discuss the answers.Step 4. Talk and s

24、ay.Draw a questionnaire table on the Bb ,and ask a student to come to the front .Talk about his /her photo of his /her family :Whats your name ?Can you spell it ?Who is he /she ?Is this your father /mother /.?What is your father /mother / ?While talk with the student and fill the table on the Bb .St

25、ep 5.Make the Ss in some groups and ask them toask their group members Qs and complete theirown questionnaire .Step6.1Ask the students to talk aboout their school, then do the exercise .2Presentsomestudentsanswers , discuss together. .Step 7 Homework3. Recite and act the dialogue4. Finish the workbook教学反思


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